(isim) ormanlık arazi

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) ormanlık arazi
Turkish - English
Forested land thought of in terms of its potential and value as timber
Forest land that is producing or capable of producing in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year or industrial wood crops under natural conditions, that is not withdrawn from timber utilization, and that is not associated with urban or rural development Currently inaccessible and inoperable areas are included
{i} woodland; land wooded with marketable wood
– refers to land of the public domain which has been the subject of the present system of land classification determined to be needed for forest purposes Eventually, these lands will be proclaimed as forest reserves by the President (Forest Management Bureau)
land that is covered with trees and shrubs
Forest land that is producing, or capable of producing, in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial roundwood products, and is not withdrawn from timber utilization by statute or administrative regulation
Forest land capable of growing 20 cubic feet or more per acre per year (mean increment at culmination in fully stocked, natural stands) of industrial wood and not in a reserved status through removal of the area from timber utilization by statute, ordinance, or administrative order; and not in a withdrawn status where it is pending consideration for reserved status
- Land suitable for producing timber crops and not withdrawn from timber production by statute or administrative regulation The typical minimum level of productivity is 20 cubic feet per acre per year
an area of land that is covered by trees, especially ones that will be used for wood
Forest land that is producing, or is capable of producing, in excess of 20 cubic feet per acre per year of industrial roundwood products under natural conditions, is not withdrawn from timber utilization by statute or administrative regulation, and is not associated with urban or rural development
forested land that is capable of producing crops of industrial wood at a rate of at least 20 cf/ac per year and has not been withdrawn from timber production (Some forest lands are not classified by the FIA as timberland because they are unproductive and some-such as national parks and wildernesses-because by law, they are off limits to harvesting )