
listen to the pronunciation of a
French - Turkish
Turkish - Turkish
Seslenme bildiren bir söz
(Osmanlı Dönemi) Nida edatı olup, kelimenin sonuna gelir "ey" mânası verir. Aynı veya farklı iki kelime arasına gelirse, sözün mânasını kuvvetlendirir. "rengârenk, lebaleb" gibi
Geniş zaman kipinden sonra gelerek anlama belirsizlik, olasılık anlamı katar: "Olur a, ağası belki sılaya gitmiştir, yerine tabanı yarık biri gelmiştir, ona da mektubu emniyet edememiştir."- S. M. Alus. (a: ) Şaşma, hatırlama, sevinme, acıma, üzülme, kızma gibi duyguları güçlendiren, cümlenin başında veya sonunda kullanılan bir söz
English - Turkish
(Anatomi) (öntakı) .....sız
pek iyi
(Nükleer Bilimler) optik yoğunluk, absorbans, A
lâ [müz.]
(Askeri) analog (analog)
(Askeri) AMOUNT OF CLOUDS, IN EIGHTS: : Bulutluluk oranı (sekizin kesirleri olarak belirtilir)
{i} müz. la notası
{i} en yüksek not veya en iyi kaliteyi simgeleyen harf
herhangi bir
s. (ünsüzlerden önce) 1. bir, herhangi bir: We went on a sunny day. Güneşli bir günde gittik. They´ve bought a house. Ev aldılar. İn this establishment everyone works an eight-hour day. Bu kuruluşta herkes günde sekiz saat çalışır. 2. (sayı olarak) bir: a hundred students yüz öğrenci. 3. Belirli bir tür veya nitelikte biri/bir şey için kullanılır: İt´s a fruit. O bir meyvedir. A rolling stone gathers no moss. Yuvarlanan taş yosun tutmaz. A Mr. Taş telephoned. Bay Taş diye biri telefon etti. This iş a camellia that´s resistant to cold. Soğuğa dayanıklı bir kamelyadır bu. 4. Miktar belirtir: twice a year yılda iki kez. five dollars a kilo kilosu beş dolar. 5. her; çoğu: A spider has eight legs. Örümceklerin sekiz bacağı vardır. A horse won´t do it, but a mule will. At yapmaz, ama katır yapar
miktar belirtir
da bir
{i} A, İngiliz alfabesinin birinci harfi
French - English
{n} a, first letter of the English alphabet
Turkish - English
used at the beginning of a sentence to show affection or pleasure: A canım, söyle! What is it, honey? A ne güzel! How nice!
used to show resignation or pity: A birader, felek hiç bize güler mi? Ah brother, will fortune ever smile on us? A zavallı, ne olacak hali? Poor man, what's going to become of him?
used repeatedly at the beginning of a sentence to show astonishment: A a a! Bu ne böyle? What on earth is this?
the letter A
chem. A (argon)
mus. A (the sixth note in the scale of C major or the key based on this note)
used at the beginning of a sentence to show exasperation: A dostum, beni iflasa sürükleyeceksin! Look here my friend, you're going to reduce me to bankruptcy
(Tıp) quartiparous
English - English
The highest letter grade assigned (disregarding plusses and minuses)

I was so happy to get an A on that test.

A tone three fifths above C in the cycle of fifths; the sixth tone of the C major scale; the reference tone that occurs at exactly 440 Hz

Orchestras traditionally tune to a concert A.

The first letter of the English alphabet, called a and written in the Latin script

Apple starts with A.

The highest rank on any of various scales that assign letters

We assign each item inspected a rating from A through G, depending on various factors.

The ordinal number first, derived from this letter of the English alphabet, called a and written in the Latin script

The item A is foods, the item B is drinks.

An assist
A blood type that has a specific antigen that aggravates the immune response in people with type B antigen in their blood. They may receive blood from type A or type O, but cannot receive blood from AB or B

My blood type is A negative.

In, on, at, by

A Sundays.

