
listen to the pronunciation of -sector
English - Turkish

Definition of -sector in English Turkish dictionary


Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinde, geçtiğimiz yirmi yıl boyunca 20 milyon yeni iş yaratılmıştır, onların çoğu hizmet sektöründedir. - In the United States, 20 million new jobs have been created during the past two decades, most of them in the service sector.

Sağlık sektörü ülke için en büyük sorunlardan biridir. - The health sector is one of the biggest problems for the country.

{i} dilim
boot sector
açılış kesimi
boot sector
(Bilgisayar) önyükleme sektörü
boot sector
(Bilgisayar) önyükleme kesimi
electricity sector
elektrik sektörü
food sector
gıda sektörü
information sector
bilişim sektörü
poultry sector
tavukçuluk sektörü
rubber sector
lastik sektörü
(Bilgisayar) kesme
sector commander
(Askeri) bölge komutanı
transport sector
(Politika, Siyaset) taşımacılık sektörü
bad sector
bozuk sektör
business sector
ticaret sektörü
financial sector
mali kesim
private sector
özel sektör

İşletmeler, son 52 ay içinde 9.7 milyondan fazla özel sektör istihdamı yarattılar. - Businesses have created more than 9.7 million private sector jobs in the past 52 months.

public sector
kamu sektörü
public sector
kamu kesimi
daire dilimi
Eurocredit sector
Eurokredi sektörü
alternate sector table
alternatif sektör tablosu
among the reputable players of the sector
sektörün saygın oyuncuları arasında
incisor, sector
kesici, sektör
informal sector
enformel sektör
metals sector
metal sektörü
nonfinancial sector
(Ekonomi) Mâli/finansal olmayan sektör, reel sektör
personal sector
şahsi kesim
precinct, sector
Sektörün bölge
public sector consumption
Kamu sektörü tüketimi
sector gate
sektör kapak
sector gear
sektör dişlisi
sector velocity
alansal hız
spherical sector
küre kesmesi, yuvar kesmesi
steering sector
direksiyon sektörü
steering worm sector
direksiyon sektörü
Sector Operations Control Center (NORAD)
(Askeri) Bölge Harekatı Kontrol Merkezi
Southwest Sector Operation Control Center North American Aerospace Defense Comma
(Askeri) Kuzey Amerika Hava-Uzay Savunma Komutanlığı Güneybatı Bölge Harekat Kontrol Merkezi
air defense sector
(Askeri) HAVA SAVUNMA MINTIKASI: Bir hava savunma kesiminin coğrafi bakımından tali bir bölümü
arms sector
silah sektörü
bootstrap sector
onyukleme sektoru
bootstrap sector virus
onyukleme virusu
communication sector
iletişim sektörü
corporate sector
(Ticaret) şirketleşmiş kesim
cost of private sector bills
(Ticaret) finansman bonosu alışları
cost of private sector bonds
(Ticaret) özel kesim tahvil alışları
course sector
(Havacılık) rota sektörü
economic sector
(Ticaret) ekonomik kesim
economic sector
(Ticaret) iktisadi sektör
economic sector
(Ticaret) ekonomik faaliyet alanı
economic sector
(Ticaret) ekonomik sektör
economic sector
(Ticaret) üretim kesimi
fire support sector
(Askeri) ATEŞ DESTEK AS BÖLGESİ: Bir amfibi harekatta, bir ateş destek bölgesinin, belirli gemiler ve deniz destek araçları için ayrılan bir kısmı
informal sector
(Ticaret) resmi olmayan sektör
informal sector
(Ticaret) gayri resmi sektör
leader of its sector
sektörünün lideri
leader of the sector
sektörün lideri
minimum sector altitude
(Havacılık) minimum sektör irtifası
monetary sector
(Ticaret) parasal sektör
niche sector
(Ticaret) niş sektörü
observing sector
(Askeri) GÖZETLEME BÖLGESİ: Gözetleme noktasından görülebilen saha; belirli bir postaya gözetleme için tahsis edilen bölge
observing sector
(Askeri) gözetleme bölgesi
open to private sector
(Ticaret) özel sektöre açmak
postal sector
posta sektörü
primary fire sector
(Askeri) ESAS ATIŞ SAHASI: Bir er, silah veya birliğin ateşi ile örtülecek belli başlı saha
primary sector
(Ticaret) birincil sektör
public sector
kamu kesimi/sektörü
public sector balance
(Kanun) kamu kesimi dengesi
public sector bonds
kamu kesimi tahvil senet
public sector deficit
(Ticaret) kamu sektörü açığı
refreshments sector
(Turizm) yeme-içme sektörü
residential sector
(Politika, Siyaset) konut sektörü
search and rescue sector
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma mıntıkası
search and rescue unit ground speed; sector pattern; volt
(Askeri) arama ve kurtarma birliği kara hızı; bölge unsuru; volt
search sector
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA SAHASI: Hedeflerin bulunması ve yerlerinin tespiti maksadıyla bir ışıldak, radar veya diğer hedef tespit cihazına tahsis edilmiş kara, deniz veya hava sahası
searching sector
(Askeri) ARAŞTIRMA SAHASI: Bak. "search sector"
secondary fire sector
(Askeri) TALİ ATEŞ SAHASI: Tam anlamda bir ateş sahası içinde bulunmayan; fakat lüzum görüldükçe ateşle taranabilen sahalar. Bu sahalar; yanlara (flanks) yakın ve komşu birliklerin ateş sahaları içinde bulunur. Bak. "primary fire sector"
secondary sector
(Ticaret) ikincil sektör
{i} (Geometri) kesme
{i} ask. bölge, mıntıka
