
listen to the pronunciation of electronic
İngilizce - Türkçe
(İnşaat) elktronik
(Nükleer Bilimler) electronik
{s} elektronik

Elektronik sigaradan çıkan duman miktarı hiç fena değil. - The amount of smoke that comes out of an electronic cigarette isn't bad at all.

Üniversiteye elektronik eğitimi için girdi. - He entered the college to study electronics.

(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK: Elektronların hareketinden faydalanan cihaz, devre veya sistemlere ait ve bunlarla ilgili
(sıfat) elektronik
elektronla işleyen
elektronik bilimine ait
(Tıp) Elektronlara ait, elektronlu, elektronik
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron lambası
electronic camera
(Teknik,Televizyon) alıcı
electronic component
(Askeri) elektronik komponent
electronic computers
elektronik bilgisayarlar
electronic devices
(Ticaret) elektronik cihazlar
electronic ignition
(Otomotiv) elektronik ateşleme sistemi
electronic industries
elektronik endüstrisi
electronic jamming
(Askeri) elektronik karıştırma
electronic systems
(Askeri) elektronik sistemler
electronic air filter
elektronik hava filtresi
electronic autopilot
elektronik otomatik pilot
electronic balance
elektronik terazi
electronic band spectrum
elektronik bant spektrumu
electronic calculator
çıncalık hesap makinesi
electronic camera
çıncalık kamera
electronic cash register
elektronik yazar kasa
electronic circuit
çıncalık devre
electronic clock
çıncalık sögen
electronic communication
elektronik haberleşme
electronic computer
elektronik kompüter
electronic control
çıncalık kontrol
electronic converter
elektronik çevirgeç
electronic counter
çıncalık sayaç
electronic data processing
elektronik veri işlemci
electronic device
elektronik cihaz
electronic engineer
çıncalık mühendisi
electronic engineering
çıncalık mühendisliği
electronic equipment
elektronik teçhizat
electronic heating
elektronik ısıtma
electronic hygrometer
elektronik higrometre
electronic instrument
elektronik aygıt
electronic intelligence
elektronik istihbarat
electronic keying
elektronik açıp kapama
electronic lock
elektronik kilit
electronic mail
elektronik posta
electronic microvoltmetre
elektronik mikrovoltmetre
electronic multimeter
elektronik multimetre
electronic music
çıncalık müzik
electronic oscillation
elektronik titreşim
electronic pen
çıncalık kalem
electronic pen
elektronik kalem
electronic phase meter
elektronik faz ölçme aleti
electronic photoflash
elektronik fotoflaş
electronic photometer
elektronik fotometre
electronic power
elektronik güç
electronic power
çıncalık güç
electronic program selecting
elektronik program seçme
electronic regulator
elektronik regülatör
electronic relay
elektronik röle
electronic spectrum
elektronik spektrum
electronic spreadsheet
elektronik kutuçizim
electronic stethoscope
elektronik stetoskop
electronic stroboscope
elektronik stroboskop
electronic switching system
elektronik anahtarlama sistemi
electronic voltmeter
elektronik voltmetre
electronic warfare
elektronik savaş
electronic arts
Elektironik sanatlar
electronic camera
elektronik kamera
electronic components shopping center
elektronikçiler çarşısı
electronic conductance
elektronik iletkenlik
electronic configuration
elektronik konfigürasyon
electronic cutter
elektronik kesici
electronic data processing machines
elektronik bilgi işlem makineleri
electronic differential analyser
elektronik diferansiyel çözümleyici
electronic emission
elektronik emisyon
electronic engineer
elektronik mühendisi
electronic engineering
elektronik mühendisliği
electronic flashlamp
elektronik flaş lambası
electronic font foundry
elektronik font dökümhane
electronic funds transfer systems
elektronik fon aktarım sistemleri
electronic gadget
elektronik alet
electronic identification
elektronik kimlik
electronic items memorandum
elektronik not cihazı
electronic keyboard
Elektronik klavye
electronic oscillations
elektronik titreşimler
electronic scanning
tarama elektronik
electronic tube
elektronik tüp
electronic video recording
elektronik görüntü saptama
electronic viewfinder
elektronik vizor
Electronic Industries Association
(Askeri) Elektronik Sanayicileri Derneği
electronic amplifier
elektronik yükseltici
electronic antenna
(Otomotiv) elektronik anten
electronic attack (previously ECM); emergency action; executive agent; executive
(Askeri) elektronik saldırı (eski adıyla Elektronik Karşı Tedbirler (ECM)); acil faaliyet/işlem; icra üyesi; icra üyesi asistanı
electronic beam
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron demet
electronic bomb
(Askeri) elektromanyetik bomba
electronic bulletin board
elektronik belleten
electronic calculator
elektronik hesap makinası
electronic camouflage
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik kamuflaj
electronic change notice; Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network
(Askeri) elektromanyetik değişim notu; En Az Gereklilikteki Acil Durum Muhabere Ağı
electronic charge
(Fizik,Teknik) temel yük
electronic charge
elektron yükü
electronic cleaner
elektrostatık filtre
electronic cleaner
elektronik temizleyici
electronic combat officer
(Askeri) elektronik muharebe subayı
electronic combat; error control; European Community
(Askeri) elektronik harp; hata kontrolü; Avrupa Birliği
electronic commerce
eletronik ticaret
electronic computer
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik komputör
electronic connection
