
listen to the pronunciation of a-team
English - Turkish

Definition of a-team in English Turkish dictionary


Seni ekiple tanıştıracağım. - I'll introduce you to the team.

Ekipte olmaktan memnunum. - I like being on the team.


Yumi Ishiyama, Lyoko takımının en yaşlı üyesidir. - Yumi Ishiyama is the oldest member of Team Lyoko.

Onun favori beyzbol takımı Devler'dir, fakat o Aslanlar'ı da seviyor. - His favorite baseball team is the Giants, but he also likes the Lions.

boat team
(Askeri) bot timi
combat control team
(Askeri) muharebe kontrol timi
core team
çekirdek ekip
expert team
uzman ekip
home team
(Bahis) evsahibi takım
inspection team
denetim ekibi
junior team
(Spor) küçük takım
landing team
(Askeri) çıkarma timi
opponent team
(Spor) karşı takım
security team
(Askeri) emniyet timi
special team
özel tim
strike team
vurucu ekip
surgical team
(Askeri) cerrahi ekip
takım oluşturmak
(Askeri) mürettebat
team b
b takımı
team manager
(Bilgisayar) takım yöneticisi
team member
takım üyesi
team members
(Politika, Siyaset) tim görevlileri
team up
takım oluşturmak
team up
takım kurmak
team up
bir birlik oluşturmak
team up
takım olmak
team work
(Politika, Siyaset,Teknik) takım çalışması
team work
united states country team
(Askeri) abd ülke temsil heyeti
which team do you suport
hangi takımlısın
which team do you support
hangi takımlısın
which team do you support?
hangi takımı tutuyorsun?
working team
(Ticaret) çalışma grubu
a team of
baseball team
beysbol takımı
basketball team
basketbol takımı
commando team
komando timi
first team
ilk takım
football team
futbol takımı
operation research team
yöneylem araştırma takımı
{f} takım oluştur

İkiniz mükemmel bir takım oluşturuyorsunuz. - You two make a great team.

İyi bir takım oluşturacağız. - We'll make a good team.

aynı aracı çeken hayvanlar
team accuracy landing
takım hedef atlayışı
team of
team spirit
takım ruhu

Takım ruhu inanılmazdı, hepimiz birlikte bunun içindeydik. - The team spirit was unbelievable, we were all in this together.

Çalışma grubundaki iyi takım ruhu olumlu olarak değerlendirilir. - The good team spirit in the work group is valued positively.

team up
takım kur
team up
ekip çalışması yapmak
team up
birlikte çalışmak
team up with
ile birlikte çalışmak
team work
ekip çalışması
Take One for the Team
(deyim) Diğerleri için fedakarlıkta bulunmak
Team leader
(Spor) Takım kaptanı

She joined the school team last year, she is the team leader now.

a team player
Bir takım oyuncusu
armored brigade-combat-team
zırhlı tugay muharebe takımı
away team
(Spor) deplasman takımı
dream team
rüya takım
emergency response team
Âcil müdahale ekibi
emergency welfare team
acil yardım ekibi
excellent team
mükemmel takım
farm team
çiftlik takım
fire support team
ateş destek ekibi
incident response team
Âcil müdahale ekibi
make the team
takım yapmak
opposing team
(Spor) rakip takım
receivables team leadership
alacaklar ekip liderliği
reserve team
rezerv takım
salvage team
kurtarma ekibi
second team
(Spor) Genç takım

He is in the second team.

swat team
SWAT timi
tag team
etiketi takım
team building
takım oluşturma
team bus
Takım otobüsü
team invasion
Takım halinde atak yapılan

Netball is a team invasion sport.

