(fiil) yenmek, aşmak; engellemek; devirmek; boşa çıkarmak, iptal ettirmek

listen to the pronunciation of (fiil) yenmek, aşmak; engellemek; devirmek; boşa çıkarmak, iptal ettirmek
Turkish - English
{v} to overthrow, rout, destroy, disappoint
{n} an overthrow, deprivation, destruction
If you defeat someone, you win a victory over them in a battle, game, or contest. His guerrillas defeated the colonial army in 1954 = beat
An overthrow, as of an army in battle; loss of a battle; repulse suffered; discomfiture; opposed to victory
(n ) dormad, dohrmahdh
{i} act of winning or overcoming; overthrow; instance of being defeated, loss; failure
If a proposal or motion in a debate is defeated, more people vote against it than for it. The proposal was defeated by just one vote
To undo; to disfigure; to destroy
To destroy, ruin, undo, lay waste to
The act of defeating or being defeated
To render null and void, as a title; to frustrate, as hope; to deprive, as of an estate
To overcome or vanquish, as an army; to check, disperse, or ruin by victory; to overthrow
An undoing or annulling; destruction
To resist with success; as, to defeat an assault
Frustration by rendering null and void, or by prevention of success; as, the defeat of a plan or design
{f} overcome, beat; frustrate
To defeat an action or plan means to cause it to fail. The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion = thwart
win a victory over; "You must overcome all difficulties"; "defeat your enemies"; "He overcame his shyness"; "She conquered here fear of mice"; "He overcame his infirmity"; "Her anger got the better of her and she blew up"
the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals
thwart the passage of; "kill a motion"; "he shot down the student's proposal"
(fiil) yenmek, aşmak; engellemek; devirmek; boşa çıkarmak, iptal ettirmek


    (fi·il) yen·mek, aş·mak; en·gel·le·mek; de·vir·mek; bo·şa çı·kar·mak, ip·tal et·tir·mek