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik bağlantı
electronic controller
elektronik denetleyici
electronic copy
elektronik kopya
electronic copy
elektronik nüsha
electronic counter
elektronik sayaç
electronic counter
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik sayıcı
electronic counter counter measures
(ECCM) elektronik savunma yontemleri
electronic counter measures
(Askeri) Karşı elektronik tedbirleri
electronic countermeasure
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK KARŞI TEDBİRLER: Elektronik harbin; elektromanyetik radyasyonlardan faydalanan veya bu radyasyonların etkisi altında bulunan düşman malzemesi ve taktiğinin etkilerini önlemek veya azaltmak; düşmanın bu gibi radyasyonları kullanmasını istismar etmek için girişilmiş faaliyetleri içine alan ana tali bölümü. Bak. "active electronic countermeasures", "electronic deception", "electronic jamming" ve "electronic warfare"
electronic countermeasures
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK KARŞI TEDBİRLER: Elektromanyetik spektrumun düşman tarafından etkin olarak kullanılmasını engellemek veya indirgemek için alınan tedbirlerle ilgili elektronik harbin bir bölümüdür. Aynı zamanda ECM'de denir, Elektronik karşı tedbirler şunları içerir
electronic data bank
elektronik veri bankası
electronic data interchange
(Askeri) elektronik veri iç dolaşımı
electronic data processing
elektronik bilgi işlem,elektronik veri işlemci
electronic data processing center
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK BİLGİ İŞLEM MERKEZİ (HV.): Aletlerle çalışan modern tesisler veya bilgi toplama makamları tarafından derlenen çok miktarda bilginin kullanılması ve yorumlanmasını kolaylaştırmak üzere imal edilmiş, kompüterler dahil, otomatik şekilde çalışır teçhizat idame ettiren bir merkez
electronic data processing equipment
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK BİLGİ İŞLEM TEÇHİZATI: Bak. "automatic data processing equipment"
electronic data processing security
elektronik bilgiislem guvenligi
electronic data processing system
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK BİLGİ İŞLEM SİSTEMİ (HV.): Elektromekanik teçhizatın aksine elektronik süratte elektronik devre şemalarından faydalanan makinalarla çalışır bir bilgi işlem sistemini belirtmek için kullanılan genel terim
electronic deception
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK ŞAŞIRTMA: Elektromanyetik dalgaların; bir düşmanı kendi cihazları tarafından alınmış bilgileri yorumlamada yanlış yola sevkedecek veya elektronik sistemde kasten yanlış işaretler gösterecek şekilde yayımı, yeniden yayımı, değiştirilmesi, emilmesi veya yansıtılması işlemi. Bak. "electronic countermeasure" ve "radio deception"
electronic device
(Otomotiv) elektronik ünite
electronic digital computer
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK TUŞLU HESAP MAKİNASI: Bak. "automatic data processing equipment"
electronic drafting
elektronik teknik resim
electronic editing
Elektronik Düzenleme
electronic egr valve
(Otomotiv) elektronik egr valfi
electronic fathometer
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron sondası
electronic fax
(Bilgisayar) elektronik faks
electronic filing
(Bilgisayar) elektronik dosya tutma
electronic filing
(Bilgisayar) elektronik kütük tutma
electronic filing
elektronik dosyalama
electronic flash
elektronik flaş
electronic flash lamp
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik flaş lambası
electronic fund transfer
(EFT) elektronik para aktarimi
electronic funds transfer
(Askeri) elektronik fon transferi
electronic game
elektronik oyun
electronic gap admittance
elektronik etkilesim araligi gecirisi
electronic gazette
elektronik gazete
electronic grapevine
(Ticaret) elektronik dedikodu
electronic highway
elektronik otoyol, bilgi otoyolu
electronic highway
(Bilgisayar) bilgi otoyolu
electronic image
elektronik imge
electronic intelligence
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK İSTİHBARAT: Nükleer infilaklar veya radyoaktif kaynaklar dışındaki kaynaklardan yayılan, haberleşme dışı elektromanyetik radyasyonlardan çıkarılmış teknik bilgiler ile istihbarat bilgileri. Bak. "intelligence"
electronic interference
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK MÜDAHALE (HV.): Elektronik teçhizatta arzu edilen reaksiyona sebep olan elektrikli veya elektromanyetik bir taciz. Elektrikle müdahale, özellikle, elektromanyetik enerji yaymayan elektrikli cihazların çalıştırılmasının sebep olduğu müdahaledir
electronic jamming
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK KARIŞTIRMA: Düşmanın elektronik aygıtları, teçhizatı ve sistemleri kullanmasını engellemek amacıyla yapılan, elektromanyetik enerjinin kasıtlı olarak yapılan radyasyonu veya yansıtılması. Ayrıca bakınız: "jamming"
electronic key
elektronik anahtar
electronic layer
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron tabakası
electronic learning toys
eğitici elektronik oyuncaklar
electronic lens
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik mercek
electronic line of sight
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK GÖRÜŞ HATTI: Elektromanyetik kuvvetlerin; iyonosfer veya traposfer tabakalarında kırılmaya veya dağılmaya tabi olmadan geçtikleri bir yol. Bu hat; kesiksiz bir görüş hattının, mutlak surette aynı değildir
electronic line of sight
(Askeri) elektronik görüş hattı
electronic log
elektronik kayıt
electronic log kit
