Definition of (isim)zle in Turkish English dictionary
- common cold
- A very common, mild viral infection of the nose and throat, whose symptoms include sneezing, sniffling, a running or blocked nose, a sore throat, coughing and a headache
- a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs); "will they never find a cure for the common cold?"
- common virus infection of the respiratory tract
- The common cold is a mild illness. If you have it, your nose is blocked or runny and you have a sore throat or a cough. a slight illness in which your throat hurts and it is difficult to breathe normally = cold. Viral infection of the upper and sometimes the lower respiratory tract. Symptoms, which are relatively mild, include sneezing, fatigue, sore throat, and stuffy or runny nose (but not fever); they usually last only a few days. About 200 different strains of virus can produce colds; they are spread by direct or indirect contact. The cold is the most common of all illnesses; the average person gets several every year. Incidence peaks in the fall. Treatment involves rest, adequate fluid intake, and over-the-counter remedies for the symptoms. Antibiotics do not combat the virus but may be given if secondary infections develop
- isim
- name
I'm really bad with names, but I never forget a face.
- Ben isimlerde gerçekten kötüyüm, ama bir yüzü asla unutmam.
I couldn't remember their names.
- Onların isimlerini hatırlayamadım.
- isim
- noun
In Esperanto, nouns end in o. The plural is formed by adding a j.
- Esperantoda, o ile biten isimler. Çoğul bir j ekleyerek oluşturulur.
All German nouns are written with the first letter capitalized.
- Almanca'da bütün isimler büyük harfle yazılır.
- afişteki isim
- headline
- isim
- first name
In France, the first name goes before the surname.
- Fransa'da isim soyadından önce gelir.
Tom's was the first name on the list of persons of interest after Mary's murder.
- Mary'nin cinayetinden sonra Tom'unki ilgi kişiler listesinde ilk isimdi.
- isim hatası
- misnomer
- isim vermek
- dub
- bilimsel isim
- (Denizbilim) scientific name
- isim
- praenomen
- isim
- designatio
- isim
- christian name
- isim cümlecikleri
- (Dilbilim) noun clauses
- isim cümlesi
- (Dilbilim) noun clause
- isim hakkı kullanma
- (Ticaret) franchising
- isim koyan
- denominator
- isim koymak
- call
- isim levhası
- name-plate
- isim tabelası
- escutcheon
- isim takmak
- style
- isim tamlaması
- (Dilbilim) possessive construction
- isim ve rütbe listesi
- (Askeri) muster roll
- isim verilmiş varlıklar
- (Bilgisayar) named entities
- isim vermek
- denominate
- isim vermek
- give a name
- isim vermek
- entitle
- isim yapmak
- become famous
- isim çözümleme
- (Bilgisayar) name resolution
- isim-fiil
- gerund
- soy isim
- surname
- windows internet isim hizmeti
- windows internet name service
- yolcu isim kaydı
- passenger name record
- Güle başka isim verseler de yine gül
- (Atasözü) A rose by another name would smell as sweet
- isim
- reputation
- isim babası
- father. a man who creates, originates, or founds something.the person who glossed it
- isim hali
- case
- isim soylu
- (Dilbilim) Nominal
- kırım hanlarının veliahtlarına verilen isim
- the name given to the Crown Inn carnage
- soy isim
- last name
- özel isim
- Proper noun
- alay etmek için isim takma
- name-calling
- cins isim
- common noun
- cins isim
- appellative name
- den halinde isim fiil
- supine
- eksik isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen imperfectum
- eksiksiz isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen inviolatum
- gereksiz isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen superfluum
- geçici isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen provisorium
- gizli isim
- cryptonym
- i halinde isim fiil
- supine
- ikinci isim
- byname
- ilk isim
- forename
- isim
- denomination
- isim
- record
- isim
- name (of a person or thing), appellation
- isim
- gram. noun
- isim
- title (of a book, a painting, a musical composition, etc.)