{i} işkolu
daire dilimi daire kesmesi
{i} bölüm, kesim, sektör: private sector özel sektör
{i} (Bilgisayar) dilim, sektör
açılır kapanır bir rasat aleti
(Askeri) KESİM, DİLİM, BÖLGE, SAHA, KISIM: Bir birliğin harekatta bulunduğu ve sorumlusu olduğu, ara hatlarıyla gösterilmiş bir savunma sahası. Bazen; yalnız alay veya daha büyük birlikler tarafından tutulan kısımlara (kesim) denir. Tabur veya daha küçük birlikler tarafından tutulan kısımlara ise (mıntıka-area) denebilir. Bak. "zone of action"
(Tıp) Daire dilimi, kısım, bölüm
{i} ölçüm teleskopu
sector air defense commander
(Askeri) bölge hava savunma komutanı
sector air operations center
(Askeri) bölge hava harekat merkezi
sector boundary
(Askeri) ARA HATTI: Bak. "boundary"
sector buffer
(Bilgisayar) bölüt arabelleği
sector commander
(Askeri) BÖLGE KOMUTANI: Bir hava savunma bölgesinin belirli bir kısmındaki hava savunma kuvvetlerinin taktik kontrolu ve tesislerin işletilmesinden sorumlu olan subay
sector control post
(Askeri) BÖLGE KONTROL POSTASI: Bölge hasar kontrol merkezine bağlı ve bölge hasar kontrol işleriyle görevli posta
sector control post
(Askeri) bölge kontrol postası
sector controller
(Askeri) bölge kontrol subayı
sector controller
(Askeri) BÖLGE KONTROL SUBAYI: Bölge harekat merkezinde, bölge komutanı adına hareket etmek üzere tayin edilmiş subay. Bölge dahilinde komşu bölgelerle koordineli olarak bütün aktif hava savunma faaliyetlerinin harekat kontrolundan sorumludur. Bu görevlerde, grup ve komutanlık bölge kontrol subayının bütün grup veya komutanlık sahasını kapsayan yönetimi altında faaliyette bulunur
sector gate
(Askeri) yay kapak
sector of fire
(Askeri) ATIŞ SEKTÖRÜ: Bir birlik veya silaha ateş altında bulundurmak üzere tahsis edilmiş saha
sector of fire
(Askeri) atış sahası
sector operation centre
(Askeri) bölge harekat merkezi
sector operational programme
(Ticaret) sektör eylemsel programı
sector repeat
(Televizyon) sektör tekrarı
sector reserve
(Askeri) bölge ihtiyatı
sector reserve
(Askeri) BÖLGE İHTİYATI: Bölge komutanının emrine verilmiş olan kuvvetin, bir tehdit veya hücuma maruz kalan bölge kısmına gönderilmek üzere, komutan tarafından ihtiyatta tutulan kısmı. Özellikle, geniş cephelerde, bu gibi bölge ihtiyatları kullanılır
sector scan
bölge tarama
sector scan
(Askeri) sektör taraması
sector scan
(Askeri) SEKTÖR TARAMASI: Bir radar anteninin seçilmiş bir açıda sağa-sola bir sektörü kapsayacak şekilde tarama yapması
sector scanning
(Askeri) SEKTÖR TARAMASI: Bak. "sector scan"
service sector
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) hizmet sektörü
shadow sector
(Ticaret) kayıtdışı sektör
soft sector
mantıksal kesim
spherical sector
küre parçası
subsistence sector
geçim sektörü
sweeping sector
(Askeri) sektör tarama
tertiary sector
(Ticaret) üçüncül sektör
tourism sector master plan
(Turizm) turizm sektörü ana planı
warm sector
(Meteoroloji) sıcak dilim
warm sector
(Meteoroloji) sıcak sektör
work in the public sector
kamuda çalışmak
worm and sector
(Otomotiv) kurt dişli ve sektör
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of -sector in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Eski Roma'da, elkonulmuş malları kaçırıp parça parça satan kimse
English - English
A piece of an object In the spinner, any of the numbered segments is a "sector" (cf From Geometry to Probability Discussion)
The galaxy is divided into four quadrants, and each quadrant is further subdivided into many, many thousands of sectors A typical sector takes about five days to cross at warp 9 Most sectors are usually named for their major star systems or planets, as in the Sol sector, in which Earth is located
a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
A sector is the broadest category available in NAICS to describe business activities NAICS provides 20 separate sector categories Different sectors describe different groupings of related and more detailed NAICS categories The activities included in each sector Contribute to U S economic output Statistical agencies use sector categories to collect, publish, and analyze business statistics For example, the census uses sector categories in organizing, customizing, and describing census forms
a body of people who form part of society or economy; "the public sector"
In reference to the power-on self-test (POST), sector refers to a portion of flash RAM In the POST context, it does not refer to sectors that are associated with disk drives POST
a portion of a military position
A national group of companies, organisations or workers which share some relevant combination of products, services or technology which results in their having common human resource concerns
a particular aspect of life or activity; "he was helpless in an important sector of his life"
