
listen to the pronunciation of -ship
English - Turkish

Definition of -ship in English Turkish dictionary


Onlar şimdi gemideler. - They are now aboard the ship.

Gemi Panama Kanalından geçti. - The ship passed through the Panama Canal.

{f} gemiye bindirmek
{f} gemi ile yollamak
alongside ship
(Sigorta) gemi bordasında
pirate ship
korsan gemisi
{i} tekne

Büyük gemi bir balıkçı teknesine çarptı. - The big ship rammed a fishing boat.

yükleme yapmak
aboard ship
about ship!
(Askeri) alesta tiramola!
capital ship
(Askeri) ana muharebe gemisi
captain of a ship
cargo ship
(Askeri) yük vapuru
control ship
(Askeri) kontrol gemisi
delivered ex ship
(Ticaret) gemide teslim
delivered ex ship
(Ticaret) des
delivery ship
(Ticaret) irsaliye
desert a sinking ship
(deyim) batan gemiyi terketmek
desert a sinking ship
(deyim) batan gemiyi terk etmek
drill ship
sondaj gemisi
escort ship
(Askeri) refakat gemisi
ex ship
(Askeri,Kanun,Ticaret) gemide teslim
import ship
(Ticaret) ithal malı getiren gemi
large ship
(Askeri) büyük gemi
merchant ship
(Askeri) ticari gemi
ocean station ship
(Askeri) okyanus istasyon gemisi
prompt ship
(Askeri) alesta gemi
(Politika, Siyaset) postalamak
bir şeyi gemiyle yollamak
(Askeri) gemiyle yollamak
(Askeri) gemi ile göndermek
ship board
(Askeri) güverte
ship broker
(Askeri,Ticaret) gemi acentesi
ship broker
(Askeri) deniz sigortası acentesi
ship broker
(Askeri,Ticaret) gemi komisyoncusu
ship money
(Askeri) donanma vergisi
ship of the line
ship owner
ship repair
(Ticaret) gemi tamiri
ship to
(Bilgisayar) alıcı
ship ton
(Askeri) mesaha tonu
ship via
(Bilgisayar) gönderme şekli
ship's log
(Askeri) gemi jurnali
ship's side
gemi bordası
ships crew
(Askeri) mürettebat
sink a ship
gemi batırmak
sister ship
(Askeri,Ticaret) kardeş gemi
tender ship
hafif gemi
united states ship
(Askeri) abd gemisi
war ship
(Askeri,Ticaret) savaş gemisi
war ship
(Askeri) harp gemisi
when one's ship comes in
(deyim) zengin olduğunda
when one's ship comes in
(deyim) köşeyi döndüğünde
by ship

Mallar gemiyle taşındı. - The goods were transported by ship.

Ben Hawaii'ye gemiyle gidiyorum. - I'm going to Hawaii by ship.

capital ship
büyük gemi
cargo ship
kargo gemisi

Kargo gemisi dört saat erken geldi. - The cargo ship arrived four hours early.

Bu bir kargo gemisi, bir yolcu gemisi değil. - This is a cargo ship, not a passenger ship.

clipper ship
cruise ship
yolcu gemisi

Geçitler yolcu gemisi için çok dardı. - The straits were too narrow for the cruise ship.

Hiç yolcu gemisinde bulundun mu? - Have you ever been on a cruise ship?

dress a ship
gemiyi bayraklarla donatmak
dress ship
gemiyi bayraklarla donat
excursion ship
gezinti gemisi
fire ship
ateş gemisi
gas turbine ship
gaz türbinli gemi
landing ship
çıkarma gemisi
like a ship without a rudder
serseri mayın gibi
passenger ship
yolcu vapuru
patrol ship
devriye gemisi
pirate ship
korsan gemi
sailing ship
sailing ship
yelkenli gemi
gemiye yüklemek
(kimise bir yere) yollamak
(mal) yollamak
gemiye tayfa olarak almak/girmek
büyük uçak ya da uzay gemisi
uzay aracı

