
listen to the pronunciation of eher
İngilizce - Türkçe

eher teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

-den ziyade
-mektense: I decided to visit a friend rather than go home. Eve gitmektense bir arkadaşı ziyaret etmeye karar verdim
az çok
more likely
olması daha muhtemel
daha ziyade

Onlar tartışmıyorlar fakat daha ziyade bir oyunu prova ediyorlar. - They're not quarreling, but rather rehearsing a play.

Bu tür şeyler çoğunlukla kötülükten daha ziyade bir kaza sonucudur. - Such things are often a result of accident rather than malice.


Sözleşme oldukça gevşek. - The contract was rather loose.

Japonca bilgim oldukça zayıftır. - My knowledge of Japanese is rather poor.


O benim oğlum değil, aksine, ben onun babasıyım. - He's not my son, rather, I'm his father.

Bu bana gülmeni istemediğim için değil aksine sana gülmek istediğim içindir. - It is not because I do not want you to laugh at me, rather it is because I would like to laugh at you.

(zarf) tercihen, iyisimi, daha iyisi, daha doğrusu, oldukça, bayağı, az çok, aksine [brit.], bilâkis [brit.]

Eğer ikinci dilinden anadiline çeviri yaparsan, bu durumun tersine tercihen, hata yapma olasılığın daha az olur. - If you translate from your second language into your own native language, rather than the other way around, you're less likely to make mistakes.

den ziyade
bilâkis [brit.]

Eğer ikinci dilinden anadiline çeviri yaparsan, bu durumun tersine tercihen, hata yapma olasılığın daha az olur. - If you translate from your second language into your own native language, rather than the other way around, you're less likely to make mistakes.

daha iyisi
Yapmasam daha
den ise
Almanca - İngilizce
just as soon
more easily
would sooner
more likely

I've heard that if you drink beer you are more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes than if you don't drink beer. - Ich habe mal gehört, dass man, wenn man Bier trinkt, eher Gefahr läuft, von Mücken gestochen zu werden, als wenn man keines trinkt.

Boys are more likely than girls to drop out of school. - Jungen schmeißen Schule eher als Mädchen.

eher abgelebt
eher ableben (als)
to predecease
eher ablebend
eher eintreten
to come first
eher willkommen sein als
to be more welcome than
eher zufällig als geplant
more by accident than design
eher zustimmen/nicht zustimmen
to be inclined to agree/disagree
eher überbezahlt als andersrum
rather overpaid than otherwise
eher … als
rather … than
Ehe sterbe ich/Ich würde eher sterben als so jemanden zu heiraten.
I'd rather/sooner die than marry a person like that
Das ist schon eher möglich.
That is more likely
Der Chor ist in den Männerstimmen eher dünn besetzt.
The choir is a little light in the male voices / men's voices
Die Akzeptanz der Grippeimpfung ist eher schlecht.
The take-up of flu vaccination is rather poor
Die Art und Weise, wie verhandelt wurde, glich streckenweise eher einer Anhörung
There were times when the way in which the negotiations were conducted was close to a hearing
Die Ursache dafür ist nicht in einem einzelnen Ereignis zu suchen, sondern eher
The cause of this is to be found / will be found not in any single event but rather in the cumulative experiences
Die neue Kennzeichnung wird die Leute eher verwirren als aufklären.
The new label is more likely to obfuscate people than enlighten them
In der Geschäftskorrespondenz wird eher förmlich formuliert.
A rather formal tone is used in business correspondence
Je früher/eher, desto besser/lieber.
The sooner the better
Sein Vorgehen ist eher vom Bauch als vom Kopf bestimmt.
His approach to acting is visceral rather than intellectual
Sekretärin (und andere eher von Frauen ausgeübte Berufe)
pink-collar worker
Trifft voll und ganz zu / Trifft überwiegend zu / Weder noch / Trifft eher nicht
Strongly agree / Agree / Neither agree nor disagree / Disagree / Strongly disagree (five-point answer scale in questionnaires)
je eher, desto besser
the sooner the better
je eher, umso besser
the sooner the better
je nachdem, was zuerst/eher eintritt
whichever comes first
nicht eher als
not earlier than