(isim) dizgici

listen to the pronunciation of (isim) dizgici
Turkish - English
A person who sets type; a typesetter
{n} one who sets types in printing
One who composes or sets in order
One who sets type and arranges it for use
workman who first sets type (and in many instances corrects it at various stages), next imposes the pages into the forme, and finally after printing cleans and distributes the type
A compositor is a person who arranges the text and pictures of a book, magazine, or newspaper before it is printed. someone who arranges words, pictures etc on a page before they are printed
one who sets written material into type
A person who sets type (a typesetter)
{i} typesetter (Printing)
A person who sets type Also called a typesetter
Tradesman typesetter
(isim) dizgici