Uzay aracı yakında aya ulaşacak. - The space ship will get to the moon soon.

gemiyle taşımak/göndermek
{f} gemiyle yolla

Tom ve Mary balayıları için İtalya yakınında vapurla seyahate çıktılar fakat gemi battı ve Tom kamarasında boğuldu. - Tom and Mary went on a cruise near Italy for their honeymoon, but the ship sank and Tom was drowned in his cabin.

ship agent
gemi acentesi
ship building
gemi sanayii
ship chandler
gemi malzemeleri satan kimse
ship chandler
gemi bakkalı
ship out
yola çıkmak
ship owner
gemi sahibi
ship owner
ship route
ship's bell
gemi zili
ship's boat
gemi yatağı
ship's company
gemi mürettebatı
ship's galley
gemi kadırgası
ship's lifeboat
gemi filikası
ship's papers
gemi evrakı
ship's papers
gemi evrakları
ship's report
gemi raporu
sister ship
slave ship
esir gemisi
slave ship
köle taşıyan gemi
small ship
küçük gemi
tank ship
training ship
eğitim gemisi
training ship
okul gemisi
transport ship
nakil gemisi
treasure ship
whaling ship
balina avlama teknesi
*see free alongside ship
* Boş gemi yanında görmek
About ship!
den. Alesta tiramola!
Anti Ship Ballistic Missile
(Askeri) Gemilere karşı kullanılan balistik füze
Littoral Combat Ship
(Askeri) Kıyı muharebe gemisi
Save Our Ship
Save Our Ship (SOS), Uluslararası Mors Alfabesi acil durum sinyalidir (· · · — — — · · ·). Bu acil durum sinyali ilk kez Alman hükümetince 1 Nisan 1905'de yürürlüğe konmuş, Uluslararası Radyotelegraf Konvansiyonu tarafından 3 Kasım 1906'da kabul edilmiş, 1 Temmuz 1908'de yürürlüğe konmuştur
Shape up or ship out
Ya bu deveyi gütmeli, ya bu diyardan gitmeli
abandon ship
gemiyi terketmek
anti ship
anti gemi
armoured ship
zırhlı gemi
body of the ship
gemi teknesi
cargo ship, freighter
yük gemisi, yük
cruiser, battle-ship, navy ship
kruvazör, savaş gemisi, donanma gemisi
customer ship
müşteri gemi
dealer ship
satıcı gemi
Üreticiden perakendeciye ya da müşteriye doğrudan mal tedarik etmek
Tedarikçiden son kullanıcıya ürün tedarik etmek
factory ship
fabrika gemisi
flag ship
bayrak gemisi
friend ship
arkadaş gemi
go by ship
Gemi ile gitmek
good ship
iyi gemi
hard ship
sert gemi
intervention and sovereignty ship
müdahale ve egemenlik gemi
like a ship without a rudder
(deyim) Amaçsız bir şekilde, rüzgar nereden eserse oraya doğru
merchant ship
ticaret gemisi
model ship
maket gemi
mortgage of ship
gemi ipoteği
on board ship
on board the ship
owner ship
sahibi gemi
partner ship
Ortak gemi
rake a ship with fire
Ateşle komisyon bir gemi
run a tight ship
katı birisi olmak
salvage ship
Kurtarma gemisi
ship ahoy, sail ho
gemi yahu, ho yelken
ship away
uzak gemi
ship carpenter
gemi marangozu
ship date
gemi tarih
ship plates
üzerinde gemi resmi olan tabaklar
ship plates
gemi levhaları
ship prison
Gemi hapishane
ship wheel
Gemi dümeni
ship's galley
gemi kadirgasi
ship's rail
ship's side
gemi bordasi
ship's stores
bir gemide tayfalar ve yolcuların kullanımı için depolanan malzemeler
ship's wheel
(Deniz taşıtlarında) dümen
short ship
Girmesini engellemek, dışarıda bırakmak, sokmamak, kapamak, engellemek
sinking ship
batan gemi
take ship
gemi almak
third mast on a fully rigged ship
Üçüncü mast tamamen gemi arma
landing ship,tank; laser spot tracker; tank landing ship
(Askeri) çıkarma gemisi,tank; lazer nokta tarayıcı; tank çıkarma gemisi
{f} kürekleri içeri almak
gemi hizmetine almak
{i} uzay gemisi

O güzel bir uzay gemisi. - That's a nice space ship.