refers to the fact that a typical cell divides its circular coverage into several slices, sort of like a pie The number of sectors supported is variable, but it's common for there to be three Each sector in CDMA will use a different PN Offset From the point of view of the phone, there's no difference between moving between sectors and moving between cells
A group of securities with similarities (for example, industry type, coupon rate, maturity date and/or rating)
a division of the public post-secondary education system within British Columbia There are two sectors: the college, university college, institute and agency sector and the university sector
a group of securities with common characteristics, such as resource sector companies or financial companies
A group of stocks, often related to a particular industry, that have certain shared characteristics
Used to characterize a group of securities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon
Used to characterize a group of securities that are similar with respect to a particular industry (e g technology) maturity, type, or rating
A group of companies that have shared characteristics, usually operating in a common industry
measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end
A group of securities similar with respect to industry, maturity, type, rating, and/or coupon
The smallest recordable unit on a CD A disc can contain [(75 sectors per second) x (60 seconds per minute) x (number of minutes on disc)] sectors The amount of data contained in the sector depends on what physical format and mode it is recorded in; for "regular" CD-ROM (Mode 1) data, you can fit 2048 bytes (2 kilobytes) of data into a sector
When referring to disk drives, the number of fixed-size (normally 512 byte) areas that can be accessed by one of the disk drive's read/write heads, in one rotation of the disk, without that head changing position See Also Geometry
= Logical area of the detector, defined by its position with respect to the toroid coils There are 16 sectors, odd sector numbers are between the barrel toroid coils, even sector numbers are between the end-cap toroid coils Sector boundaries may physically overlap
Refers to a group of securities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon
Sector is another word for industry Sector funds groupings usually focus on a single industry, such as health care, technology, or utilities
Market Guide has grouped its industries into 12 distinct sectors These sectors represent different segments of the U S economy The Market Guide Sector is displayed as a six character mnemonic
The sector is the smallest addressable segment of a recording session The Red Book Standard specifies the physical layout of the data in a sector Excluding ECC and EDC, each sector is composed of 2352 bytes of data The logical layout, or how those bytes are allocated for synchronization, data, additional error correction, etc , depends on the selected recording mode and is specified by the appropriate standard, or "book" The audio recording format, for example, uses all 2352 bytes for audio data Mode 1 data recording, generally used for programs and data that cannot tolerate errors, uses only 2048 bytes for digital data The remaining 304 bytes are used for sync and additional error correction
A group of securities that are similar with respect to industry, maturity, type, rating or coupon
A group of stocks that share common industry characteristics For example, airline company stocks are a sector of the transportation industry
the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes
The market is made up of different industries and segments of the economy At different times, these different industries and segments–i e , sectors–can become very hot or very cold If you want to get into or stay out of a certain sector (for instance, technology or energy), you'll want to know which sectors are represented in a fund
Sectors are different segments of the economy, particular industries, or even parts of industries
boot sector
A dedicated sector usually at the beginning (first sector on first track) of a storage medium that holds special data used to start a system. Some systems use a boot block of several physical sectors, while some use only one boot sector. Other manufacturers use the terms boot block and boot sector interchangeably
circle sector
Alternative spelling of circular sector
circular sector
the portion of a circle enclosed by two radii and an arc
primary sector
The sector of the economy that principally produces raw materials for use by other sectors
private sector
All organizations in an economy or jurisdiction that are not controlled by government, including privately owned businesses and not-for-profit organizations

After spending two decades at various government agencies, he returned to the private sector and took a job as a business consultant.

Of or pertaining to the private sector
public sector
