
listen to the pronunciation of document
İngilizce - Türkçe

Başkan Lincoln bu belgelerin tüm beşini yazdı. - President Lincoln wrote all five of these documents.

Belgesel, yoksulların durumu hakkında bilinçlendirmek demektir. - The documentary is meant to raise consciousness about the plight of the poor.

{i} döküman

Burada ki tek problem, bu dökümanların çevirecek birilerinin olmaması. - The only problem here is that there isn't anybody to translate these documents.

Sami bu dökümanı imzalamak zorunda kalacak. - Sami will have to sign this document.

{i} evrak

Evraka imzamı ekledim. - I attached my signature to the document.

Yeni evrak sistemi 4.000$ değerinde. - The new document system is worth $4,000.

(Bilgisayar) belge belge
(Kanun) vesaik
(Kanun) varaka
belgelerle kanıtlamak
(Bilgisayar) çalışma kitabı

Savaş suçlarını belgelemekten başka seçeneğim yoktu. - I had no alternative but to document the war crimes.

belge ile kanıtlamak
{i} delil
{f} dipnotlar koymak
belge,v.belgele: n.doküman
{f} belgelere dayandırmak
{f} kanıtlamak
(Askeri) DÖKÜMAN, BELGE: Herhangi bir şekilde kaydedilmiş bilgi. Her çeşit basılmış, mumlu kağıtla teksir edilmiş, makine ile veya fotostadı alınarak yazılmış evrak, her çeşit harita, rölyef harita, fotoğraf haritası, hava fotoğrafı ve mozaik, resim, kroki, not ve ozalit kopyalar veya fotostat kopyaları, fotoğraf ve fotoğraf negatifleri, araştırma ve geliştirme projelerine ait planlar ve yazışmalar ve bunlara benzer diğer her türlü evrak döküman olarak kabul edilir

Tarihçinin rolü daha az keşfetmek ve onları çevirmek ve açıklamak yerine belgelerin kataloğunu hazırlamaktır. - The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them.

Başkan Lincoln bu belgelerin tüm beşini yazdı. - President Lincoln wrote all five of these documents.

{f} döküman sağlamak
(Bilgisayar) word belgesi
(Politika, Siyaset) liste

Belgeleri aldıktan kısa bir süre sonra öldü. - He died soon after he received the documents.

Tarihçinin rolü daha az keşfetmek ve onları çevirmek ve açıklamak yerine belgelerin kataloğunu hazırlamaktır. - The role of the historian is less to discover and catalog documents than to interpret and explain them.