(bir şeyi) (bir nakliyat aracıyla) göndermek, yollamak: Haven't you shipped that order yet? O siparişi
{f} tayfa olmak
{f} 1. (bir şeyi) (bir nakliyat aracıyla) göndermek, yollamak: Haven't you shipped that order yet? O siparişi
kürek veya dümeni yerine takmak
üç direkli ve her direkte seren ile yan yelkenleri olan gemi
{f} tayfa olarak almak
gemiye binm
i. gemi; vapur. f
{f} su almak (gemi)
{f} gemiye binmek

Bu gemiye binmek için izin alabilir miyim? - May I have permission to board this ship?

{f} yerine takmak
(Askeri) GEMİ: Kürek ve benzeri şeylere ihtiyaç duymadan kendi makinesi ile hareket eden ve seyrüsefer için kullanılan herhangi bir tekne
ship lighterage control point; ship's loading characteristics pamphlet
(Askeri) gemi yükleme ve boşaltma layterleri kontrol noktası; gemi yük özellikleri kitapçığı
ship to ship
gemiden gemiye
English - English
a suffix placed after a noun indicating the state of being what the noun means
Delivered Ex Ship
Meaning the seller pays for all transportation and insurance until the transporting ship has arrived at the port of destination
Free Alongside Ship
Meaning the seller pays for transportation to the port, and the buyer pays for the rest of the transportation
air ship
To transport goods by air

To expedite their arrival they would air ship the parts.

cable ship
a vessel fitted for laying and repairing submarine cables; it has a large roller built over the bows for paying out cable
capital ship
the most important type of warship in a nation's fleet
cargo ship
A ship that carries cargo
coffin ship
A ship that carried Irish emigrants escaping the potato famine, usually with an extremely high mortality rate onboard
container ship
A cargo vessel designed to carry cargo prepacked into containers
cruise ship
A passenger ship used for pleasure voyages, where the voyage itself and the ship's amenities are considered an essential part of the experience
drop ship
To deliver goods for a business directly to its customers, as though the business owned a relevant inventory, but the manufacturer is the real source of that delivery

If you drop ship the orders, then you don't need to own the products; thus, fewer of your customers suspect you're acting as a middle man.

fire ship
A wooden ship set afire and then sent floating into an enemy flotilla, with the intent to set the enemy fleet afire too
ghost ship
An abandoned, possibly adrift ship (sea or space ship) that is haunted
goddesshood, the state or position of being a goddess
hospital ship
A large ship that is intended to serve as a mobile hospital with appropriate equipment and personnel
jump ship
To depart a project without warning

I couldn't hack it as a teacher, so I jumped ship and flew back to Australia.

jump ship
To part from a ship

As soon as the battleship docked in Singapore, Roger jumped ship, never to return.

landing ship
a sea-going military light ferry designed to assault shores that are held against them, and disembark forces directly onto the shore
like rats from a sinking ship
Quickly but in futility, away from a failing project
merchant ship
A cargo vessel
mother ship
A vessel or aircraft that serves or carries a smaller vessel or vessels that operate independently from it
mystery ship
A popular name during World War I for the secret British Q-ships, also known as "decoy vessels" or "special service ships", which served as submarine decoy vessels
passenger ship
A ship whose primary function is to carry passengers
pirate ship
Any ship manned by pirates
rocket ship
A ship armed with rockets

And there was a further group, including Jean-Paul Sartre (1905–80), who had been a POW in Germany, and William Golding (1911–93), who had commanded a Royal Navy rocket ship, who were propelled by the ordeals of war to examine the complexities of human nature and human society.

rocket ship
A spacecraft propelled by a rocket engine
sailing ship
A ship with masts and sails, powered by the wind
shape up or ship out
To either improve one's behavior or else be required to leave; to either improve one's performance in an activity or else withdraw from that activity completely

Portions of those letters quoted by Bruccoli indicate that though Hemingway could be sympathetic, he used a lot of ink telling Fitzgerald to shape up or ship out.

