(isim) yoga

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Any of several Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity; especially a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body and mind
a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind
techniques of developing and integrating energy; discipline or 'yoking' of the senses and the ego more
A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity; especially a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body and mind
Union of the individual soul and the Supreme Soul; also the discipline by which such union is effected The Yoga system of philosophy, ascribed to Patanjali, is one of the six systems of orthodox Hindu philosophy and deals with the realization of Truth through concentration of the mind
Indian word for "union " Yoga is a posturing and breathing technique to induce relaxation
A combination of relaxation, breathing techniques and exercise which combats stress, and helps circulation and movement of the joints
A Hindu series of mental, spiritual and physical exercises designed to aid in enlightenment The exercise component of Yoga is often practiced in the West as an aid to healthy living
a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of actions and knowledge and devotion
An ancient practice for bringing body and mind into harmony using meditation, physical postures, breathing, and exercise
A means of becoming united with the supreme being, or with the universal soul
A discipline that focuses on the body's muscles, posture, breathing mechanisms, and consciousness, in order to attain physical and mental well-being through mastery of the body
1 Hodgepodge of dozens of religious and quasireligious systems and methods, many of which are health-related The word "yoga" comes from a Sanskrit term that literally means "yoke" and, in Hinduism, implies harnessing oneself to God But, contextually or with a qualifier (e g , chakra, Chinese, Polarity, Taoist, or Tibetan), the word "yoga" often seems to mean simply "religious or quasireligious practice or group of practices " 2 Hatha yoga
Philosophical and physical discipline using various postures and controlled breathing to improve muscle flexibility and tone, improve circulation and calm the mind
(literally, union) The state of oneness with the self, with God; the practice leading to that state
The English word "Yoke" is derived from this word, and its meaning is "Union" or being connected to something The understanding is that it is the integration of personal experience into wisdom, both from physical and meditative practices
As far back as the third century B C , Patanjali, the father of classical yoga philosophy, defined yoga as "the cessation of the modification of the mind " Yoga, which in Sanskrit means "union," focuses on altering the state of a person's mind and using the powers of the mind to generate healing within the body By assuming a series of asanas (positions) and concentrating on breathing, people who practice yoga keep their spine supple and systematically exercise all of the body's major muscle groups This in turn strengthens the organs by increasing respiration and blood flow (2)
is an ancient Indian mind/body practice which traditionally prescribes physical postures and movements (asana), breathwork (pranayama), diet, ethics, concentration and meditation in order to live skillfully and to achieve emancipation (samadhi) The many branches of yoga stress various practices, ranging from Hatha Yoga's emphasis on asana, to Raja Yoga's emphasis on meditation, to Bakti Yoga's emphasis on devotion The many styles of Hatha Yoga popular among Americans include Iyengar, Ashtanga (Power Yoga), Kundalini, and Kripalu
the practice in which physical postures, breathing exercises and meditation are used to reduce stress, lower blood pressure and regulate heart rate
A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity A system of exercises to promote integration of body, mind, and spirit Yoga, to yoke, join, bring together, bring to union
(isim) yoga