elektronik kayıt ünitesi
electronic magazine
(E-Zine) Elektronik Dergi
electronic mail
electronic mail
(E-Mail) Elektronik Posta
electronic mail
Elektronik Mektup
electronic mail
electronic mailbox
elektronik posta kutusu
electronic mall
(Askeri) elektronik ordu pazarı
electronic masking
(Askeri) elektronik maskeleme
electronic measuring instrument
elektronik olcme aleti
electronic mirror
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik ayna
electronic modulation
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK MODÜLASYON: Bir telsiz frekans taşıyıcı dalgasına gönderilmekte olan ses veya işaret varyasyonlarına uygun olarak, genişliğini, frekansını veya safhasını değiştirmek suretiyle, istihbarat yükleme işlemi
electronic modulation
(Askeri) elektronik modülasyon
electronic multiplier
(Bilgisayar) elektronik çoğaltıcı
electronic multiplier
elektronik carpici elektronik cogaltici
electronic multiplier
(Bilgisayar) elektronik çarpıcı
electronic music
elektronik müzik
electronic noise
elektronik titreşim
electronic noise
(Gıda) elektronik salgı
electronic noise
(Nükleer Bilimler) elektronik gürültü
electronic order of battle; enemy order of battle
(Askeri) elektronik muharebe düzeni; düşman muharebe düzeni
electronic organizer
(organizer) elektronik ajanda
electronic packaging
elektronik ambalaj
electronic parts
elektronik aksam
electronic patch panel
elektronik baglanti panosu
electronic private branch exchange
(Askeri) elektronik özel şube değişimi
electronic protection; emergency procedures; execution planning
(Askeri) elektronik korunma; acil durum usulleri; icra planlaması
electronic publishing
Elektronik Yayıncılık
electronic ray
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron ışını
electronic reconnaissance
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK KEŞİF: Nükleer patlamalar veya radyoaktif kaynaklar haricinde kaynaklanan yabancı elektromanyetik radyasyonların tespit edilmesi, belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve yerinin bulunması
electronic rectifier
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik redresör
electronic search
(Askeri) elektronik arama
electronic shaping
elektrolizle kalıp çıkarma
electronic signature
elektronik imza
electronic spectrum
(Fizik,Teknik) elektronik izge
electronic staff weather officer kit
(Askeri) elektronik kadro hava subay kiti
electronic support
(Askeri) elektronik destek
electronic target folder
(Askeri) elektronik hedef dosyası
electronic technician
elektronik teknikeri
electronic ticketing
elektronik bilet
electronic timer
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik zaman saati
electronic timer
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik kronometre
electronic transition
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektron geçişi
electronic transmission
(Askeri) elektronik gönderme
electronic tube base
elektronik tüp tabanı
electronic tuning
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik ayarlama
electronic tuning
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik ayar
electronic typewriter
elektronik daktilo
electronic typewriter
elektrikli daktilo
electronic unit
elektronik ünitesi
electronic valve
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik supap
electronic voltmeter
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik voltölçer
electronic warfare
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK HARP (A. B. D. SAVUNMA BAKANLIĞI): Elektromanyetik spektrumun düşmanca kullanılmasını ve elektromanyetik spektrumun dostça kullanılması faaliyetini saptamak, kullanmak, indirgemek veya önlemek amacıyla, elektromanyetik enerjinin kullanımı ile ilgili askeri faaliyet. Aynı zamanda EW'de denir. Elektronik harbin içinde üç bölüm vardır
electronic warfare control ship
(Askeri) elektronik harp kontrol gemisi
electronic warfare coordination center
(Askeri) elektronik harp koordinasyon merkezi
electronic warfare coordinator
(Askeri) elektronik harp koordinatörü
electronic warfare integrated reprogramming
(Askeri) elektronik harp birleştirilmiş yeniden programlama
electronic warfare support (previously ESM)
(Askeri) elektronik harp desteği (eski adı ESM)
electronic warfare support measures
(Askeri) ELEKTRONİK HARP DESTEK TEDBİRLERİ: Tehdidin hemen belirlenmesi amacıyla elektromanyetik radyasyon kaynaklarını araştırmak, kesmek, tanımlamak ve yerini tespit etmek için bir harekat komutanının direk komutası altında gösterilen faaliyetlerle ilgili elektronik harp bölümüdür. Dolayısıyla, elektronik harp destek tedbirleri elektronik karşı tedbirler (ECM), elektronik karşı-karşıtedbirler (ECCM), sakınma, hedefleme ve kuvvetlerin diğer taktik kullanımları ile ilgili çabuk kararların verilebilmesi için gerekli bir bilgi kaynağı temin eder. Aynı zamanda ESM'de denir. Elektronik harp destek tedbirleri verileri muhabere istihbaratı (SIGINT), haberleşme istihbaratı (COMINT) ve elektronik istihbarat (ELINT) üretmek için de kullanılabilir
electronic watch
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik kol saati
electronic wattmeter
(Elektrik, Elektronik,Teknik) elektronik vatmetre
electronic wiper
(Otomotiv) elektronik cam sileceği
electronic workbench
electronic workbench
elektronik ortamda
(Elektrik, Elektronik) elektronik (bilimi)
İngilizce - İngilizce
Operating on the physical behavior of electrons, especially in semiconductors
Generated by an electronic device

electronic music.

