(isim) idare etme, tutumlu olma, idareli kullanma, çiftçilik, tarım

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) idare etme, tutumlu olma, idareli kullanma, çiftçilik, tarım
Turkish - English
The raising of livestock and the cultivation of crops; agriculture
{n} tillage, management, frugality
Husbandry is farming animals, especially when it is done carefully and well
The business of a husbandman, comprehending the various branches of agriculture; farming
(Agriculture) The act or practice of cultivating crops and breeding and raising livestock Also, the application of scientific principles to agriculture, especially to animal breeding (Ecology) The careful management or conservation of resources
The prudent management or conservation of resources
{i} agriculture, farming; frugality, thriftiness; management of resources
– Application of scientific principles to animal breeding
the practice of cultivating the land or raising stock
Care of domestic affairs; economy; domestic management; thrift
The occupation of business of farming
(isim) idare etme, tutumlu olma, idareli kullanma, çiftçilik, tarım


    (i·sim) i·da·re et·me, tu·tum·lu ol·ma, i·da·re·li kul·lan·ma, çift·çi·lik, ta·rım