document feeder
(Bilgisayar) belge besleyicisi
document grid
(Bilgisayar) belge kılavuz çizgisi
document map
(Bilgisayar) belge bağlantıları
document routed
(Bilgisayar) belge dolaştırma tarihi
document bills
sevk evrakı
document dictionary
belge sözlüğü
document format
belge biçimi
document in proof
kanıtlayıcı belge
document interchange architecture
belge değiştokuş mimarisi
document library
belge kitaplığı
document management
belge yönetimi
document mode
belge kipi
document name
belge adı
document of title
emtia senedi
document of title
mal senedi
document of understanding
ortak anlayış belgesi
document reader
belge okuyucu
document reference edge
belge referans kenarı
document retrieval
belge erişimi
document template
belge örneği
document window
belge penceresi
Document Object Model
(Bilgisayar) Belge Nesnesi Modeli
document in proof
kanitlayici belge
document security
belge güvenliği
document tracking
evrak takibi
document a cell
(Bilgisayar) hücreyi belgeye çevir
document authority
belge yetkisi
document basics
(Bilgisayar) belge temelleri
document body
(Bilgisayar) belge gövdesi
document case
doküman kabı
document contents architecture
Belge İçerik Mimarisi
document contents architecture
Belge İçerik Mimarisi DCA
document control menu
Belge Denetim Menüsü
document conversions
Belge Dönüşümleri
document done
(Bilgisayar) belge tamam
document drive
Belge sürücüsü
document exploitation
(Askeri) dokümandan faydalanma
document fields
(Bilgisayar) belge alanları
document file
Belge dosyası
document footer
(Bilgisayar) belge altbilgisi
document icon
(Bilgisayar) belge simgesi
document in
(Bilgisayar) içindeki belge
document in proof
(Kanun) evrakı müsbite
document interchange architectur
e (DIA) Belge Değiştokuş Mimarisi
document jam
(Bilgisayar) belge sıkışması
document label
(Bilgisayar) belge etiketi
document mode
Belge modu
document moved
(Bilgisayar) belge taşındı
document not open
(Bilgisayar) belge açık değil
document of understanding
(DOU) ortak anlayış belgesi
document of understanding
(DOU) Ortak Anlaşma Belgesi
document pane
Belge yarı penceresi
document path
(Bilgisayar) belge yolu
document pocket
doküman cebi
document posted
(Bilgisayar) belge postalama tarihi
document posted
(Bilgisayar) belge postalama
document processing
belge isleme
document profile
(Askeri) belge profili
document retrieval
Belge alma
document retrieval
Belge Edinimi
document saved
(Bilgisayar) belge kaydetme tarihi
document saved
(Bilgisayar) belge kaydetme
document screen
Belge ekranı
document statistics
Belge istatistikleri
document style
Belge biçemi
document template
Belge şablonu
document template
Belge kalıbı
document template file
Belge şablon dosyası
document to fax
(Bilgisayar) faks belgesi
document view
Belge görünümü
steering document
Yönerge/direktif içeren belge
commitment document
(Politika, Siyaset) taahhüt evrakı
confirm document deletions
(Bilgisayar) belge silmeyi onayla
edit document
(Bilgisayar) belgeyi düzenle
entire document
(Bilgisayar) tüm belge
explanatory document
header document
(Bilgisayar) üstbilgi belgesi
identity document forgery
Resmi belgede sahtecilik
include with document
(Bilgisayar) belge ile birlikte
lost document application
belge kayıp dilekçesi
merge to new document
(Bilgisayar) yeni belgeye birleştir
prompt for document properties
(Bilgisayar) belge özelliklerini sor
protect document
(Bilgisayar) belge koru
protect document
(Bilgisayar) belgeyi koru
protect document for
(Bilgisayar) belge koru
restricted document
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) erişim kısıtlı belge
set up main document
(Bilgisayar) ana belgeyi ayarla
shipping document
(Askeri) gönderme belgesi
submission of document
(Kanun) vesikanın ibrazı
supporting document
(Ticaret) müstenidat
tender document
(Ticaret) ihale belgesi
tender document
(Ticaret) ihale dokümanı
tender document
(Askeri) ihale dosyası
this document
(Bilgisayar) bu belge
whole document
(Bilgisayar) tüm belgeye
whole document
(Bilgisayar) tüm belge
write document
(Bilgisayar) write belgesi
written document
yazılı belge
bid document
commercial document
ticari doküman
confidential document
gizli belge
current document
yürürlükteki belge
data document
veri belgesi
belgeye dayalı
{f} belgele

Belgelenmiş bir kanıt yok. - There's no documented proof.

false document
sahte evrak
historical document
tarihi doküman
legal document
yasal belge

Yasal belgelerde, zor kelime ve ifadeler sık ​​sık kullanılır. - In legal documents, difficult words and phrases are often used.

Bu yasal belgeleri anlamıyorum. - I don't understand these legal documents.

magnetic ink document reader
manyetik mürekkepli belge okuyucu
magnetic ink document sorter
manyetik mürekkepli belge okuyucu
mark scanning document
işaret taramalı belge
missing document
kayıp belge
proofing a document
belge doğruluğunu sağlama
safety information contractual document
güvenlik bilgisi yüklenici doküman
source document
kaynak belge
standardization document improvement proposal
standartlaştırma döküman geliştirme önerisi
support document
support document
Supporting document
above this, in this document
Bu, bu belgede yukarıda
combined transport document
birleşik nakliye belgesi
consultation document
Danışma belgesi, istişare belgesi
customs clearance declaration document
gümrük çıkış beyannamesi
dated document
tarihli belge

