a band of cloth under your chin to keep a hat or helmet in place

listen to the pronunciation of a band of cloth under your chin to keep a hat or helmet in place
English - Turkish

Definition of a band of cloth under your chin to keep a hat or helmet in place in English Turkish dictionary

miğfer kayışı
miğfer kayısı
miğfer kayış
English - English
a band of cloth under your chin to keep a hat or helmet in place


    a band of cloth un·der your chin to keep a hat or hel·met in place

    Turkish pronunciation

    ı bänd ıv klôth ʌndır yôr çîn tı kip ı hät ır helmıt în pleys


    /ə ˈband əv ˈklôᴛʜ ˈəndər ˈyôr ˈʧən tə ˈkēp ə ˈhat ər ˈhelmət ən ˈplās/ /ə ˈbænd əv ˈklɔːθ ˈʌndɜr ˈjɔːr ˈʧɪn tə ˈkiːp ə ˈhæt ɜr ˈhɛlmət ɪn ˈpleɪs/