team leader
Takım lideri
team management
Takım yönetimi
team mate
takım arkadaşı
team of
team player
takım adamı
team player
Takım oyuncusu
team spirit
grup ruhu
team sports
takım sporları
team teaching
grup öğretimi
takım bazlı
takım arkadaşı
the a team
bir takım
the a-team
third person singular of to team
üçüncü kişi takım için tekil
virtual team
Bir görevi başarmak amacında olan, bilgisayar teknolojileri arayıcılığıyla fiziksel olarak uzak noktalardan birbirleriyle bağlantı kuran her bir takım
winner team
kazanan takım
Air Force computer emergency response team
(Askeri) Hava Kuvvetleri bilgisayar acil müdahele timi
Marine expeditionary force (MEF) weather support team; mission support team
(Askeri) Deniz seferi kuvveti (MEF) meteoroloji destek timi; görev destek timi
National Emergency Management Team
(Askeri) Milli Acil Durum İdare Timi
National Military Intelligence Support Team (DIA)
(Askeri) Milli İstihbarat Destek Timi (DIA)
aeromedical evacuation liaison team
(Askeri) havadan sıhhi tahliye irtibat timi
aeromedical evacuation operations team
(Askeri) havadan sıhhi tahliye harekat timi
air control team
(Askeri) HAVA KONTROL TİMİ: Yakın hava destek darbelerini, görerek veya diğer vasıtalarla, ileri kara unsurları yakınına tevcih için özel surette teşkil edilmiş bir tim. Bu terimin Deniz Kuvvetleri ve Deniz Piyade sınıfındaki karşılığı (tactical air control party) dir. Ayrıca bakınız: "air controller", "contact point", "forward air controller", "pullup point (close air support) ", "turn in point (close air support)"
battalion landing team
(Askeri) tabur indirme ekibi
brigade landing team
(Askeri) tugay indirme timi
casualty site team
(Tıp) yaralı bölge ekibi
central analysis team
(Askeri) MERKEZİ İNCELEME TİMİ (AMERİKA SAVUNMA KURULU): İki veya daha fazla sayıda önemli komutanın temsilcilerinden oluşan, ayrıntılı incelemeden ve büyük ölçekli bir deniz kuvvetleri tatbikatının rapor edilmesinden üstlerine karşı müştereken sorumlu olan bir timdir. Eğer bir inceleme bir komutan veya onun tarafından yapılıyorsa, bu bir inceleme karargahı olarak anılacaktır
combat control team
(Askeri) MUHAREBE KONTROL TİMİ: Seyrüsefer veya terminal kılavuzluk cihazları, muhabere ve uçak kontrol tesislerini bir hava indirme harekatının hedef bölgesinde tesis etmek ve çalıştırmak üzere organize edilmiş, eğitilmiş ve teçhiz edilmiş hava kuvvetleri personelinden bir tim
combat weather team; customer wait time
(Askeri) muharebe meteoroloji timi; müşteri bekleme zamanı
combined arms team
(Askeri) muhtelif tim
commercial team
satış ekibi
control and assessment team
(Askeri) KONTROL VE KIYMETLENDİRME TİMİ: Ast bir birlik bir nükleer taarruza veya NBC taarruzuna veya tabii afete maruz kaldığı zaman tabur, alay veya tümen gibi muhabere birlikleri içinde kullanılan geçici özel görev teşkili. Tim; yanına gönderildiği birliğin harekat gücünü tespit eder. İcap ederse birliğin kontrolunu ele alır, bölge hasar kontrol faaliyetlerinde bulunur, birliğin esas görevine yeniden başlaması için gerekli işleri yapar. Tim, bir tümenin taktik veya idari destek unsurlarında ya da diğer muharip teşkillerin taktik unsurlarında zayiat meydana gelmesi halinde taarruzdan müteessir olan birliğin esas komutanı iş göremez durumda olduğu zaman kullanılır
defense nuclear advisory team
(Askeri) nükleer savunma danışma takımı
