(Bilim, İlim) The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature an object may be cooled to by the process of evaporation. It is read directly from the wet-bulb thermometer on an electric psychrometer, sling psychrometer, or rotor psychrometer
Wet-bulb temperature is measured using a standard mercury-in-glass thermometer, with the thermometer bulb wrapped in muslin, which is kept wet. The evaporation of water from the thermometer has a cooling effect, so the temperature indicated by the wet bulb thermometer is less than the temperature indicated by a dry-bulb (normal, unmodified) thermometer
ıslak termometre sıcaklığı, yaş termometre sıcaklığı
ıs·lak ter·mo·met·re sı·cak·lı·ğı, yaş ter·mo·met·re sı·cak·lı·ğı