Industries or services provided or funded by the government
public sector
Of or relating to industries or services provided or funded by the government
Alternative spelling of public sector
secondary sector
The sector of the economy that principally uses raw materials produced by the primary sector for sale and use by other sectors
zone (designated area)
One of the subdivisions of a coastal frontier
a fixed-sized unit (traditionally 512 bytes) of sequential data stored on a track of a digital medium (compare to block)
A part of a circle, extending to the center
a fictional region of space designated for navigational or governance purposes; for instance,
An area designated by boundaries within which a unit operates, and for which it is responsible
tertiary sector
The sector of the economy that principally provides goods and services to consumers using goods produced by the other sectors
{n} a portion of a circle between two radiuses and their included arc, an instrument to fin proportional quantities of a like kind
Arab sector
region which includes the Arab population in Israel
bad sector
storage device in a disk or diskette which was destroyed for some reason and will not permit the saving or retrieval of data
boot sector
first sector on a disk which the computer refers to at startup
business sector
class which is used for business purposes
cold sector
area where there is no danger from enemy forces
dead sector
area which is located outside of the field of vision, area which is not controlled by firepower (Military)
observing sector
sector given to a soldier or group of soldiers to observe and report on activities done there
primary sector
of the economy - the extraction of raw materials from the earth, and agriculture
primary sector
sector which has the greatest strategical importance and on which war efforts are concentrated
primary sector
That portion of a region's economy devoted to the extraction of basic materials (e g , mining, lumbering, agriculture)
private sector
the part of the economy consisting of business, companies and professionals who trade products and services for income and profit ‘Public-Private Partnerships’ refers to inviting the involvement of the private sector in public development affairs through partnership contracts where resources can be best used for the benefit of the public
private sector
A segment of the society that is not a part of the Federal, state, or local government infrastructures, e g , commercial firms
private sector
Businesses not associated with government agencies
private sector
that part of the economy that is under private ownership and control The private sector includes all privately owned corporations, small businesses, farms, professional firms and non-commercial organizations such as unions, non-profit agencies and churches
private sector
section of the economy in which businesses and companies are privately owned
private sector
The privately owned organisations, including limited companies and public limited companies, which provide social care
private sector
The private sector is the part of a country's economy which consists of industries and commercial companies that are not owned or controlled by the government. small firms in the private sector. public sector. the industries and services in a country that are owned and run by private companies, and not by the government public sector
private sector
all individuals resident in Canada, all private organizations resident in Canada and incorporated, registered, or recognized as such, under federal or provincial legislation, and which carry on activities in Canada Non-profit organizations, universities and other public or para-public institutions resident in Canada, such as provincial research organizations, are considered to be private organizations
private sector
businesses owned by private investors (as opposed to the government)
public sector
The public sector is the part of a country's economy which is controlled or supported financially by the government. To keep economic reform on track, 60,000 public-sector jobs must be cut. private sector. the industries and services in a country that are owned and run by the government the private sector in the public sector
public sector
– consists of the national government, local governments, government-owned or controlled corporations and government monetary institutions
public sector
General government, plus all public corporations and quasi-corporations See General Government
public sector
local government and nationalized industries or services
public sector
Part of the federal, state, or local government infrastructure
public sector
Local, state, and federal government agencies and services, such as schools and libraries
public sector
