a hissing sound such as the s or sh in sash or surge

listen to the pronunciation of a hissing sound such as the s or sh in sash or surge
English - English
a hissing sound such as the s or sh in sash or surge


    a hiss·ing sound such as the s or sh in sash or surge

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı hîsîng saund sʌç äz dhi es ır eseyç în säş ır sırc


    /ə ˈhəsəɴɢ ˈsound ˈsəʧ ˈaz ᴛʜē ˈes ər ˈeˈsāʧ ən ˈsasʜ ər ˈsərʤ/ /ə ˈhɪsɪŋ ˈsaʊnd ˈsʌʧ ˈæz ðiː ˈɛs ɜr ˈɛˈseɪʧ ɪn ˈsæʃ ɜr ˈsɜrʤ/