disapproval If you refer to routine tasks or activities as the grind, you mean they are boring and take up a lot of time and effort. The daily grind of government is done by Her Majesty's Civil Service see also grinding
verb, noun A trick done on any sharp lip where the truck comes in contact with the edge of the pool, curb, ramp, etc The act of performing said trick (i e to grind a rail)
If you grind something, you make it smooth or sharp by rubbing it against a hard surface. a shop where they grind knives The tip can be ground to a much sharper edge to cut smoother and faster
To work up for an examination; to grind up the subjects set, and to grind into the memory the necessary cram The allusion is to a mill, and the analogy evident To grind one down To reduce the price asked; to lower wages A knife, etc , is gradually reduced by grinding To take a grind is to take a constitutional walk; to cram into the smallest space the greatest amount of physical exercise This is the physical grind The literary grind is a turn at hard study To take a grinder is to insult another by applying the left thumb to the nose and revolving the right hand round it, as if working a hand-organ or coffeemill This insulting retort is given when someone has tried to practise on your credulity, or to impose upon your good faith
A trick done on any sharp lip where the truck comes in contact with the edge of the pool, curb, ramp, etc The act of performing said trick (i e to grind a rail)
In paints, inks, coatings and liquid color concentrates, the fineness of pigment particle size reduction Usually reported in Hegman units, grind is generally 10-30 microns in formulated liquid colorants