Directory Number This is the phone number of an end device It can be a number assigned to a Cisco IP Phone, a Cisco IP SoftPhone, fax machine, or analog phone attached to a gateway Examples include 1000 and 24231
Distinguished Name Each user entry in a directory has a unique distinguished name (DN) These are created by including an attribute which is known to be unique to the real world object For such as: cn=J Jones + voterCode=1117, l=Kalamazoo, st=Michigan, c=US
During Newton The period of time between the introduction of the Newton and its cancellation Generally agreed to be between August 2nd, 1993 and February 27th, 1998 See also AN and BN Source: NTLK
The LDAP directory service model is based on entries An entry is a collection of attributes that has a name, called a distinguished name (DN) The DN uniquely identifies an entry Entries are usually associated with individual users, but can represent other entities (for example, a conference room or a file server)
This is a tracking number that is assigned sequentially as datasets are identified by project personnel from contributions received Each project will have a unique prefix, such as "GED001" or "OI001 " This identifies the dataset and the first project it was associated with (it keeps the same number if used later in other projects) Because the ISD tracking system is purposely implemented with an undefined hierarchy (FE- and T-numbers), the dataset numbers must be assigned and tracked by the data manager The choice to embed a project identification code in this number is optional within the Division, but mandatory within the Ecosystems group