(mündliche) verhandlung

listen to the pronunciation of (mündliche) verhandlung
English - Turkish

Definition of (mündliche) verhandlung in English Turkish dictionary


Yakalandı ve duruşma için tutuldu. - He was captured and held for trial.

Duruşma için ABD'ye götürüldü. - He was taken to the United States for trial.


Bu bir yargılama değil bir duruşmadır. - This is a hearing, not a trial.

Tom yargılamaya gelmeyecek. - Tom won't show up for trial.

{i} deneme

Deneme beş gün sürdü. - The trial lasted five days.

Deneme yanılma yoluyla doğru cevabı buldu. - Through trial and error, he found the right answer by chance.

{i} test

Tom'un testi ne zamandı? - When was Tom's trial?

{i} dert
imtihan kabilinden olan felaket veya keder
(Ticaret) mahkemede duruşma
{i} sınav
{i} sınama
{i} çile
(Tıp) Deneme, tecrübe
{i} örnek
trial and error çeşitli yolları deneme
(isim) dava, deneme, prova, test, duruşma, yargılama, sınav, sınama, çile, dert, girişim, örnek
duruşma, yargılama, muhakeme
(sıfat) mahkeme, deneme, duruşma
German - English
pertaining to a language form referring to three of something, as people; contrast singular, dual and plural
Attempted on a provisional or experimental basis
appearance at judicial court
a formal Hearing with witnesses at which the Judge will resolve disputes that the parties were unable to settle There is no jury in divorce or custody cases
The state of being tried or tempted; exposure to suffering that tests strength, patience, faith, or the like; affliction or temptation that exercises and proves the graces or virtues of men
The hearing of evidence in a case U United Nations An inter-governmental organisation of 185 members whose principal function is to maintain world peace V Verdict The decision of a jury in matters submitted to it in a trial W Warrant Written authority, usually from a court, authorising that certain action may be taken, e g to search, to arrest
The legal proceeding which makes a judgment regarding the facts and issues of a case
a proceeding or hearing of evidence in a court having jurisdiction over the persons, entities, and subject matter for a determination of all issues between the parties based upon the applicable substantive law
The court proceeding in which the District Attorney, or a Deputy District Attorney, presents the case for the State, attempting to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant committed the crime as charged The defendant may present proof to dispute the State's claim Usually the defendant chooses whether a judge or a twelve person jury will decide the case
If someone stands trial, they are tried in court for a crime they are accused of. trialled trialling to thoroughly test something to see if it works correctly or is effective. In law, a judicial examination of issues of fact or law for the purpose of determining the rights of the parties involved. Attorneys for the plaintiff and the defendant make opening statements to a judge or jury, then the attorney for the plaintiff makes his case by calling witnesses, whom the defense attorney may cross-examine. Unless the case is then dismissed for lack of sufficient evidence, the defense attorney next takes a turn calling witnesses, whom the plaintiff's attorney cross-examines. Both sides make closing arguments. In a trial before a jury, the judge instructs the jury on the applicable laws, and the jury retires to reach a verdict. If the defendant is found guilty, the judge then hands down a sentence. field trial trial jury Scopes Trial Nürnberg trials purge trials Salem witch trials
If you refer to the trials of a situation, you mean the unpleasant things that you experience in it. the trials of adolescence
A hearing in court with testimony recorded by a court reporter The Petitioner and the Respondent have the opportunity to present witnesses and introduce evidence to convince the judge or jury of their position
That which tries or afflicts; that which harasses; that which tries the character or principles; that which tempts to evil; as, his child's conduct was a sore trial
A court proceeding before a judge or a jury at which evidence is presented to decide whether or not the accused committed the crime
The formal examination of the matter in issue in a cause before a competent tribunal; the mode of determining a question of fact in a court of law; the examination, in legal form, of the facts in issue in a cause pending before a competent tribunal, for the purpose of determining such issue
In some sports or outdoor activities, trials are a series of contests that test a competitor's skill and ability. He has been riding in horse trials for less than a year. Dovedale Sheepdog Trials
the final hearing in court to decide the issues in the case
The act of testing by experience; proof; test
ein Verfahren ohne mündliche Verhandlung erledigen
to dispose of a case without trial
mündliche Verhandlung
oral proceedings
mündliche Verhandlung
(mündliche) verhandlung