(fiil) alıştırmak

listen to the pronunciation of (fiil) alıştırmak
Turkish - English
To cohabit
To make familiar by use; to cause to accept; to habituate, familiarize, or inure; -- with to

I shall always fear that he who accustoms himself to fraud in little things, wants only opportunity to practice it in greater.

To be wont
{v} to use one's self to a thing, to use
to make familiar by use
If you accustom yourself or another person to something, you make yourself or them become used to it. The team has accustomed itself to the pace of first division rugby Shakespeare has accustomed us to a mixture of humor and tragedy in the same play. see also accustomed = familiarize. to make yourself or another person become used to a situation or place accustom yourself to sth (acostumer, from costume )
To make familiar by use; to habituate, familiarize, or inure; with to
{f} familiarize, make used to
(fiil) alıştırmak