(Askeri) Kurmay Başkanı; istasyon şefi; kritik işgal kuvvetleri uzmanlığı/kritik işgal özelliği (chief of staff; chief of station; critical occupational specialty)
Common Object Services Collection of standard services to simplify developing standard applications Naming, Event and Lifecycle-services are a part of the COS collection
Corporation for Open Systems An organization of vendors formed in 1985 to coordinate member company efforts in the selection of standards and protocols, conformance testing, and the establishment of certification The purpose was to improve, and eventually insure, interoperability of different vendors' products
Computer Officers (strictly speaking, a formal job title, but used more broadly in this report to mean computer support staff in Cambridge colleges and university departments)
Community of Science A subscription web service containing information about funding opportunities for research and scientific expertise VCU subscribes to SPINPlus, which provides similar information
Community of Science A web server containing information about scientific expertise, funded scientific research, and funding opportunities for research
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph - Fourth Generation Spectrometer COS is an ultraviolet spectrograph optimised for observing faint point sources with moderate spectral resolution
class of service Indication of how an upper-layer protocol requires a lower-layer protocol to treat its messages In SNA subarea routing, COS definitions are used by subarea nodes to determine the optimal route to establish a given session A COS definition comprises a virtual route number and a transmission priority field Also called ToS
Common Object Services A collection of CORBA services that support the basic functions for using distributed objects These services are independent of application domains