Actively connected to other computers or devices You're on-line when you've logged on to a network, BBS, or on-line service A device such as a printer is on-line when it's turned on and accessible to a computer If you're not on-line then you're off-line
A generic way to refer to anything that is stored electronically on a computer Also refers to the state of being interactively connected to a service
The state of being connected to a computer system or network from a computer system or terminal
To be actively connected to a network, usually a WAN, or a remote computer On-line databases are databases stored on remote computer systems accessible across a network
The magnetic stripe terminal (e g ATM, EFT, CAT, POS) is connected via a communications link to the central authorization/transaction computer during the transaction If the terminal holds transaction data in local memory for later transmission to the central computer, it is said to be off-line
A "live" connection to a computer network over telecommunications lines, in which a user interacts with other computers on a network to send electronic mail, read information stored on another system, or download information to his or her own terminal
A transaction on a terminal permanently connected to a network that is on-line to the card account
Connected to a network or via a network Examples: Send me a message on-line In other words, send me an e-mail message