A classification drawn from sectors and subsectors of the SNA classification consisting of general government and the public subsectors of nonfinancial and financial corporations The principle of classification is that of government ownership and/or control rather than function (as in the primary classification of SNA) An important subdivision within this sector for fiscal analysis purposes is the "nonfinancial public sector" comprising general government and nonfinancial public enterprises
public sector
Dealing with legal problems arising in that part of the economy not in private ownership
public sector
General government sector plus all public corporations, including the central bank
public sector
public section, sector controlled by governmental departments and offices, municipalities and all that is governmentally-owned
public sector
everything that is publicly owned and controlled, including government (national, provincial and local), state-owned companies, public schools etc
public sector
the companies and activities operated by a government entity
public sector
– consists of the national government, local governments, government-owned or controlled corporations and government monetary institutions (Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas)
public sector
The term used to refer to government departments and agencies •Superannuation
public sector wages
salary in the public sector, personal earnings of the workers of the public sector
reconnaissance sector
region of patrol
religious sector
area that includes the religiously observant population in Israel
the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes
a body of people who form part of society or economy; "the public sector"
A group of stocks, often related to a particular industry, that have certain shared characteristics
A group of securities that are similar with respect to industry, maturity, type, rating or coupon
Refers to a group of securities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon
a portion of a military position the minimum track length that can be assigned to store information; unless otherwise specified a sector of data consists of 512 bytes a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
a portion of a military position
The sector is the smallest addressable segment of a recording session The Red Book Standard specifies the physical layout of the data in a sector Excluding ECC and EDC, each sector is composed of 2352 bytes of data The logical layout, or how those bytes are allocated for synchronization, data, additional error correction, etc , depends on the selected recording mode and is specified by the appropriate standard, or "book" The audio recording format, for example, uses all 2352 bytes for audio data Mode 1 data recording, generally used for programs and data that cannot tolerate errors, uses only 2048 bytes for digital data The remaining 304 bytes are used for sync and additional error correction
A national group of companies, organisations or workers which share some relevant combination of products, services or technology which results in their having common human resource concerns
measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end a particular aspect of life or activity; "he was helpless in an important sector of his life"
a fictional region of space designated for navigational or governance purposes; for instance, W: Sector (Star Trek), W: List of Star Wars sectors
a particular aspect of life or activity; "he was helpless in an important sector of his life"
An astronomical instrument, the limb of which embraces a small portion only of a circle, used for measuring differences of declination too great for the compass of a micrometer
The smallest recordable unit on a CD A disc can contain [(75 sectors per second) x (60 seconds per minute) x (number of minutes on disc)] sectors The amount of data contained in the sector depends on what physical format and mode it is recorded in; for "regular" CD-ROM (Mode 1) data, you can fit 2048 bytes (2 kilobytes) of data into a sector
In reference to the power-on self-test (POST), sector refers to a portion of flash RAM In the POST context, it does not refer to sectors that are associated with disk drives POST
A group of securities similar with respect to industry, maturity, type, rating, and/or coupon
A group of stocks that share common industry characteristics For example, airline company stocks are a sector of the transportation industry
a group of securities with common characteristics, such as resource sector companies or financial companies
A group of companies that have shared characteristics, usually operating in a common industry
Sector is another word for industry Sector funds groupings usually focus on a single industry, such as health care, technology, or utilities
to any scale
Used to characterize a group of securities that are similar with respect to maturity, type, rating, industry, and/or coupon
