(Tıp) Mikroskopik muayene için ince kesit alıncak dokuyu sert şekilde tesbit edici madde, organ veya oluşumun bozulmadan muhafazasını sağlayan ilaçlı eriyik
English - English
Definition of (a) fixative in English English dictionary
a varnish dissolved in alcohol and sprayed over pictures to prevent smudging a compound (such as ethanol or formaldehyde) that fixes tissues and cells for microscopic study
A fixative is a chemical which renders a cell or organism suspended or preserved in a stable state, usually so that it can be studied at a later date For instance, a fixative might be used to preserve a tiny organism on a microscope slide
(AKA fixed oil) In perfumery, a material that slows down the rate of evaporation of the more volatile materials in a perfume composition So-called vegetable oils fall into this category Though not the same as a vegatable oil we also carry D G P for this purpose