ıt is found both in europe and america

listen to the pronunciation of ıt is found both in europe and america
English - English

Definition of ıt is found both in europe and america in English English dictionary

It is found both in Europe and America
ıt is found both in europe and america


    ıt I·s found both in Eu·rope and A·me·ri·ca

    Turkish pronunciation

    ît îz faund bōth în yûrıp ınd ımerıkı


    /ət əz ˈfound ˈbōᴛʜ ən ˈyo͝orəp ənd əˈmerəkə/ /ɪt ɪz ˈfaʊnd ˈboʊθ ɪn ˈjʊrəp ənd əˈmɛrəkə/