
listen to the pronunciation of -path
English - Turkish

Definition of -path in English Turkish dictionary


O bir yol değil fakat bir patika. - It's not a road, but a path.

O, yoldaki karı temizledi. - He cleared the path of snow.

{i} patika

Düşmüş bir ağaç patikayı kapadı. - A fallen tree blocked the path.

Onlar dar bir patika boyunca yürüdüler. - They walked along a narrow path.

{i} yörünge
change path
(Bilgisayar) yol değiştir
change path
(Bilgisayar) yolu değiştir
compulsory bicycle path
mecburi bisiklet yolu
contamination path
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) virüs bulaşma yolu
current path
(Otomotiv) akım hattı
develop over a path
(Tıp) belirlenen aralıkta yürütme
driver path
(Bilgisayar) sürücü yolu
exclude path
(Bilgisayar) yolu dışarıda bırak
export path
(Bilgisayar) verme yolu
file path
(Bilgisayar) dosya yolu
folder path
(Bilgisayar) klasör dizini
folder path
(Bilgisayar) klasör yolu
full path
(Bilgisayar) tam yol
glide path
(Askeri,Havacılık) süzülüş yolu
glide path
(Askeri) süzülüş hattı
import path
(Bilgisayar) alma yolu
invalid path
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz yol
likely path
(Bilgisayar) benzer yol
network path
(Bilgisayar) ağ yolu
parent path
(Bilgisayar) ana yol
(Bilgisayar) aşağıdaki yola
(Tıp) pat

O bir yol değil fakat bir patika. - It's not a road, but a path.

Düşmüş bir ağaç patikayı kapadı. - A fallen tree blocked the path.

