(Askeri) EMANET HESABI, MEVDUAT HESABI: Tertip veya sarf kararın alınmasına intizaren elde tutulan paralarla, devlet tarafından, bir mali müessese veya banka gibi elde tutulan paraların alınması ve sarfı için tesis edilmiş bir hesap
(Askeri) ÖZEL MEVDUAT HESABI: ABD Hazine Genel Müdürlüğü nezdinde bir sayman tediye subayına (occountable disbursing officer) açılan geçici bir şahsi hesap. Bu hesaba, mezkur subayın resmi kredisine yatırılmak üzere tahsil edilen ve mahsup işlemi bekleyen paralar kaydedilir
İngilizce - İngilizce
deposit account teriminin İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı
An account in which money is deposited Examples include chequing and savings accounts
An account into which a person or entity can deposit funds in order to save them for future use; includes savings and checking accounts
An account with a bank or building society, which pays a variable rate of interest Higher rates are often available if you are willing to give notice before withdrawing your money
a savings account in which the deposit is held for a fixed term or in which withdrawals can be made only after giving notice or with loss of interest
Users may deposit $100 US or more with UnCover and order articles against this amount UnCover assigns a deposit account number and the user selects a deposit account password
A deposit account is a type of bank account where the money in it earns interest. a bank account that pays interest on the money that you leave in it checking account, current account. Either of two basic bank deposit accounts. The demand deposit is payable on demand (see check). Theoretically, the time deposit is payable only after a fixed interval of time; in practice, withdrawals from most small time-deposit accounts are paid on demand
Library deposits a sum of money with publisher or vendor in order to achieve financial savings by earning discount or bonus from vendor, or because the publisher requires a deposit prior to supplying materials
In the United States, a money market deposit account is a deposit account that is considered a savings account for some purposes, but upon which checks can typically be written, subject to certain restrictions