Belgelenmiş bir kanıt yok. - There's no documented proof.

forgery of official document
Resmî evrakta sahtecilik, resmî belgede sahtecilik
formal document
Resmî belge
fully official document
tamamen resmi bir belgedir
hand written document
el yazılı belge
in house document
ev belgedeki
internal document
iç belge
material document
materyal belge
merge the data with the document
veriyi belgeyle birleştir
normative document
normatif belge
offering document
veren belge
photo document sensor
Fotoğraf belge sensör
printed document
basılı evrak
reference document
referans belge
registration document
kayıt belgelesisicil kayıt belgelesi
released document
yayınlanan belge
requirements document
gereksinimleri belge
standardization document improvement pro
standartlaştırma doküman geliştirme öner
support document
kanıt, delil
tertiary document
yükseköğretim belge
third person singular of document
üçüncü kişi belgenin tekil
transcript document
transkript belgesi
Operational Requirements Document
(Askeri) Harekat İhtiyaçları Dokümanı
apply to whole document
(Bilgisayar) tüm belgeye uygula
blank document
Boş Belge
clearance document
(Ticaret) gümrük muayene belgesi
compound document architecture
Bileşik Belge Mimarisi
concluding document
nihai belge
deployments requirements manning document
(Askeri) konuşlanma ihtiyaçları personel atama dokümanı
discharged document
(Ticaret) kapatılmış belge
documentary bills vesikalı poliçeler
documentary film belgesel filim
{s} belgesel, dokümanter
belgelere dayanan
documentary credit vesikalı kredi
dökümanter filim
(sıfat) belgeli
{s} belgeli

Tom evraklara bir göz atıyor. - Tom is looking through the documents.

Bu evraklara göz gezdirmeni isteyebileceğini düşündüm. - I thought you might want to look over these documents.

draw up a document
belge düzenlemek
forgery of document
(Kanun) varakanın sahteliği
html document
(Bilgisayar) html belgesi
initial a document
paraf atmak
initial a document
parafe etmek
joint document exploitation center
(Askeri) müşterek doküman kullanım merkezi
joint operational requirements document
(Askeri) müşterek harekat ihtiyaçları dokümanı
joint planning document
(Askeri) müşterek planlama dokümanı
master document
asıl belge
microsoft word document
(Bilgisayar) microsoft word belgesi
mission need document
(Askeri) görev ihtiyaç dokümanı
mortgage document
ipotek belgesi
next document
(Bilgisayar) sonraki belge
normal document view
Normal belge görünümü
original document
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) özgün belge
original signed document
(Ticaret) ıslak imzalı belge
polishing a document
belgeyi cilalamak
recheck document
(Bilgisayar) belgeyi yeniden denetle
rich text document
(Bilgisayar) zengin metinli belge
route document to
(Bilgisayar) belgeyi dolaştır
shell document
kabuk belge
İngilizce - İngilizce
To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information

A ship should be documented according to the directions of law.

To record in documents

He documented each step of the process as he did it, which was good when the investigation occurred.