path analysis
yol analizi
path length
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yol uzunluğu
path not found
(Bilgisayar) yol bulunamadı
propagation path
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yayılım yolu
root path
(Bilgisayar) kök yolu
secure path
(Bilgisayar) güvenli yol
sound path
ses yolu
sound path
sesin yolu
source path
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yolu
source path
(Bilgisayar) kaynak yol
trend growth path
(Ticaret) uzun dönemli büyüme yolu
true path
doğru yol
true path party
(Politika, Siyaset) doğru yol partisi
virtual path
(Askeri) sanal yol
be on the war path
babaları üstünde olmak
bridle path
atlılara mahsus yol
bridle path
atlı yolu
closed path
kapalı yol
critical path method
kritik yol yöntemi
descent path
alçalma yolu
flight path
uçuş yolu
gliding path
süzülme yolu
lead sb up the garden path
birini üç kâğıda getirmek
leakage path
sızıntı yolu
main path
ana yol
main path
ana yön
mean free path
ortalama serbest yol
(neyinse izlediği) yön
path of least resistance
en az direnç yolu
primrose path
zevk ve sefa yolu
a path
bir yol
acceleration along the path
uçuş yolu boyunca ivme
bridle path
Atlı ya da bisikletli gezinti yolu
by path
yoluna göre
cycle path
Bisiklet yolu
fast path key
kestirme yol tuşu
fixed path
sabit yol
flight path
uçuş rotası
flight path
(Havacılık) Uçuş hattı
flight path angle
(Havacılık) Uçuş hattı acısı
follow a path
bir yol takip
foot path
glide path beacon
süzülme yolu farı
path dependence
yol bağımlılık
path function
(Kimya) Yön fonksiyonu
path in system
sistem yolu
path strewn with roses
yolu gül ile mayınları
path towards socialism
sosyalizme yol
işin yolu
shared data path
paylaşımlı veri yolu
study path
çalışma yolu
tape treading path
bant ayakla basma yolu
the beaten path
gittiği yoldan
through the middle; golden path
ortasından; altın yol
time path
zaman yolu
transport mean free path
taşıma ortalama serbest yolu
Optimum Path Aircraft Routing System
(Askeri) Optimum Rota Hava Aracı Haberleşmeme sistemi
action path
(Bilgisayar) eylem yolu
add motion path
(Bilgisayar) hareket yolu ekle
adjustment path
(Ticaret) ayarlanma yolu
atmospheric path way
(Nükleer Bilimler) atmosferik ulaşım yolu,atmosferik gidiş yolu,havayla geçiş yolu
backup path
(Bilgisayar) yedekleme yolu
be on the war path
savaşa hazır olmak
be on the war path
kavgaya hazır olmak
beat a path
yol açmak
bicycle path
{i} bisiklet yolu
bicycle path
(isim) bisiklet yolu
binary path
(Bilgisayar) ikili yol
brake path
(Otomotiv) fren hidrolik kanalı
carry on the path of
yola devam etmek
cinder path
atletizm pisti
cinder path
cinder path
cüruflu yol
class store path
Sınıf Deposu Yolu
contamination path
virus bulasma yolu
conyle path
(Diş Hekimliği) alt çenenin çeşitli hareketleri süresince mandibüler kondilin TME boyunca izlediği yol
cookie path
(Bilgisayar) tanım bilgisi yolu
critical path
(Mukavele) değişdiğinde proje bitiş tarihini direkt etkileyen proje başlangıcından bitimine kadar devamlı ardışık faaliyetler zinciri
critical path analysis
kritik gidişat analizi
critical path method
(CPM) kritik yol yöntemi
cross smb.'s path
isteğine karşı gelmek
cross smb.'s path
yoluna çıkmak
cross smb.'s path
işine engel olmak
cross smb.'s path
yolunu kesmek
cross smb.'s path
işini bozmak
crosstalk path
capraz-karisma yolu
dangerous flow path
tehlikeli akım çizgisi
database path
(Bilgisayar) veritabanı yolu
debugger path
(Bilgisayar) hata giderme yolu
default path
varsayılan yol
document path
(Bilgisayar) belge yolu
drainage path
drenaj yolu
draw a red herring across the path
dikkati dağıtmak
draw a red herring across the path
dikkati başka yöne çekmek
drive path
(Bilgisayar) tahrik yolu
enter path
(Bilgisayar) yol girin
expansion path
(Ticaret) genişleme yolu
extensions path
(Bilgisayar) uzantılar yolu
feedback path
geribesleme yolu
flare path
havaalanı ışıklı pisti
flight path
uçuş pateni
flight path
uçuş yörüngesi [balistik]
flight path
(Askeri) UÇUŞ YOLU: Bir uçak, füze veya uzay aracının hava uzay sahasında hareket halinde iken bulunduğu mevkileri düşey ve yatay düzlemlere göre devamlı olarak birleştiren hat
flower path
(Tiyatro) çiçek yolu
foam path
(Askeri) KÖPÜK DÖŞEMESİ: Acil inişte olan bir uçağa yardım için piste dökülen yangın söndürücü köpük yolu
foam path
(Askeri) köpük döşemesi
foot path
yaya kaldırımı
forward path
ileri yol
garden path
kötü yol
get dir path
(Bilgisayar) dizin yolunu al
glide path
(Askeri) SÜZÜLÜŞ YOLU: Yatay uçak veya kanatlı füzenin, aşağıya doğru süzülürken çizdiği ve uçak veya füzenin uzunluğuna ekseni ile bir açı teşkil eden uçuş yolu
glide path beacon
(Havacılık) süzülüş yolu radyo farı
glide path beacon
(Havacılık) süzülme yolu fan
glide path receiver
(Havacılık) süzülüş rotası alıcısı
glide path transmitter
(Havacılık) süzülüş rotası vericisi
gravel path
çakıl patika
gravel path
çakıllı yol
hot icon path
(Bilgisayar) sıcak simge yolu
html path
(Bilgisayar) html yolu
image path
(Bilgisayar) resim yolu
incorrect path
(Bilgisayar) hatalı yol
initial path sweeping
(Askeri) ilk yol temizlemesi
initial path sweeping
(Askeri) İLK YOL TEMİZLEMESİ: Deniz mayın harbinde, müteakip mayın tarama gemileri için tehlike arzeden mayınlı bir bölgenin içinden yol açma amacıyla yapılan ilk tarama
install path
(Bilgisayar) yükleme yolu
keyed sequence access path
anahtar sıralı erişim yolu
lead smb. up the garden path
kötü yola sevketmek
lead to the right path
doğru yolu göstermek
leakage path
kaçak yolu
leave the beaten path
herkesin gittiği yoldan gitmemek
leave the beaten path
çığır açmak
loading path
yükleme yolu
log path
(Bilgisayar) günlük yolu
magnetic path
manyetik yol
main feedback path
ana geribesleme yolu
object path
(Bilgisayar) nesne yolu
open path
acik yol
original path
(Bilgisayar) özgün yol
bir konuda takip edilen yol
(Tıp) Yol, gidiş yolu, seyir tarzı
(Tıp) Sinir demetinin seyir yolu
the beaten path herkesin geçtiği yol
{i} pist
{i} meslek
path analysis
iz analizi
path attenuation
yayilim zayiflamasi, yol zayiflamasi
path dependent
(Ticaret) bağımlı opsiyonlar
path function
(Gıda) yol fonksiyonu
path function
yola bağımlı değişim
path independent options
(Ticaret) bağımsız opsiyonlar
path integrals
yol integraller
path invalid
(Bilgisayar) yol geçersiz
path length
yol uzunlugu
path length difference
yol uzunlugu farki
path name
yol adı
path of infection
virus bulasma yolu
path of mind
aklın yolu
path property
(Bilgisayar) yol özelliği
path rule
(Bilgisayar) yol kuralı
path string
yol dizesi
path subtree
(Bilgisayar) yol ve alt ağaç
path testing
iz testi
path to install from
(Bilgisayar) yükleme kaynak yolu
path to share
(Bilgisayar) paylaşım yolu
path too long
(Bilgisayar) dizin yolu çok uzun
polar wander path
kutupsal gezme güzergâhı
project path
(Bilgisayar) proje yolu
propagation path
yayilim yolu
quantum path
kuantum yörüngesi
redirected path
(Bilgisayar) yeniden yönlendirilen yol
relative path names
(Bilgisayar) göreceli yol adları
restore path
(Bilgisayar) geri yükleme yolu
resultant path
(Bilgisayar) sonuç yolu
search path
arama yolu Taranacak yol
selected path
(Bilgisayar) seçili yol
server path
(Bilgisayar) sunucu yolu
set a path
yol belirle
setup path
(Bilgisayar) kur yolu
shared path
(Bilgisayar) paylaştırılan yol
sharing path
(Bilgisayar) paylaşım yolu
staging path
Sahneleme Yolu
stress path
gerilme yolu
stress path
gerilme rotası
English - English
Used to form nouns indicating someone with a particular capability, as a type of remedial treatment


