If you bungle something, you fail to do it properly, because you make mistakes or are clumsy. Two prisoners bungled an escape bid after running either side of a lamp-post while handcuffed. the FBI's bungled attempt to end the 51 day siege. = botch Bungle is also a noun. an appalling administrative bungle. + bungling bun·gling a bungling burglar. to fail to do something properly, because you have made stupid mistakes - used especially in news reports (Perhaps from a language)
make a mess of, destroy or ruin; "I botched the dinner and we had to eat out"; "the pianist screwed up the difficult passage in the second movement"
(fiil) acemice iş yapmak, yüzüne gözüne bulaştırmak, berbat etmek, becerememek
(fi·il) a·ce·mi·ce iş yap·mak, yü·zü·ne gö·zü·ne bu·laş·tır·mak, ber·bat et·mek, be·ce·re·me·mek