drop cable

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İngilizce - Türkçe

drop cable teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

stub cable, drop cable
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İngilizce - İngilizce
Generally 330 feet or less, of coaxial cable, starting at a tap and continuing on to the subscriber's connection
The coaxial cable that connects the feeder portion of the distribution system to the subscriber's premises
A cable connecting a workstation or peripheral to the centralized router, switch or hub
A short piece of coaxial cable that connects the cable TV network to your house The drop cable runs between your house and the branch on your street's utility poles (or utility conduit, if your street has buried utility lines) In Fairfax County, most drop cable is actually two cables that run side-by-side
The transmission cable in a CATV system from the distribution cable to a dwelling
In a CATV system, the transmission cable from the distribution cable to a dwelling
In a local area networks, a cable that connects the main network cable, or bus, & the data terminal equipment (DTE)
In LANs, a cable that connects the main network cable or bus and the data terminal equipment
The cable between the tap and the station 2
In a CATV system, the transmission cable from the distribution device to the structure being served
Cable that provides access to and from a network system Possibly the cable from a transceiver or an individual line in a multi-drop situation Also the cable from a wall-mounted faceplate or jack to a user's system
The cable which allows connection and access to and from the trunk cables of a network such as the cables that connect individual PCs to the bus on a bus LAN In a CATV system, the transmission cable from the distribution cable to a dwelling
A cable that connects a network device such as a computer to a physical medium such as an Ethernet network Drop cable is also called transceiver cable because it runs from the network node to a transceiver (a transmit/receiver) attached to the trunk cable Compare with AUI cable
drop cable


    drop Ca·ble

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