Used to form nouns indicating someone with a particular disorder


Hamiltonian path
A path through an undirected graph which visits each vertex exactly once
an unfrequented path; a byway
critical path
The sequence of dependent steps that determine the minimum time needed to carry out an operation
cross someone's path
To meet by chance

None of the sportsmen who have crossed my path have made as great an impact on me as Bob.

cycle path
A path, segregated from other traffic, for the use of riders of bicycles
directed path
In a directed graph, a path in which the edges are all oriented in the same direction

A path x→y→z is a directed path.

flight path
the traveled path of a projectile, rocket or aircraft through the air
flight path
a predefined route of travel for an aircraft or spacecraft
garden path
A sentence that is easily incorrectly parsed on a first read, due to ambiguity of a word or words
garden path sentence
A sentence that is easily incorrectly parsed on a first read, due to ambiguity of a word or words
garden path sentences
plural form of garden path sentence
garden-path sentence
A sentence that is easily incorrectly parsed on a first read, due to ambiguity of a word or words
herd path
A non-official path created by hikers, that is usually maintained by the hikers themselves
lead down a garden path
To mislead; to seduce
lead someone down the garden path
To deceive, hoodwink

'It was thought that the early origins of the idiom was founded on the tendency for one village to marry off their unsuccessful brides to unknowing bachelors. The superstition of the groom not being able to see his veiled bride until the marriage proclamation had been made was widely practiced. To that end the bride remained veiled throughout the ceremony. When the veil was lifted, the groom would learn that he had been married to a stranger. Many ceremonies took place in private gardens and as such the tendency to deceive with intent had evolved to the idiom of leading someone down the garden path.'.

lead up the garden path
To mislead or deceive
left-hand path
A path through life that values the advancement and preservation of the self and the pursuit of terrestrial goals, rather than the worship of intangible deities
mean free path
the average distance travelled between two similar events; especially by molecules in a gas or liquid, electrons or phonons in a crystal or neutrons in a moderator
noble eightfold path
In Buddhist teaching, the Noble Eightfold Path is described in the fourth Noble Truth as "the path to the end of suffering". The eight steps are: Right View, Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration
null path length
The path length from a given node to its nearest descendant null node in a binary tree
off the beaten path
To a secluded location; to a place which is not frequently visited or not widely known

Jean had thought that the prowler might be some tramp who had wandered far off the beaten path of migratory humans.

off the beaten path
In a secluded location; in a place which is not frequently visited or not widely known