deployment support team
(Askeri) konuşlanma destek takımı
disaster area survey team
afet inceleme ekibi
disaster management team (UN)
(Askeri) Birleşmiş Milletler (UN) afet idare takımı
drop zone support team leader
(Askeri) paraşütle atlama (atma) bölgesi destek takımı lideri E
embarkation team
(Askeri) BİNDİRME TİMİ: Bir gemiye, ikmal maddeleri ve teçhizatıyle birlikte bindirilen ve bindirilecek olan (muharebe bindirmesi ve yüklemesi yapan) bütün personelden oluşan geçici bir idari teşkil. Bak. "embarkation element (unit) (group) " ve "embarkation organization"
emergency service team; emergency support team (FEMA); en route support team
(Askeri) acil durum hizmet takımı; acil durum destek takımı (FEMA); yol destek takımı
fire support team
(Askeri) (FST) Ateş destek birliği
fire support team; fleet imagery support terminal
(Askeri) ateş destek takımı; donanma görüntü destek terminali
four man team
(Askeri) dörtlü tim
four man team
(Askeri) DÖRTLÜ GRUP, DÖRTLÜ POSTA, DÖRTLÜ EKİP, DÖRTLÜ TİM: Tek er tekamül eğitimi esnasında bir ekip halinde teşkil edilmiş, dört acemi erden oluşan bir grup. Dört er, bu eğitimi böyle bir grup halinde tamamlar ve şartlar elverdiği takdirde son atanma garnizon veya birliğine bir ekip halinde gider
functional team
(Askeri) ihtisas timi
functional team
(Askeri) özel görev timi
ground liaison officer team
(Askeri) YER İRTİBAT SUBAY TİMİ: Bir kara irtibat subayı ile lüzumlu unsurlardan kurulmuş bir tim
hatch team
(Askeri) ambar takımı
helicopter team
(Askeri) HELİKOPTER TİMİ: Bir helikopter tarafından bir defada nakledilen muharebe teçhizatlı kıta
humanitarian assistance survey team
(Askeri) insani yardım araştırma takımı
institutional team
(Ticaret) kurum ekibi
integrated planning team; integrated process team; Integrated Product Team
(Askeri) birleşik planlama takımı; birleşik işlem takımı; Birleşik Ürün Grubu
international military information team
(Askeri) uluslar arası askeri bilgi takımı
joint mobility assistance team
(Askeri) müşterek seyyar yardım takımı
joint staff crisis action team
(Askeri) müşterek karargah kriz eylem takımı
joint targeting toolbox; joint training team
(Askeri) müşterek hedef tahsis paketi; müşterek eğitim timi
marine division/wing team
(Askeri) DENİZ PİYADESİ TÜMEN VİNG TİMİ: Deniz piyade sınıfının, normal takviye kıtaları ile birlikte, bir tümen ve bir hava vinginden/ (grup) ibaret bir hava bir. hava-kara timi
medical radiobiology advisory team
(Askeri) sıhhi radyobiyoloji istişare timi
messenger team
(Askeri) KÖPEK KIZAĞI: Kar ve buz durumu başka bir nakil şekline imkan vermediği taktirde ve süratli ulaştırma istenen hallerde, haber vesaire ulaştırmakta kullanılan hızlı köpek kızağı. Bu kızakacele sevkiyatta veya hasta ve yaralıları yada tıbbi ikmal maddelerini taşımakta kullanılır
mobile air movements team
(Askeri) çevik hava harekat timi
mobile training team
(Askeri) seyyar eğitim timi
mobile training team
(Askeri) SEYYAR EĞİTİM TİMİ: Kuvvet kaynaklarından alınan ve eğitim vermek için geçici görevle yabancı bir ülkeye yollanan bir veya daha fazla personelden oluşan seyyar bir eğitim timi. Timin görevi, eğitimci personeli eğiterek, bir yabancı ülkenin askeri hizmet alanını, belirli bir beceride kendini eğitme imkan ve kabiliyetine ulaştırmaktır
mortar team
(Askeri) Havan takımı