Of or pertaining to the Internet
: Of or pertaining to an electron or electrons
Of or pertaining to an electron or electrons
An electronic process or activity involves the use of electronic devices. electronic surveillance. electronic music. + electronically elec·troni·cal·ly Data is transmitted electronically. an electronically controlled dishwasher. adj. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. electronic commerce electronic mail electronic music electronic banking
of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons; "electronic devices" of or concerned with electrons; "electronic energy
1 Involving the flow of electrons in a vacuum or through semiconductors
Generated by an electronic (2) device (electronic music)
mail or E-mail Method of communication whereby an electronic message is sent to a remote location and received by another user at a specific E-mail Address See Also: Attachments, Body, Header, Signature Ethernet A type of network cabling allowing theoretical data transfers of up to 10Mb per second FAO (Frequently Asked Question) Lists of Frequently Asked Questions land their answers) covering all manner of topics can be found across the World Wide Web, allowing the user to search for a query that somebody has already found the answer to
of or concerned with electrons; "electronic energy
Any artwork from child's signature to newspaper is reproduced as long as it can be wrapped around a cylindrical drum
Referring to the current generation of routers which have a variable speed motor (8000-25000rpm) for soft start, and speed selection for different diameter cutters (the larger the diameter the slower the speed) Full wave electronics prevent any drop-off in speed underload so ensuring an accurate finish
the action of electrons and their use in radios, televisions, computers, and other devices or systems
of or concerned with electrons; "electronic energy"
{s} of or pertaining to electronics; of or pertaining to electrons; done using a computer over a network
Index An electronic index is a periodical index in electronic format that organizes periodical articles by subject An electronic index is also called a 'database' In our Library, electronic periodical indexes are referred to as 'online databases'
of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons; "electronic devices"
Used adjectivally to describe digital artefacts, and might often be replaced by 'virtual' or 'digital' We speak of electronic articles on the web, for example, and most commonly of electronic mail Electronic is commonly abbreviated to the prefix 'e-', and so we hear of e-journals, e-supplements, e-publishing and of course e-mail
Pertaining to the energies, distributions, and behaviors of electrons; see °mechanical
The term 'electronic' signifies that sound is generated by electronic means, as with an electronic orgain, or a synthesizer
An electronic device has transistors or silicon chips which control and change the electric current passing through the device. expensive electronic equipment
Card was swiped electronically and details were entered by the cashier
Electronic is the designation used for equipment that works with circuits based on the behaviour of free electrons in conductors and semiconductors The designation electronic is used for all equipment working with semiconductors and microprocessors
A system in which states change by the movement of electrons at the sub-microscopic level (that is, electrons flow in the system, but cannot be directly observed by optical microscopes) From the managerial standpoint, an important property of electronic devices is that we cannot directly observe their operation with the unaided eye Another important property of electronic devices is that they operate very rapidly and without observable motion at the human scale Most modern computers are electronic
electronic body music
A genre of aggressive danceable music originating in the 1980s and taking elements from industrial and electronic music
electronic book
A book published in electronic form
electronic car key
An electronic device that serves the purpose of a car key by locking and unlocking a vehicle remotely
electronic car keys
plural form of electronic car key
electronic cigarette
A cylindrical battery-powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine by way of a vaporized solution
electronic cigarettes
plural form of electronic cigarette
electronic circuit
An electric circuit having at least one component that manipulates the voltage or current in the circuit
electronic communication
communication which is transferred electronically
electronic game
A game played on an electronic device
electronic games
plural form of electronic game
electronic mail
E-mail (the system)
electronic mail
An e-mail
electronic mails
plural form of electronic mail
electronic media
Media utilizing electronics or electromechanical energy so that the end user can access content
electronic medias
plural form of electronic media
electronic organ
A keyboard musical instrument, resembling a spinet, or upright, piano in size and general shape, in which tone is generated by electronic circuits and radiated by loudspeaker
electronic organs
plural form of electronic organ
electronic publishing
The digital publication of ebooks and electronic articles, and the development of digital libraries and catalogues, regardless whether the distribution is through computer network or on CD and DVD
electronic resource
Information (usually a file) which can be stored in the form of electrical signals, usually on a computer
electronic resource
Information available on the internet
electronic resources
plural form of electronic resource
electronic rock
A genre of rock music that is completely electronic
Attributive form of electronic game

electronic-game player.

Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer) was the first electronic general-purpose computer. It was Turing-complete, digital, and capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems
electronic cigarette
An electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) (not to be confused with smokeless cigarettes) is a battery-powered device which simulates tobacco smoking patented in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert
electronic nicotine delivery system
An electronic cigarette (e-cig or e-cigarette), personal vaporizer (PV) or electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) (not to be confused with smokeless cigarettes) is a battery-powered device which simulates tobacco smoking patented in 1963 by Herbert A. Gilbert
Electronic bill presentment and payment
Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) is a process that allows bills to be created, processed and paid over the internet. Most large banks will offer these bill payment services and some form of EBPP as a part of their online banking system
electronic bill presentment
The electronically done submission of a bill of exchange for payment. A bill, such as a bank check, is an instrument directs a third party to pay the recipient the fixed sum, while presentment refers to the act of submitting a legal document to another party
Electronic Book
{i} e-book, book which is stored on an electronic storage medium and not on paper (can be read on a computer or other digital equipment)
Electronic Countermeasures
ECM, methods that use the electromagnetic spectrum in order to "confuse" enemy radar and detection systems
Electronic Data Interchange
transmission of standard electronic documents between computer systems of companies or business organizations, EDI
Electronic Numeral Integrator and Computer
{i} one of the first and largest electronic computers, ENIAC
Electronic magazine
EZINE, general name for journals distributed on the Internet (some are parts of regular newspapers published electronically, and some are exclusively published on the Internet)
electronic balance
balance that generates a current proportional to displacement of pan
electronic banking
a service provided by banks that allows people to pay money from one account to another, pay bills etc using the Internet = e-banking. Use of computers and telecommunications to enable banking transactions to be done by telephone or computer rather than through human interaction. Its features include electronic funds transfer for retail purchases, automatic teller machines (ATMs), and automatic payroll deposits and bill payments. Some banks offer home banking, whereby a person with a personal computer can make transactions, either via a direct connection or by accessing a Web site. Electronic banking has vastly reduced the physical transfer of paper money and coinage from one place to another or even from one person to another
electronic book
An electronic book the same as an e-book
electronic calculator
mathematical device that is charged by electrons, mini-computer
electronic cash
money that can be used to buy things on the Internet, but that does not exist in a physical form or belong to any particular country
electronic circuit
arrangement of electronic elements which form electrical connections
electronic commerce
e-commerce, commercial trade carried out via the Internet or other on-line computer service (Computers)
electronic communication
communication via electronic means (fax, e-mail)
electronic communication
communication by computer
electronic confirmation
validation received via electronic means (fax, e-mail, etc.)
electronic converter
(telecommunication) converter for converting a signal from one frequency to another
electronic counter-countermeasures
electronic warfare undertaken to insure effective friendly use of the electromagnetic spectrum in spite of the enemy's use of electronic warfare
electronic countermeasures
electronic warfare undertaken to prevent or reduce an enemy's effective use of the electromagnetic spectrum
electronic data interchange
EDI a way for companies and banks to send information to each other by computer using an agreed format so that the company receiving the documents can easily read them on their computer and print them out on paper
electronic data interchange
(Ticaret) (EDI) The electronic transfer of order and transfer information between trading partners on the same system, that uses a predefined, standard message format for order receipt, order release, advanced shipping notifications, invoices and other transactions
electronic data interchange for administration, commerce, transport
(Ticaret) (EDIFACT) United Nations-sponsored syntax rules for EDI message exchange
electronic data processing
automatic data processing by electronic means without the use of tabulating cards or punched tapes
electronic database
(computer science) a database that can be accessed by computers
electronic deception
the deliberate use of electromagnetic energy in a manner intended to convey misleading information
electronic design automation
(Ticaret) (EDA) Software and hardware systems specifically created to enable the automatic design of electronic products
electronic device
a device that accomplishes its purpose electronically
electronic diary
program on a computer for daily management of one's business affairs; small portable electronic device for managing one's schedule
electronic dictionary
small electronic device which provides word definitions or translations
electronic engineer
electrical engineer, one who puts scientific knowledge of electricity to practical uses
electronic engineering
putting of scientific knowledge of electricity to practical uses
electronic equipment
equipment that involves the controlled conduction of electrons (especially in a gas or vacuum or semiconductor)
electronic fetal monitor
an electronic monitor that monitors fetal heartbeat and the mother's uterine contractions during childbirth
electronic fetal monitor
An electronic device used during labor to monitor fetal heartbeat and maternal uterine contractions
electronic fuel injection (efi)
(Otomotiv) A computer controlled system that injects fuel into engine cylinders to be mixed with air rather than having fuel and air flow through a carburetor as in older cars
electronic funds transfer
EFT when money is moved from one bank account, business etc to another using only computer systems
electronic funds transfer
(Ticaret) (EFT) Electronic systems that transmit standardized financial data, payments and other transactions between connected parties and do not use paper documents to increment or decrement accounts
electronic funds transfer
system which enables the transfer of sums of money from one account to another by computer
electronic government
{i} implementation of information and communications technology to improve efficiency of administraion or other between citizen and government, online government
electronic ignition system
(Otomotiv) An ignition system that uses a computer to transmits electrical current to the spark plugs by electronic means, eliminating the need for mechanical components such as points and condensers
electronic instrument
a musical instrument that generates sounds electronically
electronic intelligence
elint, gathering of information by use of electronic devices (placed on airplanes,ships, satellites etc.)