That which is taught or authoritatively set forth; precept; instruction; dogma
An example for instruction or warning
An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information pertinent to such proof or support. Any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol
{n} an instruction, direction, proof
{v} to furnish with written proofs of instructions
documents are the files which have been indexed in the ISYS: web index The files may be on your local hard drive, a CD-ROM or on your LAN or WAN Documents may be almost any type of file (e g spreadsheet or database) but are usually word processing files or plain ASCII text
record in detail; "The parents documented every step of their child's development"
A document in any form or format, an email message or attachment, a document created within a desktop application such as MS Word, regardless of format There are two forms of document
Something written or inscribed that furnishes evidence or information on any subject (e g , title deed, coin, etc ) In the Essential Skills methodology, the word document is not synonymous with "materials" as it does not include text reading in the form of sentences or paragraphs See Document Use
A document is a stream of data that, after being combined with any other streams it references, is structured such that it holds information contained within elements that are organized as defined in the associated DTD
documents are the files which have been indexed in the ISYS: web database The files may be on your local hard drive, a CD-ROM or on your LAN or WAN Documents may be almost any type of file (e g spreadsheet or database) but are usually word processing files or plain ASCII text
Application Architecture : A run-time object containing data associated with a specific instance of an application program A document may be stored to and restored from a document file Application framework : File-based applications use a document object to provide an intermediate layer between the app UI, the model and the file the model will be stored in Non-file-based applications will only use a document to create the application's UI
A data file Whatever you create with an application, including information you type, edit, view, or save A document may be a business report, a picture, or a letter and is stored as a file on a disk
anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature) a written account of ownership or obligation support or supply with references; "Can you document your claims?"
To teach; to school
Written information For example, the British North America Act document set down the information on how the governments in Canada would work
(computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using 7-bit ASCII characters
A record consisting of information inscribed on a tangible medium such as paper rather than computer-based information (Cf , MESSAGE; RECORD)
a collection of information This includes the common sense of the word, i e an organisation of primarily textual information that can be produced by a word processing or data processing application It goes beyond this, however, to include structured information held within an XML file Each XML file is considered to contain one document, whatever the structure and type of that information
{i} certificate, paper which provides information or evidence; deed, written file; data file containing the product of a user's work (Computers)
Recorded information or material object which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process [ISO/FDIS 5127] Documents may differ in their physical form and characteristics
record in detail; "The parents documented every step of their child's development
A programming object containing information that originates with the user of the application, rather than created by the application itself The data for documents usually is stored in disk files
To furnish with documents or papers necessary to establish facts or give information; as, a ship should be documented according to the directions of law
As used here, any kind of information on the network that someone might want to locate For example, web pages, word processing documents, web sites, and so forth iPlanet Compass Server locates and indexes documents so that you can easily search for them In this context, document and resource mean the same thing
A paper containing information We call everything written on the computer a document
A document is a piece of text or graphics, for example a letter, that is stored as a file on a computer and that you can access in order to read it or change it. When you are finished typing, remember to save your document
{f} record for evidence, provide with documentary evidence, substantiate
support or supply with references; "Can you document your claims?"
anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks
This refers to the entire body of information comprising this project In particular, the document may be categorized by naming the nodes in it, specifying the context of the individual nodes, and describing the links connecting nodes
writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature)
Contains recorded information on any physical form - paper, film, etc Thus, a book is a document, as is a periodical article, a microfilm, etc SEE ALSO Bibliographic entity; Government document; Item; Work
In its widest sense a document may be a sound file, an image, a digital video or any other recorded information format as well as the more traditional word processing document or email A paper document Any computer file which may be printed
A document is one or more official pieces of paper with writing on them. a policy document for the Labour Party conference The policeman wanted to see all our documents. = paper
If you document something, you make a detailed record of it in writing or on film or tape. He wrote a book documenting his prison experiences
Any recorded information, regardless of its physical form or characteristics, including, without limitation, written or printed matter, tapes, charts, maps, paintings, drawing, engravings, sketches, working notes and papers; reproductions of such things by any means or process; and sound, voice, magnetic, or electronic recordings in any form
Digital object that is the analog of a physical document, especially textual materials; a document model is an object model for documents
A written paper, recording, photograph, computer file, or other item that bears the original, official, or legal form of something and can be used to furnish evidence or information Letters to an individual, business reports, architectural drawings, photographs, videos, and computer files are all examples of documents
When used in reference to the World Wide Web, a document is any file containing text, media or hyperlinks that can be transferred from an HTTP server to a client program
a written account of ownership or obligation
An original or official paper relied upon as the basis, proof, or support of anything else; in its most extended sense, including any writing, book, or other instrument conveying information in the case; any material substance on which the thoughts of men are represented by any species of conventional mark or symbol
A Document is any container of coherent information which has been assembled for human understanding
A file created from within an application program Word-processing files, spreadsheets, and web pages are some of the most common documents you might create and use
unit of information sent from servers to clients; a document may contain plain or formatted text, inlined graphics, sound, other multimedia data, or hyperlinks to other documents; often also referred to as a file
Document Object Model
A cross-platform, language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents
document management system
A computer system or set of computer programs used to track and store electronic documents and/or images of paper documents
document retrieval
The matching of a user query against a set of free-text records, including unstructured text, such as newspaper articles, real estate records or paragraphs in a manual, with user queries ranging from multi-sentence full descriptions of an information need to a few words
Document controller
A person which manages documents of an orginazation for a project or whole organazitation to a much higher degree of reliability for security, version, visibility, availability and, most importantly, with a controlled reliable audit trail
Document Image Processing
archive system for documents and images, image processing system for documents
document forgery specialist
expert at creating counterfeit documents
document of title
certificate of ownership
document of title
A transport document (usually a bill of lading) which (when appropriately made out) entitles the bearer to claim the goods from the carrier
document of title
A term to mean that possession of the specified document entitles the holder to control of the goods listed in that document
document of title
Evidence of ownership of goods, such as a carrier's bill of lading
document retrieval
locating and recovering documents
document security
protection of valuable documents
document type definition
specification written in the Standard Generalized Markup Language and containing information about the format of a particular document, DTD (Computers)
document window
window in which an application displays the document that a user is working on
ancient document
In the law of evidence, a document which is admissible as an exception to the hearsay rule, and which is considered self-authenticating, because it is older than a certain age (usually twenty years), in a condition that makes it free from suspicion concerning its authenticity, and was found in a place where such a writing was likely to be kept
Capable of being supported by documentary evidence