national intelligence support team (NIST) communications support element
(Askeri) milli istihbarat destek timi (NIST) muhabere destek unsuru
naval space support team
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri uzay destek timi
new equipment training team
(Askeri) yeni teçhizat eğitim timi
nuclear emergency search team
(Askeri) nükleer tehlike araştırma timi
pararescue team
(Askeri) PARAŞÜTLÜ KURTARMA TİMİ: Bir olay yerine, karadan veya paraşütle atlamak; suretiyle havadan sızıp tıbbi yardımda bulunacak, hayatı kurtarma metodları uygulayacak ve hatta kalanları kurtaracak nitelikte özel surette yetiştirilmiş personel
personnel control team
(Askeri) personel kontrol timi
police special operations team
(Politika, Siyaset) polis özel harekat timi
production team
(Sinema) yapım ekibi
quality assurance team
(Askeri) kalite teminat timi
rescue coordination team (Navy)
(Askeri) kurtarma koordinasyon timi (Dnz.)
science team
araştırma ekibi
science team
bilim ekibi
scrub team
ikinci takım [spor.]
security alert team
(Askeri) GÜVENLİK ALARM TİMİ: Güvenlik alarmlarına, acil durumlarına ve düzensizliklerine karşı koyan ana takviye unsurundan oluşturan 2 veya daha fazla güvenlik kuvveti mensubu
space support team
(Askeri) uzay destek timi
special medical augmentation response team
(Askeri) özel sıhhiye yardımı cevap timi
special operations weather team/tactical element
(Askeri) özel harekat meteoroloji timi/taktik unsur
special psychiatric rapid intervention team
(Askeri) özel psikiyatrik hızlı müdahale timi
tactical air control operations team
(Askeri) TAKTİK HAVA KONTROL HAREKAT TİMİ: Belirli müttefik taktik hava kontrol birlikleri unsurlarına atanmış yer personeli timi. TACTICAL AIR CONTROL PARTY SUPPORT TEAM: TAKTİK HAVA KONTROL PARTİSİ DESTEK TİMİ: Belirli taktik hava kontrol müfrezelerinde zırhlı muharebe ve/veya özel amaçlı araçlar ve mürettebat temin etmek için teşkil edilen bir kara ordusu timi
tactical analysis team; technical assistance team
(Askeri) taktik analiz timi; teknik yardım timi
tactical missile; target materials; team member; technical manual; theater missi
(Askeri) taktik füze; hedef materyaller; takım üyesi; teknik talimname; harekat alanı füzesi; troposferik yayın (TROPO) modemi
(Askeri) TİM, EKİP: Karma bir teşkilat ve malzeme kadrosuna göre teşkil edilen küçük bir birlik veya müfreze Ayrıca bak "cell"
arabaya koşulmuş bir veya birkaç at
{f} takım halinde yapmak
{f} koşmak (arabaya)
takım; ekip; ask. tim: Their soccer team's doing well this year. Bu sene onların futbol takımı iyi oynuyor. They're a good team of
ördek sürüsü
team development
(Ticaret) ekip geliştirme
team fall back
tim geri çekilin
team lists
(Bilgisayar) ekip listeleri
team mentality
ekip anlayışı
team task
(Bilgisayar) takım görevi
team track
(Askeri) İLTİSAK HATTI: Bir son durak bölgesindeki hat. Burada, vagonlardan kamyonlara veya kamyonlardan vagonlara yükleme ve boşaltma yapılır ve yük, gönderen veya teslim alana ait depoya veya depodan buraya taşınır
team up
team web site
(Bilgisayar) ekip web sitesi
team work
underwater construction team
(Askeri) sualtı inşa timi
underwater demolition team
(Askeri) Sualtı imha timi
visiting team
konuk takım
which team are you a fan of
siz hangi takımı tutuyorsunuz
women's team
bayanlar takımı
English - English
A collection of the best talent