Only a small group of websites, well off the beaten path of most surfers, contain the malicious code.

a course taken
a method or direction of proceeding
a trail for the use of, or worn by, pedestrians
a sequence of vertices from one vertex to another using the arcs (edges). A path does not visit the same vertex more than once (unless it is a closed path, where only the first and the last vertex are the same)
a continuous map f from the unit interval I = to a topological space X
A Pagan tradition, for example witchcraft, Wicca, druidism, Heathenry
a metaphorical course
path dependence
A situation in which the outcome varies with the route taken
path dependence
The theory that a technological option selected by the market need not be the technologically best one, because of the traction obtained by an early-introduced, technologically inferior alternative option
path dependency
Alternative form of path dependence
path integral formalism
A formalism for a physical theory which is based upon Feynman path integrals
path length
The number of edges traversed in a given path in a graph
path length
The distance travelled by light in a specified context
primrose path
A deceptively easy course of action that can end in tragedy
primrose path
An easy and pleasant life
right-hand path
A path through life that focuses on deities or divinity rather than the terrestrial
swept path
The width of the lane swept by a minesweeper
swept path
The envelope swept out by the sides of the vehicle body, or any other part of the structure of the vehicle. See: Swept Path Analysis http: //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swept_path_analysis
undirected path
In a directed graph, a path in which the edges are not all oriented in the same direction

A path x→y←z is an undirected path.

