a characteristic of ıtaly or the ıtalian people

listen to the pronunciation of a characteristic of ıtaly or the ıtalian people
English - English

Definition of a characteristic of ıtaly or the ıtalian people in English English dictionary

A characteristic of Italy or the Italian people.
a characteristic of ıtaly or the ıtalian people


    a char·ac·ter·is·tic of i·ta·ly or the I·tal·ian peo·ple

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı kerıktırîstîk ıv îtıli ır dhi îtälyın pipıl


    /ə ˌkerəktərˈəstək əv ˈətəlē ər ᴛʜē əˈtalyən ˈpēpəl/ /ə ˌkɛrəktɜrˈɪstɪk əv ˈɪtəliː ɜr ðiː ɪˈtæljən ˈpiːpəl/