electronic journal
A copy of a print journal with full-text articles that may be read off the Web, or sometimes, a journal that is published only on the Web and never on paper
electronic journal
or E-journal-The computerized form of a serial publication usually distributed over the Internet An electronic journal or e-journal may have a traditional paper counterpart or may have been previously published in a print format The Periodical Cat lists many electronic journals
electronic journal
the version of a journal appearing on the Web; sometimes this is identical to the printed version, sometimes it will contain additional material or will include updates, and sometimes the Web version is the sole version
electronic journal
A journal which is available electronically It may be available in electronic format only, or it may have a print equivalent Some are available free of charge, others require payment or a subscription
electronic journal
A periodical distributed in electronic form Also known asan e-journal
electronic journal
A publication, often scholarly, that is made accessible in a computerized format and distributed over the Internet An electronic journal or e-journal may have a traditional paper counterpart or historical antecedent
electronic journal
A journal published in electronic format, usually in either a CD ROM or Web medium
electronic journal
A journal, or version of a journal that is produced online
electronic journal
A digital publication, often scholarly, distributed over the Internet An e-journal may or may not have a traditional paper counterpart or historical antecedent, e g the journal, De Rebus can be found in both paper and electronic versions The electronic versions of journals are available through the RAU Library, and the shelf numbers for the paper copies can be found in bRAUs [Top]
electronic journal
A journal that is accessible via the Internet; also known as an e-journal
electronic journal
A publication, often scholarly, that is made accessible in a computerized format and distributed over the Internet There is a list of the electronic journals that UC Library subscribes to on the Library’s Home Page
electronic journal
A online publication that is organized like a traditional printed journal, either an online version of a printed journal or a journal that has only an online existence
electronic journal
a journal whose issues are online - just like the print version, but online
electronic mail
An application where mail messages are transmitted electronically among computer users over various types of networks
electronic mail
A simple system designed to allow the sending and receiving of messages across a network
electronic mail
messages exchanged electronically between computer users, on the same host system or via networks between systems
electronic mail
A system that allows a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users (or groups of users) via a communications network
electronic mail
Messages transferred from one computer to another over a network See also: e-mail (Webopedia)
electronic mail
Messages sent electronically from one person to another via the Internet
electronic mail
("E-MAIL") Messages sent, received or forwarded in digital form via a computer-based communication mechanism
electronic mail
The transfer of messages between you and other users of on-line network systems E-mail is similar to an ordinary letter; you supply the address of the recipient(s) and the text of the message It is different in that delivery takes place in minutes or hours rather than days Electronic mail provides private (or, in some cases, restricted-group) communications
electronic mail
A method by which computer users can exchange messages with each other over a network E-mail is probably the most widely-used communications tool on the Internet There are many quirky conventions to E-mail, but most entail a To:, From:, and Subject: line One of e-mail's advantages is its ability to be forwarded and replied to easily If an e-mail is badly received by a group or user, the sender is likely to get flamed
electronic mail
A system where a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users (or groups of users) via a communications network
electronic mail
a system of exchanging messages by means of computers attached to a network
electronic mail
A method by which computer users can exchange messages with each other over a network Email is probably the most widely-used communications tool on the Internet There are many quirky conventions to Email, but most entail a To: , From: , and Subject: line One of email's advantages is its ability to be forwarded and replied to easily If an email is badly received by a group or user, the sender is likely to get flamed
electronic mail
The term has different meanings -- the network system used for sending and receiving messages electronically from one computer to another, the act of sending messages electronically, and the message itself
electronic mail
Application protocol for sending messages between users on a network Messages may be queued, stored, relayed, or delayed and still eventually be delivered to the intended recipients
electronic mail
method of correspondence on the Internet, method of sending electronic letters over the Internet
electronic mail
A means of sending typed messages from one computer to another, over a network
electronic mail
Allows information to be sent electronically through a system that delivers the message immediately to any number of recipients
electronic mail
Messages passed from one computer user to another, often through computer networks and/or via modems over telephone lines
electronic mail
An electronic document (usually a message) sent to a person or group on the Internet When used as a verb, "email" refers to the act of sending such a document over the Internet
electronic mail
Electronic mail is the same as e-mail. E-mail. email
electronic mail
A method of transferring information (often text messages) from one computer to another over a network
electronic mail
A system whereby a computer user can exchange messages with other computer users (or groups of users) via a communications network Electronic mail is one of the most popular uses of the Internet
electronic mail
A means of sending text messages to individuals or groups of individuals using a computer network The sender inputs a message to the computer via a terminal, and the receiver also uses a terminal to read and respond to messages (Novak)
electronic mail