To take in (water) over the sides of a vessel

We were shipping so much water I was sure we would capsize.

To send a parcel or container to a recipient (by any means of transport)
A vessel which travels through any medium other than across land, such as an airship or spaceship
To be a fan or promote a certain ship
To send by water-borne transport
A sailing vessel with three square-rigged masts
A water-borne vessel larger than a boat
A fictional romantic relationship between two persons, either real of themselves fictional
ship biscuit
ship of the line
a large square-rigged warship large enough to have a place in the line of battle. with up to 140 guns on at least two decks. A capital ship from the age of sail, superior to a frigate; usually, a seventy-four, or three-decker. (Totten)
ship of war
ship out
To leave, get out, or resign

With a bit of luck the guard room will be empty, we'll grab some coats, press some buttons and just ship out of here.

ship out
To get rid of, expel, or discard

As he stamps his own character on the team, Kosmina has shipped out the likes of Mark Rudan, Ufuk Talay, David Zdrilic, Ruben Zadkovich and Patrick da Silva.

ship out
To depart, especially for a sea voyage or military assignment

The brigade is scheduled to ship out for final training in Okinawa by mid-November.

ship out
To send, especially by means of a transport vehicle

The winery recently shipped out the first orders of wine under the Falcon Crest label.

ship rat
An alternative term for the black rat
ship rats
plural form of ship rat
ship's bells
The strokes on a ship's bell, every half hour, to mark the passage of time. In each of the day's six watches of four hours, one bell marks the end of the first half hour, eight bells marks the end of the watch
ship's biscuit
ship's cousin
an esteemed or preferred passenger aboard ship

You're a ship's cousin, I tell ye, Master Doo-but-little, roared the steward; some such matter as a ship's cousin, sir...

sinking ship
A doomed cause; a lost cause; a loosing cause; a loosing proposition; an impending debacle; an on-going disaster; a bad deal

A great start two months ago and now their company's a sinking ship.

