drawing blood with a needle from a vein usually in the forearm

listen to the pronunciation of drawing blood with a needle from a vein usually in the forearm
İngilizce - Türkçe

drawing blood with a needle from a vein usually in the forearm teriminin İngilizce Türkçe sözlükte anlamı

(Tıp) Damarın cerrahi delinmesi
(Tıp) venipunktür
İngilizce - İngilizce
drawing blood with a needle from a vein usually in the forearm


    draw·ing blood with a nee·dle from a vein u·su·al·ly in the fore·arm

    Türkçe nasıl söylenir

    drôîng blʌd wîdh ı nidıl fırm ı veyn yujıli în dhi fôrärm


    /ˈdrôəɴɢ ˈbləd wəᴛʜ ə ˈnēdəl fərm ə ˈvān ˈyo͞oᴢʜəlē ən ᴛʜē fôˈrärm/ /ˈdrɔːɪŋ ˈblʌd wɪð ə ˈniːdəl fɜrm ə ˈveɪn ˈjuːʒəliː ɪn ðiː fɔːˈrɑːrm/