Definition of (food) in English English dictionary
- Chinese food
- Food commonly associated with North American Chinese, such as lo mein, fortune cookies, sesame chicken, and so on
- Chinese food
- Food native to or commonly found in China
- I need food
- Indicates that the speaker needs food
- Japanese food
- Japanese cuisine
- Japanese food
- the specific foods planted/produced and well-eaten in Japan, such as fruits, vegetables, confections, snacks, etc
- agri-food
- The business of producing food agriculturally (as opposed to through hunting, fishing, gathering, and so on); food so produced
Sales of organic products have increased dramatically in recent years (for instance, in Europe), and organic farming is the fastest-growing sector of agriculture and an important point in the EU agri-food policy.
- animal food
- Material, of an animal or most often vegetable origin, prepared (especially industrially) as feed for domestic or farm animals
- baby food
- a food designed for babies, usually of very soft consistency
- cat food
- A type of food specially formulated for the feeding of cats, typically composed of processed grain as dry food or canned fish as wet food
The cat ate the cat food.
- comfort food
- Certain foods that people associate with their formative years, or with “home”; frequently simple home-cooked style food, and often the staple of diners and other informal restaurants
- comfort food
- Food that one eats to feel comfort or alleviate stress rather than to receive nutrition
After the relationship ended she would make herself sick eating comfort food every night.
- convenience food
- A food or meal that needs little preparation or cooking, especially one sold prepackaged
- devil's food cakes
- plural form of devil's food cake
- dog food
- Food eaten by or appropriate for dogs in general, whether wild or domesticated
- dog food
- Beta software that is tested on the developer’s own computer
- dog food
- Food for domesticated dogs
- eat one's own dog food
- To test the beta programs that are in the test phase on one's own computers; to dogfood
- eat one's own dog food
- To use or consume the economic goods or services that oneself is producing; to be part of a closed household economy
- fast food
- Anything standardized, quickly available, and inexpensive, often, of low value
- fast food
- A type of meal that is often standardized, pre-prepared, and served quickly
- fast food
- A type of food that is quickly made, but of low nutritional value; junk food
- fast food restaurant
- Any restaurant characterised by the ability, in principle, to provide hot food with the minimum of delay (typically no longer than a patron would be happy to stand and wait). Does not necessarily preclude the cooking of food to order
The over reliance on fast food restaurants is believed to be a major contributor to the increase in obesity.
- fast food restaurants
- plural form of fast food restaurant
- fast-food
- Of, pertaining to, or serving fast food
- finger food
- Food that can be eaten with one's hands, as opposed to requiring utensils; often appetizers and snacks
He didn't serve a full lunch or dinner at the party, but there was plenty of finger food to munch.
- fish food
- food for fish that are kept in aquaria; sprinkled on the surface of the water
- food
- A foodstuff
This shop stocks many hundreds of different foods.
- food
- Anything intended to supply energy or nourishment of an entity or idea
That is food for thought.
- food
- Any substance that is or can be consumed by living organisms, especially by eating, in order to sustain life
The innkeeper brought them food and drink.
- food additive
- Any non-food substance added to food in order to improve its flavour, appearance or shelf life
- food additives
- plural form of food additive
- food baby
- A large, protruding belly that appears after eating too much
Dishes are largely composed of lighter fare - such as smoked swordfish and salmon salad - much appreciated when you're still carrying a food baby from a previous meal.
- food chain
- The feeding relationships between species in a biotic community
- food chain
- a hierarchy
With my promotion this month I will continue my steady journey to the top of the food chain.
- food colouring
- Any substance added to food in order to change its colour
- food colourings
- plural form of food colouring
- food coma
- A state of lethargy and sleepiness that comes on shortly after eating a large or heavy meal
- food comas
- plural form of food coma
- food court
- A common area for dining, containing or surrounded by contiguous counters of multiple food vendors
- food courts
- plural form of food court
- food crop
- A crop raised for human consumption, such as wheat or rice
The potato is already the world's third most-important food crop after wheat and rice. Corn, which is widely planted, is mainly used for animal feed.
- food crops
- plural form of food crop
- food desert
- An area or region in which people experience geographical and/or financial problems in acquiring healthy food
- food fight
- A typically spontaneous and disorderly outbreak in which food is thrown for amusement, especially across a cafeteria room, as a form of chaotic collective behavior
- food fights
- plural form of food fight
- food fishes
- plural form of food fish
- food for thought
- Information or knowledge that is worthy of contemplation
- food miles
- A reference to the environmental impact of the global food trade, especially when transported by air
- food pipe
- The esophagus/oesophagus
- food poisoning
- Common term for any food-borne disease, such as salmonella, which causes diarrhea, nausea, fever and abdominal cramps
- food preservative
- Any substance added to a processed food in order to extend its shelf life
- food preservatives
- plural form of food preservative
- food processor
- A small kitchen appliance for chopping or pureeing food
To make nut roast, you have to blitz the nuts in a food processor.