E-Mail allows the user to send a message via a computer instantly to one or many persons around the world E-mail users typically have a "mailbox" on a network or a videotext system where other users can send messages to be retrieved by the recipient
electronic mail
E-mail is an application that enables users to send messages and files over their computer networks E-mail can range from a simple text-based system to a messaging system that accommodates graphics, faxes, forms-processing, workflow, and more
electronic mail
EMail is electronic communication from one person to another over a computer network such as the Internet An email message is typed on the sender's computer and addressed to the recipient's email address Once sent, a message may take from a few seconds to a day to reach the recipient's mailbox Internet users can send email to more than 50 million Internet users worldwide, as well as users on connected networks such as Compuserve and MCI Mail
electronic mail
(computer science) a system of world-wide electronic communication in which a computer user can compose a message at one terminal that is generated at the recipient's terminal when he logs in
electronic mail
Messages, usually text, sent from one person to another, or from one person to many, via computer The recipient does not need to be physically present or connected to the network at the time of transmission
electronic media
Under HIPAA, this means the mode of electronic transmission It includes the Internet (wide-open), Extranet (using Internet technology to link a business with information accessible only to collaborating parties), leased lines, dial-up lines, private networks, and those transmissions that are physically moved from one location to another using magnetic tape, disk, or compact disk media
electronic media
A variety of dissemination forms based on electrons, such as radio, broadcast TV, cable TV, and wireless cable P 2
electronic media
Standard computer storage media for data including; 8 track cartridge tapes, 3½" floppy diskette, CD-ROM, and magnetic reel tape
electronic media
Means of communication characterized by the use of technology, radio, computers, etc (e g virtual reality)
electronic media
This is generally related to sounds or images that are made for the purpose of selling a product or idea They can be presented live on radio and television or in video, film and slide productions
electronic microscope
device that focuses a beam of electrons to form a greatly enlarged image of an object
electronic money
money that can be used to buy things on the Internet, but that does not exist in a physical form or belong to any particular country
electronic music
Any music involving electronic processing (e.g., recording and editing on tape) and whose reproduction involves the use of loudspeakers. In the late 1940s, magnetic tape began to be used, especially in France, to modify natural sounds (playing them backward, at different speeds, etc.), creating the genre known as musique concrète. By the early 1950s, composers in Germany and the U.S. were employing assembled conglomerations of oscillators, filters, and other equipment to produce entirely new sounds. The development of voltage-controlled oscillators and filters led, in the 1950s, to the first synthesizers, which effectively standardized the assemblages and made them more flexible. No longer relying on tape editing, electronic music could now be created in real time. Since their advent in the late 1970s, personal computers have been used to control the synthesizers. Digital sampling composing with music and sounds electronically extracted from other recordings has largely replaced the use of oscillators as a sound source
electronic music
music created using electronic generators and filters, music produced by a synthesizer
electronic organ
keyboard musical instrument with pipes that runs on electricity
electronic organizer
a small piece of electronic equipment that you can use to record addresses, telephone numbers, dates of meetings etc
electronic publishing
Electronic publishing is the publishing of documents in a form that can be read on a computer, for example as a CD-ROM. the business of producing books, magazines, or newspapers that are designed to be read using a computer
electronic purse
Smart card stored value program
electronic purse
Smart cards that contain electronic money as opposed to bank notes and coins (1996, Schlumberger)
electronic purse
A small portable device which contains electronic money It is sometimes called the electronic wallet or the stored value card (SVC)
electronic purse
This is a prepaid card intended for purchases of small amounts, generally under $20
electronic purse
A stored-value payment card that holds value which can be exchanged for goods and services It is an alternative to cash The card can be disposable or re-loadable, but in each case the card's stored value is reduced as payments are made Electronic purses do not form part of the Chip and PIN Programme
electronic purse
New, cashless electronic payment procedure which the German financial sector will be introducing under the designation 'Geldkarte' ['Moneycard'], after a local field trial from the end of 1996 The rechargeable electronic purse is installed in a microprocessor chip, which is integrated in the EC card or in another bank card In particular, the electronic purse is used for the cashless payment of smaller amounts at automatic cashpoints The electronic purse is recharged by using the PIN at cashpoints or other terminals, in principle by debiting the personal account
electronic purse
A specific type of smart-card A chip in the card provides multiple payment options such as debit, credit, and direct payment from a stored balance The electronic purse allows for transactions with different merchants in many locations [FRBC]
electronic reconnaissance
the detection and identification and evaluation and location of foreign electromagnetic radiations (other than radioactive)
electronic sensing devices
(Otomotiv) Electronic measuring devices found on cars with fuel injection that sense various engine conditions. These devices work in conjunction with the engine management computer to determine the amounts of fuel and the timing of the spark in the combustion chamber so that the engine can run at peak efficiency under all conditions
electronic shopping
{i} e-shopping, online shopping, shopping done through the Internet; shopping available through the Internet
electronic signal
a signal generated by electronic means
electronic signature