work path
An area or physical space that a robot occupies to complete a task
A trodden way; a footway
{n} a private path or road
{n} a footroad, road, track, way
bridle path
A track in the countryside that you ride horses or bicycle
flight path
(Havacılık) The actual or planned course of an aircraft or spacecraft
path dependence
Path-dependence is a phrase used to mean one of two things (Pierson 2004). Some authors use path-dependence to mean simply "history matters" - a broad conception - while others use it to mean that institutions are self reinforcing - a narrow conception. It is this narrow conception which has the most explanatory force and of which the discussions below are examples. The "history matters" claim is trivially true and reduces simply to "everything has causes"
path function
(Kimya) A property that is dependent on the path taken
Eightfold Path
Buddhist doctrine, stated by the Buddha in his first sermon near Benares, India. The path is regarded as the way for individuals to deal with the problems named in the Four Noble Truths. The path consists of right understanding (faith in the Buddhist view of existence), right thought (the resolve to practice the faith), right speech (avoidance of falsehoods, slander, and abuse), right action (abstention from taking life, stealing, and improper sexual behavior), right livelihood (rejection of occupations not in keeping with Buddhist principles), right effort (development of good mental states), right mindfulness (awareness of body, feelings, and thought), and right concentration (meditation). It is also called the Middle Path, because it steers a course between sensuality and asceticism. Following the Path leads to escape from suffering and attainment of nirvana
Shining Path
Spanish Sendero Luminoso Maoist movement in Peru dedicated to violent revolution. It was founded in 1970 by a philosophy professor, Abimael Guzmán Reynoso (b. 1934), as a result of a split in the Peruvian Communist Party. The senderistas began their campaign among the impoverished Indians of the high Andes, attracting sympathizers by their emphasis on the empowerment of Indians at the expense of Peru's traditional elite. They gained control of large areas of Peru through violence and intimidation. By 1992, when Guzmán was captured and their influence began to wane, they had caused an estimated 25,000 deaths and seriously disrupted the Peruvian economy. Their new leader, Oscar Ramirez Durand, was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1999
approach path
the final path followed by an aircraft as it is landing
base path
The area within which a base runner must stay when running between bases
beaten path
path that many have travelled upon; way taken by many; something done by a lot of people
bicycle path
{i} path (alongside a roadway for example) used by cyclists
bridle path
a path suitable for riding or leading horses (but not for cars)
bridle path
A bridle path is a path intended for people riding horses. = bridleway. A trail for horseback riding. bri·dle·way a path that you ride a horse on
critical path
a way of planning and organizing a large piece of work so that there will be few delays and the cost will be as low as possible
critical path
The set of interrelated activities that must be completed for the project to be finished successfully can be mapped into a chart showing how long each task takes, and which tasks cannot be started before which other tasks are completed The critical path is the set of linkages through the chart that is the longest It determines how long a project will take
critical path
That path along a network plan which requires the greatest time for completion
critical path
When a project has several tasks, some of them overlapping or dependent upon earlier tasks, the critical path is the minimum time schedule for completing all the tasks The series of tasks that must be completed on schedule for a project to finish on schedule
critical path
The sequence of activities that must be completed on schedule for the entire project to be completed on schedule It is the longest duration path through the workplan If an activity on the critical path is delayed by one day, the entire project will be delayed by one day (unless another activity on the critical path can be accelerated by one day)
critical path
Plots the events that need to occur to complete a project on a timeline
critical path
schedule of activities which must be completed by particular dates in order for an entire project to be completed on time
critical path
Sequence of key tasks to be done by auction contractor or other designated parties on specified dates, leading to desired goals
critical path
the sequence and duration of tasks and activities which directly affect the date of overall project completion
critical path
A longest path in a network, where length units are time durations The nodes represent tasks, and the arcs represent precedence constraints The path is critical because the associated tasks determine the total completion time of the project Moreover, at least one of their duration times must decrease in order to decrease the total completion time
critical path
Method to determine the critical tasks based on relationships, duration and resource availability If any of the critical tasks is delayed the whole project will be delayed See also: Crashing the Critical Path
critical path
The set of activities that must be completed in sequence and on time if the entire project is to be completed on time
critical path
The sequence of interconnected events and activities between the start of a project and its completion that will require the longest time to accomplish This gives the shortest time in which the project can be completed; see also PERT
critical path
In a project network diagram, the series of activities which determines the earliest completion of the project The critical path will generally change from time to time as activities are completed ahead of or behind schedule Although normally calculated for the entire project, the critical path can also be determined for a milestone or subproject The critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to a specified value, often zero See critical path method
critical path
The series of tasks which determines the earliest completion of the project, i e the longest sequence of tasks in the project; also defined as those tasks with float less than or equal to zero
critical path
The longest set of dependent activities in a project, not accounting for the resource constraint See the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) or other project resources to understand critical path
critical path
The consecutive sequence of activities in a project whose cumulative time requirements determine the minimum total project time Delay in critical path activities delay the entire project if other steps are not compressed
critical path
In the context of GRADE, the most time-consuming sequence of tasks in a process
critical path
When a graph is used to model project scheduling, the critical path is a path from the start to the finish which passes through all of the tasks which are critical to completing the project in the shortest amount of time [refcomap, p 158]
critical path
(Ticaret) The consecutive sequence of activities in a project whose cumulative time requirements determine the minimum total project time. Delay in critical path activities delay the entire project if other steps are not compressed
critical path
