he turned with practised insolence to a pot-girl in a red shawl who could not have uttered an audible word to save her soul, but who blushed and giggled with pleasure at this mark of attention.
a girl who works serving customers in an inn or public house
a girl who works ser·ving customers in an Inn or pub·lic House
Turkish pronunciation
ı gırl hu wırks sırvîng kʌstımırz în ın în ır pʌblîk haus
/ə ˈgərl ˈho͞o ˈwərks ˈsərvəɴɢ ˈkəstəmərz ən ən ˈən ər ˈpəblək ˈhous/ /ə ˈɡɜrl ˈhuː ˈwɜrks ˈsɜrvɪŋ ˈkʌstəmɜrz ɪn ən ˈɪn ɜr ˈpʌblɪk ˈhaʊs/