On arriving at work, he went straight to his office.
Making no exceptions or deviations in one's support of the organization and candidates of a political party; as, a straight Republican; a straight Democrat; also, containing the names of all the regularly nominated candidates of a party and no others; as, a straight ballot
{i} straight line, line that is not curved; straight part, section that is not curved; sequence of five cards (Poker); heterosexual; one who is conventional or conservative
characterized by honesty and fairness; "a square deal"; "wanted to do the square thing"
The jaw folder folds each cut off piece of the web to produce a tabloid fold So the signatures come off the jaw cylinder spaced apart by 1/2 the cut off length See Collect
A straight line or edge continues in the same direction and does not bend or curve. Keep the boat in a straight line Using the straight edge as a guide, trim the cloth to size There wasn't a single straight wall in the building. Straight is also an adverb. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot
not homosexual erect in posture; "behind him sat old man Arthur; he was straight with something angry in his attitude"; "stood defiantly with unbowed back"
doğru, yalan olmayan: a straight answer doğru bir cevap
doğ·ru, ya·lan ol·ma·yan: a stra·igh·t ans·wer doğ·ru bir ce·vap