a genus of large south american trees

listen to the pronunciation of a genus of large south american trees
English - English

At length, somewhere about the centre of the wood, she led me to an immense mora tree, growing almost isolated, covering with its shade a large space of ground entirely free from undergrowth.

a genus of large south american trees


    a ge·nus of large south A·me·ri·can trees

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı cinıs ıv lärc sauth ımerıkın triz


    /ə ˈʤēnəs əv ˈlärʤ ˈsouᴛʜ əˈmerəkən ˈtrēz/ /ə ˈʤiːnəs əv ˈlɑːrʤ ˈsaʊθ əˈmɛrəkən ˈtriːz/