sister ship
a ship built to the same design as another
spoil the ship for a hap'orth of tar
To have something important fail for want of a small amount of money or effort
surface ship
A military (naval) vessel designed for operation on the marine surface, as distinguished from a submarine or other types of vessels
tall ship
a large sailing ship with multiple masts and rigged sails, usually used as a training vessel
that ship has sailed
That opportunity has already passed
tight ship
a well-organized and highly disciplined organization
transport ship
A ship that is used to transport military personnel; a troop ship
steam ship
ship driven by steam power
ship of the line
A type of naval warship constructed from the 17th through to the mid-19th century to take part in the naval tactic known as the line of battle, in which two columns of opposing warships would manoeuvre to bring the greatest weight of broadside guns to bear
{n} a vessel with three masts, square rigged
{v} to put on board a ship, send, transport
Littoral Combat Ship
(Askeri) The Littoral Combat Ship is the first of the U.S. Navy's next-generation surface combatants. Intended as a relatively small surface vessel for operations in the littoral region (close to shore), the LCS is smaller than the Navy's guided missile frigates, and have been compared to the corvette of international usage. However, the LCS adds the capabilities of a small assault transport with a flight deck and hangar large enough to base two SH-60 Seahawk helicopters, the capability to recover and launch small boats from a stern ramp, and enough cargo volume and payload to deliver a small assault force with armored vehicles to a roll-on/roll-off port facility. Although the LCS design offers air defense and surface-to-surface capabilities comparable to destroyers with 57 mm guns, torpedo and missile launchers, the concept emphasizes speed, flexible mission module space and a shallow draft
cargo ship
Tweendeckers are general cargo ships with two or sometimes three decks. The upper deck is called the main deck or weather deck, and the lower deck is the tweendeck. Cargo such as bales, bags, or drums can stacked in the tweendeck space, atop the tweendeck. Beneath the tweendeck is the hold space, used for general cargo. Cargo ships that have fittings to carry standard shipping containers and retractable tweendecks (that can be moved out of the way) so that the ship can carry bulk cargo are known as multipurpose vessels (M/V)
like a ship without a rudder
(deyim) Without a purpose
royal mail ship
Royal Mail Ship (sometimes Steam-ship, Steamer), usually seen in its abbreviated form RMS, is the ship prefix used for seagoing vessels that carry mail under contract to the British Royal Mail. They have the right to fly the pennant of the Royal Mail when sailing
short ship
Shut out
Pay; reward
A dish or utensil (originally fashioned like the hull of a ship) used to hold incense
travel by ship
If people or things are shipped somewhere, they are sent there on a ship or by some other means of transport. Food is being shipped to drought-stricken Southern Africa. see also shipping. Large floating vessel capable of crossing open waters. The term formerly was applied to sailing vessels with three or more masts; today it usually denotes a vessel of more than 500 tons' (450 metric tons') displacement. The largest ships today are enormous oil tankers, some of which are 500,000 tons (450,000 metric tons) deadweight. Other specialized ships (containerships) carry general freight in standardized containers that can be easily loaded, unloaded, and transferred. See also battleship, brig, clipper ship, corvette, dhow, frigate, junk, longship, ocean liner, schooner, yacht. Viking ship clipper ship ship money ship of the line
1 (noun) A large seagoing vessel 2 (verb) To transport
a vessel with three or more masts
A seagoing vessel greater than 150' in length Used for luxury cruises, import and export
Specifically, a vessel furnished with a bowsprit and three masts (a mainmast, a foremast, and a mizzenmast), each of which is composed of a lower mast, a topmast, and a topgallant mast, and square-rigged on all masts
from the Old English scip, the generic name for sea-going vessels (as opposed to boats) Originally ships were personified as masculine but by the sixteenth century almost universally expressed as as feminine
By extension, in commercial usage, to commit to any conveyance for transportation to a distance; as, to ship freight by railroad
go on board
Any large seagoing vessel
Hence, to send away; to get rid of
To embark on a ship
To put on board of a ship, or vessel of any kind, for transportation; to send by water
{f} send, dispatch; transport by ship (or airplane, truck, etc.); put on board a ship; embark, board a ship; travel on a ship; work on a ship
{i} large vessel made for sailing on the sea; aircraft, spacecraft
a vessel that carries passengers or freight place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel" travel by ship hire for work on a ship
a vessel that carries passengers or freight place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"
To receive on board ship; as, to ship a sea
See Illustation in Appendix
A vessel which travels through any medum other than across land
travel by ship hire for work on a ship
A larger vessel usually used for ocean travel According to Webster’s, a sailing vessel usually having a bowsprit and three masts each composed of a lower mast, a top mast, and a topgallant mast Also, a vessel that is able to carry a "boat" on board
(n) a boat back to WebQuest
To put in its place; as, to ship the tiller or rudder
A suffix denoting state, office, dignity, profession, or art; as in lordship, friendship, chancellorship, stewardship, horsemanship
To engage to serve on board of a vessel; as, to ship on a man-of- war
transport commercially
hire for work on a ship
a vessel that carries passengers or freight
Mouse's name for her ship RB: 2
To engage or secure for service on board of a ship; as, to ship seamen
State Health Insurance Assistance Program
includes a barge, lighter, hulk or other vessel
A ship is a large boat which carries passengers or cargo. Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure We went by ship over to America. merchant ships
Properly, a vessel large enough to have three masts Most "fishing ships" were smaller than this, usually with two masts
means a sea-going vessel and includes a sailing vessel
A large, water-borne vessel, in contrast to a boat
place on board a ship; "ship the cargo in the hold of the vessel"