ıt is found in the mediterranean region

listen to the pronunciation of ıt is found in the mediterranean region
English - English

Definition of ıt is found in the mediterranean region in English English dictionary

It is found in the Mediterranean region
ıt is found in the mediterranean region


    ıt I·s found in the Me·di·ter·ra·ne·an re·gion

    Turkish pronunciation

    ît îz faund în dhi medıtıreyniın ricın


    /ət əz ˈfound ən ᴛʜē ˌmedətərˈānēən ˈrēʤən/ /ɪt ɪz ˈfaʊnd ɪn ðiː ˌmɛdətɜrˈeɪniːən ˈriːʤən/