The company had an A-team of rising stars on the task force.

a group of elite soldiers or a leadership group of advisors or workers in an organization
The best of a set of teams in a single club

The A team are playing away this Saturday.

The best team; a very good team

It looks like the A team are on duty tonight - I've never seen the hall cleared so quickly!.

away team
The visiting team; the team that is playing away from home

He found no differences between home and away team performances when spectators cheered before the start of a play.

bat for the other team
To be homosexual
bubble team
A team on the bubble for an upcoming tournament

The Knights are everybody's favorite bubble team this year.

In sports involving offensive and defensive teams, to use two defensive players to guard against the movements of a single offensive player

On any given night, Pivotman Macauley was good for at least 18 points a game. But because L.I.U. double-teamed him (he had two men guarding him), he didn't bother to shoot much.

To deal with or handle a task or individual person by using a team of two people

Obama . . . accused the Clintons of double-teaming him on the campaign trail. I can't tell who I'm running against sometimes, he said.

factory team
a team that is wholly or substantially owned and run by (or on behalf of) a car manufacturer, either by an in house organisation or an associated company
first team
The first-choice lineup of players in a team who start the game
home team
The team in a sport that's playing in the usual area that they play in, as opposed to the visitor team
kick off the team
In sports, to dismiss an athlete from a team, usually for misconduct, poor academic performance or other offenses

She got caught smoking again, and the coach decided to kick her off the team.

scratch team
A team, often brought together on a one-off basis, composed of players who normally play for different sides
special team
A group of ice hockey players most often used during power plays consisting of more defensive players than usual on the team that was penalized in hopes of killing the penalty, or more offensive players than usual on the team with the advantage in players to increase the chance of scoring a goal
special team
A group of football players with special assignments for plays other than standard offensive and defensive plays, those involving kicking
street team
A marketing team that operates in less structured settings to promote a product or brand

Get a street team who can handle online promotion and flyering.

tag team
Two people acting alternately to accomplish some task
Performed by two or more people or groups working alternately

Both of them worked, so they practiced a sort of tag-team parenting, swapping mornings and afternoons when the kids weren’t in school.

take one for the team
To accept some chore or hardship for the sake of one's friends or colleagues
Any group of people involved in the same activity, especially referring to sports and work
To form a group, as for sports or work

They teamed to complete the project.

A set of draught animals, such as two horses in front of a carriage

The adjacent alleys were choked with tethered wagons, the teams reversed and nuzzling gnawed corn-ears over the tail-boards.

team competition
A competition where the opponents are not individuals but (usually matched) teams, as in team sports

Academic games played as a team competition lower the threshold for shy individuals and promote school spirit.

team player
A person who can function effectively as part of a group of individuals, sharing information and striving towards a common goal
team players
plural form of team player
team pursuit
A discipline in track cycling where two opposing teams of up to 4 cyclists start on opposite sides of the track and try to catch their opponents, or get a faster time over a pre-decided distance
team sport
A sport competed between two teams each with two or more players
team sports
plural form of team sport
team up
To join into a team, or into teams
team up with
To associate with another in a joint enterprise

The ice cream shop teamed up with the cookie and brownie place next door to create wonderful sundaes.