The shortest time in which a project can be completed (3)
critical path
The sequence of events in a project that takes the longest to complete
critical path
A dependent sequence of activities in your project that takes the longest time to complete The critical path determines how long it will take to complete the project in the minimum time (Critical paths can change as your project unfolds)
critical path
The continuous chain of activities from project-start to project-finish, whose durations cannot be exceeded if the project is to be completed on the project-finish date A sequence of activities that collectively require the longest duration to complete (the duration of the sequence is the shortest possible time from the start event to the finish event) Activities on the critical path have no slack time
critical path
The series of activities that determines the duration of the project In a deterministic model, the critical path is usually defined as those activities with float less than or equal to a specified value, often zero It is the longest path through the project See critical path method
critical path
A term used in project planning to indicated a segment of the proposed work which if not completed on time will result in one or more other segments being delayed with serious "knock-on" effects for the project
critical path
A vital code path which should be optimised for the common case Critical paths are executed frequently and form the important trunk routes of various kernel operations An example would be buffer head manipulation during file I/O
critical path method
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of tasks has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (i e the least amount of float)
critical path method
A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project
critical path method
A quantitative technique which, when applied to network planning, is helpful in calculating the minimum time and sequence of tasks needed to complete a R & D project
critical path method
A network planning technique used for planning and controlling the activities in a project By showing each of these activities and their associated times, the 'critical path' can be determined The critical path is the series of successive activities which takes up most time and is therefore decisive for the total lead time of the project
critical path method
A management technique for losing your shirt under perfect control
critical path method
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities, (i e , which path), has the least amount of scheduling flexibility, (i e , the least amount of float) Early dates are calculated by means of a forward pass, using a specified start date Late dates are calculated by means of a backward pass, starting from a specified completion date for the project, (usually the forward pass' calculated early finish date)
critical path method
One of several techniques for doing project planning CPM can be used to plan a complex project that involves many activities
critical path method
A method of project schedule development which indicates flows of work and integrates individual schedule components
critical path method
a project management approach that shows the sequence of activities that define the minimum lead time needed to complete the project
critical path method
A network analysis technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities (which path) has the least amount of scheduling flexibility (the least amount of float) Early dates are calculated by means of a forward pass using a specified start date Late dates are calculated by means of a backward pass starting from a specified completion date (usually the forward pass’s calculated project early finish date)
critical path method
A technique used to predict project duration by analyzing which sequence of activities has the least amount of scheduling flexibility Early dates are figured by a forward pass using a specific start date and late dates are figured by using a backward starting from a completion date
critical path method
A method of network analysis in which normal duration is estimated for each activity within a project The critical path identifies the shortest completion period based on the most time-consuming sequence of activities from the beginning to the end of the network
critical path method
Critical path diagrams show the relationship between activities in a project
cross the path of
resist, oppose, aggravate; run into
cycle path
A cycle path is a special path on which people can travel by bicycle separately from motor vehicles. a path for bicycles, for example beside a road or in a park
downward path
path that follows a downward slope; way that ends in failure
flare path
an airstrip outline with lights to guide an airplane pilot in landing
flight path
The precise route taken or due to be taken through the air by an aircraft or spacecraft. the course that a plane or space vehicle travels along
flight path
flight route followed by aircraft
flight path
the path of a rocket or projectile or aircraft through the air
flow path
A flow connection between connectors - it does not define the direction
flow path
A flow path describes the route that is traveled by a melt front as melt fills a section of a mould
flow path
route by which a current travels
flow path
An underground route for ground-water movement, extending from a recharge (intake) zone to a discharge (output) zone such as a shallow stream
glide path
The path of descent of an aircraft, delineated by a radio beam that directs the pilot in landing the craft
lead a person up the garden path
lead astray, mislead, deceive
mean free path
The average path distance a particle (neutron or photon) travels before undergoing a specified reaction (with a nucleus or electron) in matter
mean free path
The mean free path of a particle in a medium is a measure of its probability of undergoing interactions of a given kind It is related to the cross-section corresponding to this type of interaction by the formula
mean free path
The average distance which a molecule travels in a gas before it collides with another molecule
mean free path
The distance traveled on average by an atom before it collides with another atom
A route used in finding, retrieving, and storing files on a disk The course leading from the root directory of a drive to a particular file
an established line of travel or access
A path is used to specify where certain files can be found in a directory tree Sometimes path is used to mean where an application looks to find certain files, such as "make sure stdio h is in your path, or the compiler won't find it "
A type of address that describes a file or folder's location within the directory structure of a computer
a trail for the use of or worn by, pedestrians
Your path is the space ahead of you as you move along. A group of reporters blocked his path
Term for the exact on-line location of a file or directory Should include the point of origin and every directory that must be accessed in order to gain access
The location of a file in the directory tree
A path can be described as a file's address on your file system, describing where the file lives: An absolute path gives the complete path, starting at the root directory, or the very top of the filesystem; A relative path looks for a file from the directory you are currently in down
A path is a sequence of adjacent vertices In other words, a path is a route through a graph which travels along the edges from vertex to vertex If a path starts and ends at the same vertex, then it is a circuit