- food processors
- plural form of food processor
- food pyramid
- A pyramid shaped diagram in layers, where each layer represents a group of animals that feeds on the layer below
The teacher reminded us to always start the food pyramid with the plants on the bottom.
- food pyramid
- Any pyramidal diagram giving advice on how to eat healthily, particularly those widely publicized by the united states government
The food pyramid surprised me by showing that we should eat lots of cheese.
- food stamp
- A stamp or similar paper document (e.g. coupon) issued to be exchanged in shops or storage facilities for food, or (by extension) for other essential provisions, notably in a rationing system or as a non-financial form of welfare benefit
The authorities claim they turned from unemployment checks to food stamps to avoid alcoholists wasting their families' allowances in pubs.
- food stamps
- plural form of food stamp
- food stylist
- A person who arranges food to make it appear attractive for advertisements
- food stylists
- plural form of food stylist
- food supplement
- Additional nutrients or other chemicals substances, augmenting those provided by normal diet
- food supplements
- plural form of food supplement
- food vacuole
- A vacuole in which phagocytized food is digested
- food waste disposer
- a machine, built into the waste tube of a domestic sink, that shreds unwanted food and flushes it away
- food web
- a diagram showing the organisms that eat other organisms in a particular ecosystem, predators being higher in the web than their prey
- food-borne disease
- A disease which is contracted from eating contaminated food
- functional food
- Any fresh or processed food claimed to have a health-promoting and/or disease-preventing property beyond the basic function of supplying nutrients
- health food
- Any food that is especially beneficial to health
- junk food
- Food with little or no nutritional value
- natural food
- A food that has been not been processed in any way that alters covalent bonds, and to which no artificial substance has been added
- oriental food
- food prepared using recipes or in a style resembling that used in countries of East Asia, including Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Korean, etc
- put food on the table
- To provide enough money to cover basic necessities
The middle class does not consider itself free form the concern of putting food on the table.
- rabbit food
- salad vegetables, such as carrots, celery or lettuce
Are you on a diet? Why are you eating that rabbit food?.
- rabbit food
- A type of food specially formulated for the feeding of rabbits
The bunny ate the rabbit food.
- slow food
- food, in contrast to fast food, that is normally a part of a complete meal; especially the traditional cuisine of a region
- snack food
- Any food deemed suitable for a snack
The consumption of snack food is linked with obesity.
- soul food
- food traditionally eaten by southern African Americans
- street food
- Food obtainable from a streetside vendor, often from a makeshift or portable stall
They specialize in all sorts of events, such as athletic competitions, fairs, and conventions, as well as receptions, banquets, and street food.
- whole food
- Food that is unprocessed and unrefined, or processed or refined as little as possible
Unpolished grains that retained their outer coating were a major lynchpin of his 'whole foods'-based diet.
- yuppie food stamp
- A $20 bill, as dispensed from an ATM
We need change, but all I have is a yuppie food stamp.
- staple food
- A staple food, sometimes simply referred to as a staple, is a food that is eaten routinely and in such quantities that it constitutes a dominant portion of a standard diet in a given population, supplying a large fraction of the needs for energy-rich materials and generally a significant proportion of the intake of other nutrients as well
- food
- {n} victuals, meat, provision for the mouth
- diet food
- Diet food (or dietetic food) refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a body modification diet. Although the usual intention is weight loss and change in body type, sometimes the intention is to aid in gaining weight or muscle as in bodybuilding supplements
- dietetic food
- Diet food (or dietetic food) refers to any food or drink whose recipe has been altered in some way to make it part of a body modification diet. Although the usual intention is weight loss and change in body type, sometimes the intention is to aid in gaining weight or muscle as in bodybuilding supplements
- food coloring
- A food coloring is any substance that is added to food to change its color. It is sometimes used in cooking
- food court
- A food court is generally an indoor plaza or common area within a facility that is contiguous with the counters of multiple food vendors and provides a common area for self-serve dining
- food hygiene
- The preservation and preparation of foods in a manner that ensures the food is safe for human consumption
- food security
- Food security is a situation in which people do not live in hunger or fear of starvation. World-wide around 852 million men, women and children are chronically hungry due to extreme poverty; while up to 2 billion people lack food security intermittently due to varying degrees of poverty. (source: FAO, 2003)
- food writer
- The terms food critic, food writer, and restaurant critic can all be used to describe a writer who analyses food or restaurants and then publishes the results of their findings. While these terms are not strictly synonymous they are often used interchangeably, at least in some circumstances. Those who share their opinions via food columns in newspapers and magazines are known as food columnists