a type of code that is used in an electronic document to prove who wrote it
electronic superpower
large and powerful leader in the field of electronics
electronic surveillance
electronic surveillance
supervision of events and conversations from a distance by means of electronic equipment
electronic surveillance
surveillance by electronic means e
electronic tagging
Electronic tagging is a system in which a criminal or suspected criminal has an electronic device attached to them which enables the police to know if they leave a particular area. a system of attaching a small piece of electronic equipment to a criminal, which allows the police to know where he or she is
electronic text
text that is in a form that a computer can store and display on a computer screen
electronic thesaurus
small computer or computer program used as a dictionary of synonyms and related words
electronic ticketing
a service provided by airlines that allows people to buy their tickets on the Internet and usually does not give them tickets in the form of paper
electronic tube
sealed device containing gas under low pressure in which there are two electrodes (electrons which flow between them produce an electric current)
electronic voltmeter
a voltmeter whose sensitivity is increased by amplification
electronic warfare
military action involving the use of electromagnetic energy to determine or exploit or reduce or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum
electronic warfare
war employing the use of electromagnetic radiation and the disrupting or disabling of the electronic capability of the enemy
electronic warfare support measures
electronic devices which aid in the waging of war
electronic warfare-support measures
electronic warfare undertaken under direct control of an operational commander to locate sources of radiated electromagnetic energy for the purpose of immediate threat recognition
electronic waste
{i} e-waste, general term for discarded electronic equipment or computers and monitors
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
EEE, profession of the design and development of electronics systems
By means of electronics, or of electronic technology
Electronic circuitry

The electronics are completely updated.

plural A device or devices which require the flow of electrons through conductors and semiconductors in order to perform their function; devices that operate on electrical power (battery or outlet)

Look at all the electronics in this room!.

quantized electronic structure
Any material that confines electrons in such a small space that their wavelike behaviour becomes important and their properties are strongly modified by quantum mechanical effects; examples include atoms and layered semiconductor devices
International Electronic Post
{i} INTELPOST, system of electronic facsimile for transmitting documents which the postal administrations use
Secure Electronic Transaction
{i} (in E-commerce) SET, trademark for a standard protocol for security of financial transactions carried out by Internet credit card
Video Electronic Standards Association
group of manufacturers which develop standards for graphics cards, VESA (Computers)
aerial electronic surveillance
electronic observation from the air
via electronics; in an electronic manner
by electronic means; "the door opens electronically
by electronic means; "the door opens electronically"
The branch of physics concerned with the emission, behavior, and effects of electrons
Electronics is the technology of using transistors and silicon chips, especially in devices such as radios, televisions, and computers. Europe's three main electronics companies. Branch of physics that deals with the emission, behaviour, and effects of electrons and with electronic devices. The beginnings of electronics can be traced to experiments with electricity. In the 1880s Thomas Alva Edison and others observed the flow of current between elements in an evacuated glass tube. A two-electrode vacuum tube constructed by John A. Fleming (1849-1945) produced a useful output current. The Audion, invented by Lee De Forest (1907), was followed by further improvements. The invention of the transistor at Bell Labs (1947) initiated a progressive miniaturization of electronic components that by the mid 1980s resulted in high-density microprocessors, which in turn led to tremendous advances in computer technology and computer-based automated systems. See also semiconductor. Philips Electronics NV Koninklijke Philips Electronics NV Royal Philips Electronics NV
Toys Books Music CDs
The study and use of electrical devices that operate by controlling the flow of electrons or other electrically charged particles
The study and application of devices that control the flow of electrons, through semiconductor devices, gases, a vacuum, etc
A device or devices that owe their function to the flow of electrons through conductors and semiconductors; devices that operate on electrical power (battery or outlet.)
Field of science dealing with electron devices and their uses
Stereos, Digicams & More
That branch of physics that treats of the emission, transmission, behavior, and effects of electrons See electronic
the branch of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the use of electronic devices
{i} science dealing with the movement of electrons through gases or a vacuum or semiconductors; appliances which are activated by electricity
> dianzi
Term for a part of the signal processing chain that amplifies and filters the detector signals and hands over useful pulses in form of electronic signals to the PC (pulse processor)
imitative electronic deception
the introduction of electromagnetic energy into enemy systems that imitates enemy emissions
manipulative electronic deception
actions to eliminate revealing telltale indicators that could be used by the enemy (or to convey misleading indicators)
personal electronic device
a piece of electronic equipment, such as a laptop computer or a mobile phone, that is small and easy to carry
practical electronic engineer
engineer that deals with planning electrical and electronic systems
practical electronic engineering
profession which deals with the planning of electrical systems at the level of practical engineer
simulative electronic deception
actions to represent friendly notional or actual capabilities to mislead hostile forces
Türkçe - İngilizce

electronic teriminin Türkçe İngilizce sözlükte anlamı

electronic cash register
(Bilgisayar) ecr
electronic mail
(Bilgisayar) e-mail
electronic workbench
electronic workbench