çekingen, utangaç, sıkılgan, mahcup

listen to the pronunciation of çekingen, utangaç, sıkılgan, mahcup
Turkish - English
{s} retiring
Shy, introverted, liking privacy

I don't really know him well, since he's so shy and retiring.

present participle of retire
not blatant or overly aggressive in manner or appearance; "a retiring disposition"
not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl
moving toward a position farther from the front; "the receding glaciers of the last ice age"; "retiring fogs revealed the rocky coastline"
of a person who has held and relinquished a position or office; "a retiring member of the board"
1. Someone who is retiring is shy and avoids meeting other people. I'm still that shy, retiring little girl who was afraid to ask for sweets in the shop. see also retire
about to retire
not arrogant or presuming; "unassuming to a fault, skeptical about the value of his work"; "a shy retiring girl"
Reserved; shy; not forward or obtrusive; as, retiring modesty; retiring manners
Of or pertaining to retirement; causing retirement; suited to, or belonging to, retirement
{s} characterized by retirement; bashful, shy, timid
çekingen, utangaç, sıkılgan, mahcup