ınadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood

listen to the pronunciation of ınadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood
English - English

Definition of ınadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood in English English dictionary

Inadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood
ınadequate amounts of available oxygen in the blood


    in·ad·e·quate amounts of a·vail·a·ble o·xy·gen in the blood

    Turkish pronunciation

    înädıkwıt ımaunts ıv ıveylıbıl äksıcın în dhi blʌd


    /ənˈadəkwət əˈmounts əv əˈvāləbəl ˈäksəʤən ən ᴛʜē ˈbləd/ /ɪnˈædəkwət əˈmaʊnts əv əˈveɪləbəl ˈɑːksəʤən ɪn ðiː ˈblʌd/