An implement for washing floors, or the like, made of a piece of cloth, or a collection of thrums, or coarse yarn, fastened to a handle
In many places statute fairs are held, where servants seek to be hired Carters fasten to their hats a piece of whipcord; shepherds, a lock of wool; grooms, a piece of sponge, etc When hired they mount a cockade with streamers Some few days after the statute fair, a second, called a Mop, is held for the benefit of those not already hired This fair mops or wipes up the refuse of the statute fair, carrying away the dregs of the servants left Mop One of Queen Mab's attendants All mops and brooms Intoxicated
Method Of Payment The means used by a customer to pay for a sale eg, cash, EFT, account
{i} rag or sponge attached to the end of a stick for cleaning the floor; rag; lock of messy hair
Maintenance Operations Protocol MOP is a Digital protocol for Ethernet network traffic The protocol is used for remote communications between hosts and devices on the network Terminal servers use this protocol to download code from a host quickly and easily For networks where LAT and MOP are the dominant network services, MOP is the simplest way to boot the Server
(isim) paspas, iplik paspas, karışık saç, yüz buruşturma, surat ekşitme
(i·sim) pas·pas, ip·lik pas·pas, ka·rı·şık saç, yüz bu·ruş·tur·ma, su·rat ek·şit·me