a sequence (in the graph theory) of vertices from one vertex to another using the arcs (edges). A path does not visit the same vertex more than once (unless it is a closed path, where only the first and the last vertex are the same)
A statement that indicates where a file is stored on a particular drive The path consists of all the directories that must be opened to get to a particular file The directory names are separated by the slash (/)
Also used figuratively, of a course of life or action
Used two ways in MS-DOS (1) A set of instructions containing all the information DOS needs to find a particular file (2) A command describing all the directories through which DOS searches to find a requested program file
To make a path in, or on (something), or for (some one)
You can say that something is in your path or blocking your path to mean that it is preventing you from doing or achieving what you want. The Church of England put a serious obstacle in the path of women who want to become priests. = way
On the World Wide Web, the sequence of directories leading to an Internet document When dissecting a URL, the path is the part of the address following the protocol and domain name It may consist of any number of directories and a file name An explanation of relative addressing is available at http: //www webteacher org/winnet/navigate/path html
A path that you take is a particular course of action or way of achieving something. The opposition appear to have chosen the path of cooperation rather than confrontation = road, route
A way, course, or track, in which anything moves or has moved; route; passage; an established way; as, the path of a meteor, of a caravan, of a storm, of a pestilence
Programs on Advanced Technology for the Highway; more recently referred to as Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways A California state-wide program of IVHS research, development, testing, and evaluation, sponsored by the California DOT
The portion of a URL that identifies the folders containing a file For example, in the URL http: //example microsoft com/hello/world/top htm, the path is /hello/world/
This is the route of the meteor through the atmosphere when projected against the star background (cf trajectory)
A sequence of pairwise victories such that the winner of each victory after the first is the same alternative as the loser in the previous Example A > B, B>C, C>D
The slash-separated list of components that forms the name uniquely identifying an element of an HDF5 file
(Ticaret) A series of connected events, nodes or resources that indicates the links, direction of data flow, timing dependencies and positions of those items
a way especially designed for a particular use an established line of travel or access a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river
The path of something is the line which it moves along in a particular direction. He stepped without looking into the path of a reversing car
a course of conduct; "the path of virtue"; "we went our separate ways"; "our paths in life led us apart"; "genius usually follows a revolutionary path"
In graph theory, a path is a sequence of consecutive edges (links) in a graph and the length of the path is the number of edges traversed (in figure , the navigation from A to F has path lenght of 3)
{i} track; lane; route; search route, list of libraries where the operating system DOS will search for a file that the user tries to activate (Computers)
A sequence of requests for non-graphics in a single visit Summary only keeps track of the first three requests, the last request, and whether there were more than four requests in the path or not
To walk or go
A path is a sequence of consecutive edges in a graph and the length of the path is the number of edges traversed (This illustration shows a path of length four )
The portion of a URL that identifies the folders containing a file For example, in the URL http: //my web site/hello/world/greetings htm, the path is /hello/world/
1 a list of locations where the computer will look for commands if the full path is not given Example: C: \WINDOWS;C: \WINDOWS\COMMAND;D: \PERL\BIN; 2 the hierarchy of drive and folders that is the location of a file Example: "c: \My Documents\complit101\web\Start\index html" tells you that the file index html is on Drive C in folder My Documents in its subfolder complit101 in its subfolder web in its subfolder Start This is the full path to the file
The portion of a complete disk file name (for example, in a URL) that specifies the sequence of directories and subdirectories within which the file is located
1 The exact directions to a file on a computer These directions are usually described by means of the hierarchical filing system from the top down, stating the drive, directory, any subdirectories, the file itself, and its filename extension if it has one: c: jobscompany resume txt This complete set of information is a fully qualified path 2 The route between any two points, such as the communications channel between two computers
a way especially designed for a particular use
The portion of a URL that identifies the folders containing a file For example, in the URL http: //my web site/hello/world /greetings htm, the path is /hello/world/
If you cross someone's path or if your paths cross, you meet them by chance. It was highly unlikely that their paths would cross again
a line or route along which something travels or moves; "the hurricane demolished houses in its path"; "the track of an animal"; "the course of the river"
A path denotes the location of a file or directory The path is an absolute path if it gives the complete path, beginning with the root directory and including every subdirectory Otherwise, the path is a relative path
A file path contains the location of the file C: \Windows\System is the path for the file name C: \Windows\System\Azt16 drv A valid path must contain the drive letter, a full colon and backslash, the directory and a backslash, any sub directories and a backslash, and the file name and extension
A path is a long strip of ground which people walk along to get from one place to another. We followed the path along the clifftops Feet had worn a path in the rock He went up the garden path to knock on the door
path name
{i} (Computers) full file name which includes the library in which the file is stored
path statement
command which indicates the library in which an operating system must search for files
path strewn with roses
lucky path, easy path
Variant of patho-
one who is an expert in discovering trails
discovering trails
primrose path
easy path, nice route, way filled with pleasant things
primrose path
a life of ease and pleasure
shining path
a terrorist group formed in Peru in the late 1960s as a splinter group from the communist party of Peru; is among the most ruthless guerilla organizations in the world; seeks to destroy Peruvian institutions and replace them with a Maoist peasant regime;is involved in the cocaine trade; "Shining Path has been responsible for 30,000 deaths
spiral path
crooked and winding path
straight and narrow path
proper and morally upright manner of doing things
the golden path
proper route, best way to go
winding path
twisted road, twisted way


    () From Ancient Greek πάθος (pathos, “suffering”).


    ... MR. ROMNEY: We know that the path we're taking is not working. It's time for a new path. ...
    ... These are assets, and you get a different path through them. ...