One certain or particular

We've received an interesting letter from a Mrs. Miggins of London.

He; she; it; they

And how Farmer James would cuss, and call thee a fool, wouldn't he, Joseph, when 'a seed his name looking so inside-out-like? continued Matthew Moon, with feeling. / Ay -- 'a would, said Joseph meekly.

An are, a unit of area of which 100 comprise a hectare
One; any indefinite example of

Hoots the Owl: Yes a, fruit, is a sic], any, time, food!.

A meaningless syllable; ah

About the moon-a and the June-a and the Spring-a.


It’s six a clock.

The best grade; superiority

The burgers here are grade a number 1.

To, each, per

The servants are given a bonus of six shillings a man.

Have. (Now often attached to preceding auxiliary verb.)

And thou hadſt not come to my bed.

ante; before
The name of the Latin script letter A/a
The same; one

We are of a mind on matters of morals.

In the process of; in the act of; into; to. (Used with verbal substantives in -ing which begin with a consonant.)

The times, they are a changin'.

You use a or an instead of the number `one', especially with words of measurement such as `hundred', `hour', and `metre', and with fractions such as `half', `quarter', and `third'. more than a thousand acres of land. a quarter of an hour
You use a or an in front of the names of artists to refer to one individual painting or sculpture created by them. Most people have very little difficulty in seeing why a Van Gogh is a work of genius
er-, usually giving an intensive force, and sometimes the sense of away, on, back, as in arise, abide, ago
the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet
ga-, which, as a prefix, made no essential addition to the meaning, as in aware
You use a or an when you are referring to someone or something for the first time or when people may not know which particular person or thing you are talking about. A waiter entered with a tray He started eating an apple Today you've got a new teacher taking you I manage a hotel
a, ab, abs, from, as in avert
You use a in quantifiers such as a lot, a little, and a bit. I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing I've come looking for a bit of advice
prefix α without, or privative, not, as in abyss, atheist; akin to E
a metric unit of length equal to one ten billionth of a meter (or 0 0001 micron); used to specify wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation
ad to, as in abase, achieve
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
ga-, gi-, Goth
inseparable particle ge- , cognate with OHG
You use a or an in expressions such as eight hours a day to express a rate or ratio. Prices start at £13.95 a metre for printed cotton The helicopter can zip along at about 150 kilometres an hour. In every; to each; per: once a month; one dollar a pound. Have: He'd a come if he could. the written abbreviation of amp or amps
us-, ur-, Ger
(biochemistry) purine base found in DNA and RNA; pairs with thymine in DNA and with uracil in RNA
You use a or an in front of an uncount noun when that noun follows an adjective, or when the noun is followed by words that describe it more fully. There was a terrible sadness in her eyes
ofdūne off the dun or hill
(7) Greek insep
a WEAK STRONG A or an is the indefinite article. It is used at the beginning of noun groups which refer to only one person or thing. The form an is used in front of words that begin with vowel sounds
You use a or an to refer to someone or something as a typical member of a group, class, or type. Some parents believe a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man
You use a or an when you are saying what someone is or what job they have. I explained that I was an artist He was now a teacher and a respectable member of the community
one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose)
the basic unit of electric current adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites; "a typical household circuit carries 15 to 50 amps"
any of several fat-soluble vitamins essential for normal vision; prevents night blindness or inflammation or dryness of the eyes
(4) Old English y- or i- (corrupted from the AS
(6) L
the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
You use a or an in front of the names of days, months, or festivals when you are referring to one particular instance of that day, month, or festival. The interview took place on a Friday afternoon
You use a or an when you are referring to any person or thing of a particular type and do not want to be specific. I suggest you leave it to an expert Bring a sleeping bag I was waiting for a bus
(5) French à (L
You use a or an in front of a mass noun when you want to refer to a single type or make of something. Bollinger `RD' is a rare, highly prized wine
ā- Goth
(3) AS
{i} first letter of the English alphabet; first letter in the Latin alphabet
English - French
Italian - French
Spanish - French