İsimler, zamirler, fiiller, sıfatlar, zarflar, makaleler, edatlar, bağlaçlar, ve ünlemler İngilizcede konuşma parçalarıdır.
- Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, articles, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections are the parts of speech in English.
不够 'den sonra bir sıfat koymak zorundasın.
- You have to put an adjective after 不够.
The spaceship captain's clothing came from the age of steam. The style was very 'steampunk'.
Uzay gemisi kaptanın giysisi buhar döneminden geldi. Stili çok 'steampunk' idi.
Please correct my Turkish.
In fact, God is of not so much importance in Himself, but as the end towards which man tends. That irreverent person who said that Browning uses “God” as a pigment made an accurate criticism of his theology. In Browning, God is adjective to man.
adjective law.
The words “big” and “heavy” are English adjectives.
The word “red” in “the red balloon” is an attributive adjective.
Example: one in one meatball.
Note: In the English language they are the same as the demonstrative pronouns - this, that, these and those.
Examples (from English) - what and which.
Example: first in first attempt.
My, its and his are possessive adjectives.
‘Complicated’ is a predicative adjective in the sentence ‘Grammar is complicated.’.
These two general classes of adjectives may also be divided into several others, of which the following are the most important: — 1. A proper adjective is one that is derived from a proper name; as, American . . .
Example: whose in the man whose time had come.