= Logical area of the detector, defined by its position with respect to the toroid coils There are 16 sectors, odd sector numbers are between the barrel toroid coils, even sector numbers are between the end-cap toroid coils Sector boundaries may physically overlap
When referring to disk drives, the number of fixed-size (normally 512 byte) areas that can be accessed by one of the disk drive's read/write heads, in one rotation of the disk, without that head changing position See Also Geometry
a division of the public post-secondary education system within British Columbia There are two sectors: the college, university college, institute and agency sector and the university sector
A particular sector of a country's economy is the part connected with that specified type of industry. the nation's manufacturing sector. see also public sector, private sector
A group of securities with similarities (for example, industry type, coupon rate, maturity date and/or rating)
A piece of an object In the spinner, any of the numbered segments is a "sector" (cf From Geometry to Probability Discussion)
The galaxy is divided into four quadrants, and each quadrant is further subdivided into many, many thousands of sectors A typical sector takes about five days to cross at warp 9 Most sectors are usually named for their major star systems or planets, as in the Sol sector, in which Earth is located
A sector is a part of a circle which is formed when you draw two straight lines from the centre of the circle to the edge
one scale of each kind on each arm, and all on lines radiating from the common center of motion
{i} subdivision, group within a larger group; region, district; geometrical figure composed of two radii and the arc lying between the radii (Mathematics); unit of disk storage equal to 256 bytes (Computers)
refers to the fact that a typical cell divides its circular coverage into several slices, sort of like a pie The number of sectors supported is variable, but it's common for there to be three Each sector in CDMA will use a different PN Offset From the point of view of the phone, there's no difference between moving between sectors and moving between cells
measuring instrument consisting of two graduated arms hinged at one end
A sector of a large group is a smaller group which is part of it. Workers who went to the Gulf came from the poorest sectors of Pakistani society
The market is made up of different industries and segments of the economy At different times, these different industries and segments–i e , sectors–can become very hot or very cold If you want to get into or stay out of a certain sector (for instance, technology or energy), you'll want to know which sectors are represented in a fund
The sector is used for plotting, etc
Used to characterize a group of securities that are similar with respect to a particular industry (e g technology) maturity, type, or rating
A mathematical instrument, consisting of two rulers connected at one end by a joint, each arm marked with several scales, as of equal parts, chords, sines, tangents, etc
a plane figure bounded by two radii and the included arc of a circle
A part of a circle comprehended between two radii and the included arc
A sector is the broadest category available in NAICS to describe business activities NAICS provides 20 separate sector categories Different sectors describe different groupings of related and more detailed NAICS categories The activities included in each sector Contribute to U S economic output Statistical agencies use sector categories to collect, publish, and analyze business statistics For example, the census uses sector categories in organizing, customizing, and describing census forms
A sector is an area of a city or country which is controlled by a military force. Officers were going to retake sectors of the city
When it is used for measuring zenith distances of stars, it is called a zenith sector
Sectors are different segments of the economy, particular industries, or even parts of industries
Market Guide has grouped its industries into 12 distinct sectors These sectors represent different segments of the U S economy The Market Guide Sector is displayed as a six character mnemonic
tertiary sector
The tertiary sector consists of industries which provide a service, such as transport and finance. economies that are slowly increasing the proportion of their labour force in the tertiary sector
the household sector
economic sector regarding the home, economic unit that related to the home
the productive sector
all of the manufacturing industries
warm sector
region where there is a threat from enemy forces



    ... expansion in the manufacturing sector. And today, we received news that the manufacturing ...
    ... then help the services sector grow as well come from. So--so a lot of these specific ...