ın the cerebral hemisphere of the brain

listen to the pronunciation of ın the cerebral hemisphere of the brain
English - English

Definition of ın the cerebral hemisphere of the brain in English English dictionary

In the cerebral hemisphere of the brain
ın the cerebral hemisphere of the brain


    ın the cer·e·bral he·mi·sphere of the brain

    Turkish pronunciation

    în dhi sıribrıl hemîsfîr ıv dhi breyn


    /ən ᴛʜē sərˈēbrəl ˈheməˌsfər əv ᴛʜē ˈbrān/ /ɪn ðiː sɜrˈiːbrəl ˈhɛmɪˌsfɪr əv ðiː ˈbreɪn/