
listen to the pronunciation of distance-learning
İngilizce - Türkçe
(Eğitim) Uzaktan eğitim: Uzaktan eğitim öğrenci ile öğretmenin fiziksel olarak aynı ortamda olmaması durumunda kullanılan eğitim teknolojilerindendir. Eğitim teknolojisi tarafından incelenen bir fenomendir ve bu alanın eğitim bilimlerine yaptığı en büyük katkıdır. Uzaktan eğitim ile öğretmenler ve öğrenciler asenkron uzaktan eğitim (kendi seçtiği zamanlarda basılı veya elektronik ortamların el değiştirmesi) veya senkron uzaktan eğitim (eş zamanlı iletişimi sağlayan teknolojiler ile etkileşim) yöntemlerinden uygun ve mümkün olanını kullanarak eğitim çalışmalarını yürütebilirler
(Bilgisayar) teleeğitim
(Eğitim) tele-eğitim
tele eğitim
uzaktan eğitim
distance learning university
Uzaktan eğitim veren üniversite
İngilizce - İngilizce
education obtained remotely; often based on written correspondence material together with audio-visual material and sometimes summer schools and local tutorials
An option for earning course credit off-campus via cable television, Internet, satellite classes, videotapes, correspondence courses, or other means
A method of instruction delivered primarily by distance using forms of technology such as satellites, computers, tele-conferencing networks, televisions/radio broadcasts and other mechanisms Support programmes may be required involving the more conventional institution-based and face-to-face methods of learning but the key component of a distance learning programme is delivered outside the institution without face-to-face instruction
An option for earning course credit at off-campus locations via cable television, Internet, satellite classes, videotapes, correspondence courses, or other means
A formal educational process in which the major portion of the instruction occurs when the learner and the instructor are not in the same place at the same time
The use of technology to allow learners to receive education irrespective of time and location If they receive the education at the same time as it is offered in an on-campus learning environment, the offering is said to be synchronous (i e occurring at the same time) In most on-line learning situations the education is occurring asynchronously (i e the learners are not accessing the information at the same time it is offered nor at the same time that other learners may be accessing it)
Using technology - including radio, television, computer, or video -- to allow students in one location to participate in a class being offered at another location
A high-tech alternative to correspondence courses, these classes are offered via satellite or internet
Learning that takes place when the instructor and student are separated by space and/or time The gap between the two can be bridged through the use of technology - such as audio tapes, videoconferencing, satellite broadcasts and online technology - and/or more traditional delivery methods, such as the postal service
Education Week defines the term as the use of telecommunications technologies, including satellites, telephones and cable-television systems, to broadcast instruction from one central site to one or more remote locations Typically, a television image of a teacher is broadcast to students in remote locations; this may also be done using interactive videoconferencing More and more students and campuses are recognizing the value of online courses The industry has progressed a great extent, in securing reliable and effective systems to administer the courses
is defined as a formal educational process in which some or all of the instructional interaction occurs when student and instructor are not in the same place Distance learning delivery media may include the Web/Internet (often referred to as 'online'), print-based correspondence, television or radio broadcast, pre-recorded audio or video, or other computer technologies
Courses offered by correspondence and/or telecommunications (e g , videoconferencing, Internet)
Educational instruction carried out at a site other than the classroom where an instructor is located, typically via satellite or cable television and in real time
a means by which teaching / learning can be achieved over distances including (but not limited to) telecommunications such as the Internet, cable-television, videoconferencing, etc
(Ticaret) Systems that deliver education and training from a centralized source to remote locations. They may be real-time or periodic, and include methods for interaction, testing and student feedback
possibility offered by the implementation of the connection of schools to the Internet, in which students can be taught, via tele-conferencing and the passage of information over networks, while in a different geographic location from other students, as well as from their teacher
Instruction provided at a distance to students who do not come to the institution Traditional distance education uses printed materials and correspondence between the learner and the tutor Modern technology now allows the internet to improve this by the use of computer conferencing, and other communication between learners and teachers, using voice, video, and course materials on the web
Using technology such as two-way, interactive television, teacher and student(s) in different locations may communicate with one another as in a regular classroom setting
Term often used as synonymous with distance education, not strictly correctly since distance education includes teaching as well as learning
Education in which students take academic courses by accessing information and communicating with the instructor asynchronously over a computer network. Also called distance education. a method of study that involves working at home and sending your work to your teacher
- Teaching/learning that occurs off of a traditional campus through a variety of delivery forms, including audio, audio-graphic, satellite video, two-way videoconferencing, computer telecourse, internet wide area networks, local area networks or other electronic means
The integration of technology in educational courses whereby students may view and participate in lectures from various locations, or on an individual basis (using CD-ROMs, for instance) Various forms of computer-based communication (email, newsgroups, videoconferencing, electronic forums) may be used to facilitate class discussions, faculty "office hours," and communication among students and between faculty and students (See the Classroom Technology Services Web site )
Courses that are taught to students who are separated by time and/or space from the instructor Modes of delivery for these classes include: telecourses, online courses, video taped courses, correspondence courses, or live-interactive courses At GVSU, it refers to courses taught via the World Wide Web as well as Interactive Television (ITV)
Learning in your own base from correspondence type materials, including course units, books, videos, tapes and television Tutors and learners are generally separated by geographical distance and contact is usually by means of post or telephone
Learning through TV, radio, correspondence, computer network, CD-ROM, video and so on
A term encompassing all learning that takes place at locations remote from the point of instruction Distance learning may take the form of an instructor-led course delivered via satellite to multiple remote locations Distance learning may also be training applications delivered via computer networks to students at any network node Web-based training is one distance learning method in that the training application resides on a Web server while students may use the training from any location that can access the server
Learning through TV, radio, correspondence or via computer networks which takes place mainly at a distance from the educational institution responsible for the learning programme
method of studying from far away, system of learning from home (via the Internet or by sending assignments in the mail)