In the meantime, cut the bread into cubes and fry them in hot oil.
- Schneiden Sie in der Zwischenzeit die Brotscheiben in Würfel und braten Sie sie im heißen Öl.
He bought a lot of flour and oil.
- Er kaufte viel Mehl und Öl.
She has taken to painting in oils.
- Sie hat Gefallen gefunden an Ölmalerei.
His dying words were of his mother.
In the dying moments of daylight I glimpsed a sail on the horizon.
I am dying to do that.
Im Heime neben seiner sterbenden Mutter sitzend, bereute Tom, ihr kein besserer Sohn gewesen zu sein.
- As he sat next to his dying mother in the nursing home, Tom regretted not having been a better son to her.
Der sterbende Mann bemühte sich, etwas zu sagen, konnte es aber nicht.
- The dying man made an effort to say something, but could not.