The documentable improvement of the quality of life in this brief period has been nothing short of miraculous.

liquid document
A document on which summary judgment or provisional sentence may be granted

NEDCOR BANK LTD v LISINFO 61 TRADING (PTY) LTD 2005 (2) SA 432 (C) is a trite principle of our law that the term 'liquid document' for purposes of summary judgment proceedings has the same meaning as a 'liquid document' for purposes of provisional sentence proceedings. In Rich and Others v Lagerwey 1974 (4) SA 748 (A) at 754H, the Court said that, if a document in question, upon a proper construction thereof, evidences by its terms and without resort to evidence extrinsic thereto, an unconditional acknowledgment of indebtedness in an ascertained amount of money, the payment of which is due to the creditor, it is one upon which provisional sentence may properly be granted.

liquid document
A document showing a liquidated sum of money, for example a checque, promissory note etc
travel document
An identity document similar to a passport, but which does not confer proof of citizenship from the issuing country
travel document
An identity document issued by a government or international treaty organization to facilitate the movement of individuals or small groups of persons across international boundaries, such as a passport
identity document forgery
Identity document forgery is the process by which identity documents issued by governing bodies are copied and/or modified by persons not authorized to create such documents or engage in such modifications, for the purpose of deceiving those who would view the documents about the identity or status of the bearer
{a} relating to instruction or proof
Supporting document
Written information attached to agreements, financial statements, offers, proposals, etc., to provide backup and depth to agreed-upon or discussed items. Also called supporting data or supporting schedule
Damascus Document
or Zadokite Fragments Document associated with the ancient Jewish community at Qumrn. The group had fled to the desert during Antiochus IV Epiphanes's persecutions (175-164/163 BC). The document must predate the revolt of AD 66-70, which forced the community to disband. It is known from fragments found in caves at Qumrn as well as from 10th-12th-century manuscripts. The first section calls for fidelity to God's covenant and observance of the Sabbath and also introduces the sect's leader, the Teacher of Righteousness. The second contains statutes dealing with vows, community assemblies, and admission and instruction of new members. See also Dead Sea Scrolls
{s} may be recorded, may be documented
Of or pertaining to written evidence; documentary; as, documental testimony
{s} pertaining to or consisting of documents
Of or pertaining to instruction
relating to or consisting of or derived from documents
{s} recorded as evidence, substantiated
past of to document
furnished with or supported by documents; "the first documented case of shark attack in those waters
present participle of document
third person singular of document
'Documents' include assignments and team lists created by the KreW, hypertiles created by the participants, self-selected team lists chosen by the participants, space maps, wall copy, wall photos and documentation
Official meeting documents are available to everyone and feature the logos of the United Nations and the Climate Change Convention and a reference number, such as FCCC/CP/1998/1 Pre-session documents are available before the meeting, often in all six UN languages In-session documents are distributed on-site (see CRPs, L docs, Misc docs, and nonpapers) Informal documents are often distributed outside the meeting room by observers
(number in brackets)
Disclosures and written agreements that are required for the closing of a loan Documents are the contract upon which the terms of a loan are outlined and agreed upon
Guides/Tutorials - Papers/Articles - Presentations - Reference Books
Legal instruments such as mortgages, contracts, deeds, options, wills, bill of sale, etc
The shipping and other papers customarily attached to foreign drafts, consisting of Ocean Bills of Lading, Marine Insurance Certificates, and Commercial Invoices Where required, Certificates of Origin and Consular Invoices are included
plural of document
Papers customarily attached to foreign drafts, consisting of ocean bills of lading, air waybills marine insurance certificates, and commercial invoices, and where required, including certificates of orgin and consular invoices
A set of papers creating and describing the HOA, that may include such items as the Master Deed (CC&R's), articles of incorporation, bylaws, and leases or contracts entered into by the HOA
A document was published internal to the ECS project describing the approach for replicating the Data Dictionary database across DAACs This paper includes evaluations of COTS software that cannot be widely distributed, thus it is not available on EDHS
Official meeting documents are placed on the website, as they become available In-session documents are distributed on site and may include CRPs, and nonpapers Informal documents are often distributed outside the meeting room by Parties or observers
Located under "Start", the Documents section lists the most current documents a user has had open on his or her computer This list is usually limited to the last 10 documents opened
FAQ - Terms of Service - Billing Internet Basics - Internet Security - Internet Software - Downloading - Software Library - Glossary - Using Chat - Instant Messaging - Newsgroups System Setup - Win 3 1 - Win 95 - Win 98 - Win NT - Win CE - Mac - Web TV - Dreamcast - Other/Misc Mail Setup - Skyemail - Outlook Express - Outlook - Eudora - Pegasus - Netscape - Internet Mail - Other/Misc Browser Setup - MS Internet Explorer - Netscape Web Site - MS FrontPage - FTP - Creating a Site - Mail Forms Contact Information - Contact Form
are the full-text books, journal articles, dissertations, or manuscripts included in each culture file HRAF provides publication information (citation) for each document Documents may include graphics, figures, tables, bibliographic references, indexes, and appendices Documents included in the eHRAF Collection of Ethnography often cover aspects of cultural and social life- from basket making to infant toilet training to funeral rites Within the documents each full-text paragraph is indexed with 3 and 4-digit OCM subject codes, indicating the contents of a paragraph Documents can be searched for words or OCM subject codes using Text Search If you are looking for a work by a particular author you should use the eHRAF Source Bibliography Search
The characteristics and importance of the various documents associated with Import/Export operations are explained and illustrated in "Deciding on Documents"
In this case: specification, software design, user manual and sourcecode
are instruments for the communication of information, regardless of their physical form or characteristics They may be in the form of an impression on paper, a magnetic impulse, or a beam of light The word comes from the Latin for official paper or that which teaches Essentially, documents provide evidence or support of an action, condition, or entity
edit a document
{f} revise a document; review a document and make changes and corrections if necessary
historical document
paper which bears witness to an historic event
judicial document
document used in a court of law
legal document
(law) a document that states some contractual relationship or grants some right
notary document
document which has been certified by a notary public
official document
document issued by a government office
registration document
(British) vehicle registration document
set one's hand to the document
sign a document
stamped document
document that has an authoritative stamp sealing it
target document
OLE document which uses objects from the source document