plural form of team-mate
Alternative spelling of teammates
Attributive form of team sport, noun
there's no I in team
Teamwork should focus on the needs of the team, not on the individual
tiger team
An engineering or other group assembled to tackle especially difficult or critical problems, often outside the normal chain of command
tiger team
A specialized group tasked with testing the effectiveness of an organization's ability to protect assets by attempting to circumvent, defeat or otherwise thwart that organization's internal and external security
visiting team
The team in a sport that has traveled out of its home area to play, as opposed to the home team
visitor team
Regional variation of visiting team; the team in a sport that's not playing in the usual area that they play in, as opposed to the home team
works team
an alternative term for a factory team
join the team
See: Join the club
country team
The senior, in-country, US coordinating and supervising body, headed by the chief of the US diplomatic mission, and composed of the senior member of each represented US department or agency, as desired by the chief of the US diplomatic mission
{n} cattle or horses attached to a cart, sled, waggon stock, number
Take One for the Team
(deyim) Willingly act for the benefit of others
brigade combat team
(Askeri) The brigade combat team (BCT) is the basic deployable unit of maneuver in the US Army. A brigade combat team consists of one combat arms branch maneuver brigade, and its attached support and fire units. Brigade combat teams are generally commanded by a colonel (O-6), in some rare instances they will be commanded by a brigadier general. A brigade combat team carries with it support units necessary to sustain its operations separate from its parent division. BCTs contain organic artillery support, formerly received from the division artillery (DIVARTY)
emergency response team
An Emergency Response Team are the group of persons directly involved, and prepared for, a Emergency Incident
geographically dispersed team
A virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team or GDT) is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology
incident response team
An Incident Response Team are the group of persons directly involved, and prepared for, a Emergency Incident
team player
A person who plays or works well as a member of a team
virtual team
A virtual team (also known as a geographically dispersed team or GDT) is a group of individuals who work across time, space and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technology
Computer Emergency Response Team
CERT, team that handles emergency problems on the Internet (such as breaking into information security systems, cancellation of service, etc.)
Dream Team
USA basketball team made up of many NBA players
SWAT team
A SWAT team is a group of policemen who have been specially trained to deal with very dangerous or violent situations. SWAT is an abbreviation for `Special Weapons and Tactics'. Special Weapons and Tactics team a specially trained group of police who deal with the most dangerous and violent situations
away team
team playing at the ground or venue of the opposing team
cover with two defensive players
great team
excellent team
home team
The home team shall be designated mutual agreement or by a flip of a coin
major-league team
a team that plays in a major league
national team
{i} team that represents a country (such as in sports, etc.)
salvage team
rescue team
scratch team
team which has been organized quickly, improvised team
A royalty or privilege granted by royal charter to a lord of a manor, of having, keeping, and judging in his court, his bondmen, neifes, and villains, and their offspring, or suit, that is, goods and chattels, and appurtenances thereto
A team is used for grouping people based on a common function Users in a team usually belong to different groups, but are assigned to activities for the same project, thereby allowing them to be viewed as one team Therefore, the team feature facilitates the creation, tracking and assignment of a group of people based on the project they have been assigned to Each team is identified by its name (ID and description are optional) and can be divided into sub-teams
two or more draft animals that work together to pull something
Definition: The most advanced form of a community is a team The members of a team know each other and are cooperating to achieve a common goal sharing some artefacts they are working on, e g a jointly edited document [Schlichter et al, 1998] Definition: "A number of persons associated in some joint action" [Webster]
That group of persons who participate or manage the participation in the product development project Frequently each team member represents a function, department, or specialty, and together they provide the full set of capabilities needed to complete the project, in which case they are referred to as a multifunctional team
Specified combinations of the same kind and type of resources, with common communications and a leader
to be a teamster
is a group of software developers working together on a set of projects and sharing a set of common working environments
Hence, a number of animals moving together
The group of people that has assigned professional responsibilities at OpenMute
To convey or haul with a team; as, to team lumber
Two or more persons who must coordinate with each other in order to get some task done They must also interact with and influence each other in order to accomplish that task
team building
An effort to increase the effectiveness of work teams by improving interpersonal processes, goal clarification, and role clarification
team building
An effort to increase the effectiveness of work teams by improving interpersonal processes, goal clarification, and role clarification [16]
team captain
player that leads a team
team members
members of the crew; people who are part of the team
team player
approval If you refer to someone as a team player, you mean that they work well with other people in order to achieve things. someone who works well as a member of a team, especially in business
team spirit
Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a team and that makes them want their team to do well or to be the best. willingness to work as part of a team
team teaching
A method of classroom instruction in which several teachers combine their individual subjects into one course which they teach as a team to a single group of students
team teaching
Two or more teachers cooperatively planning, teaching, and evaluating the progress of their students
team up
form a team; "We teamed up for this new project"
team work
joint action by a group of people
team work
The action or effort of people working together as a group
team work
You do the work, I get the credit
In a game or sport, your team-mates are the other members of your team. someone who belongs to the same team as you
the Israeli national team
sports team which represents the state of Israel in international competitions
tiger team
Government and industry - sponsored teams of computer experts who attempt to break down the defences of computer systems in an effort to uncover, and eventually patch, security holes
Turkish - English
the a-team



    ... So if you were to pick a team to beat, let's say, Barcelona, ...
    ... It's like a team effort here. ...