- isim
- person: Bertan'ın hayatında yeni isimler var artık. Bertan's got new people in his life now
- isim
- forename
- isim
- name; title; noun; reputation, name
- isim
- given name
- isim
- appellation
- isim
- designation
- isim
- (Hukuk) substantive
- isim
- title
- isim
- character
- isim
- repute
- isim
- moniker
- isim açıklamamak
- name no names
- isim cinsi
- gender
- isim cümlesi gram
- sentence that has "to be" as its main verb
- isim defterine kaydeden
- enroller
- isim etiketi
- nametag
- isim fiil
- gerund
- isim fiil
- verbal
- isim fiil
- verbal noun
- isim fişi
- name ticket
- isim hali
- locative case
- isim hali
- locative
- isim hali gram. case
- (of a noun)
- isim ile ilgili
- nounal
- isim kartı
- name card
- isim kartı
- name tag
- isim koymak
- name
- isim koymak
- christen
- isim koymak
- baptize
- isim koymak
- to give (someone, something) a name, name
- isim levhası
- plate
- isim levhası
- signboard
- isim levhası
- sign
- isim levhası
- nameplate
- isim listesi
- scrip
- isim niteliğinde
- substantival
- isim okuyarak oylama
- (Politika, Siyaset) vote by roll call
- isim olarak kullanılan
- substantive
- isim olarak tanımak
- know somebody by name
- isim olarak tanımak
- know by name
- isim panosu
- telegraph
- isim panosu
- telegraph board
- isim plâkası
- escutcheon
- isim plâkası
- scutcheon
- isim takmak
- nickname
- isim takmak
- to nickname
- isim takımı gram
- two or more nouns grammatically related as possessor and possessed or modifier and modified
- isim tamlaması gram
- two or more nouns linked together to form a grammatical unit (e.g. okulun bahçesi, kız lisesi, altın saat)
- isim ve adres
- name and address
- isim veren kişi
- namer
- isim vererek göstermek
- designate with a term
- isim verilmesi gereken
- namable
- isim vermeden konuşmak
- tell anonymously
- isim vermek
- term
- isim vermek
- name names
I don't want to name names.
- İsim vermek istemiyorum.
Tom didn't want to name names.
- Tom isim vermek istemedi.
- isim vermek
- name
To give names to celestial objects, astronomers use Latin.
- Astronomlar gök nesnelere isim vermek için Latince kullanır.
Tom didn't want to name names.
- Tom isim vermek istemedi.
- isim vermek
- to name, to give a name
- isim vermek
- to name, give (someone, something) a name
- isim vermek
- mention names
- isim yapmak
- to become famous
- isim yapmak
- to become famous, make a name for oneself
- isim yapmak
- make a name
- isim yoklaması
- roll call
- isim yortusu
- name day
- isim öğretisi
- (Edebiyat) onomatodoxy
- isim şeklinde olma
- substantive
- isim/değer ikilileri
- (Bilgisayar) name/value pairs
- ismin -e halindeki isim
- (Dilbilim) indirect object
- kapı isim plâkası
- doorplate
- kimyasal isim
- chemical name
- kitabın içine yapıştırılan isim etiketi
- bookplate
- sahte isim
- alias
- sahte isim
- (Edebiyat) allonym
- sahte isim kullanma
- personation
- standart isim
- (Askeri) standard nomenclature
- sıfır isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen nullum
- tekil isim
- singular
In English, we should use the pronouns a or an before singular nouns like house, dog, radio, computer, etc.
- İngilizcede a ya da an gibi zamirleri house, dog, radio, computer, v.b. tekil isimlerin önünde kullanırız.
- uzun isim
- (Askeri) long title
- yanlış isim kullanma
- misnomer
- yasak isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen vetitum
- yeni isim
- (Denizbilim) nomen novum
- yeni isim koymak
- rename
- yerine zamir gelen isim
- antecedent
- yüklem oluşturan isim
- predicate noun