
listen to the pronunciation of zuhören
Deutsch - Türkisch
{'tsu: hö: rın} dinlemek
(Gramer) dinlemek (DATİVOBJEKT alır)
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von zuhören im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

{f} dinlemek

Linda müzik dinlemek için parka gitti. - Linda went to the park to listen to the music.

Müzik dinlemek çok eğlenceli. - It is a lot of fun to listen to music.


Dinledim fakat hiçbir şey duymadım. - I listened, but I didn't hear anything.

Sovyet Rusya'sında, radyo dinleyiciyi dinler! - In Soviet Russia, radio listens to the listener!

{f} to -i dinlemek, -e kulak vermek
kulak verme

Baylar bayanlar, görüşüme kulak vermenizi istiyorum. - Ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to listen to my opinion.

O, öğretmene hiç kulak vermez. - He never listens to the teacher.

kulak misafiri olmak
radyo dinlemek

Radyo dinlemek ister misin? - Do you want to listen to the radio?

Radyo dinlemek hoşuma gidiyor. - I like listening to the radio.

listening post düşman hattına yakın dinleme noktası

Çocuklar masal dinlemeyi sever. - The children love listening to fairy tales.

Klasik müzik dinlemeyi severim. - I like to listen to classical music.

{f} kulak asmak
listen in başkasının konuşmasını dinlemek
Deutsch - Englisch

The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is so that we may listen more and talk less. - Der Grund, dass wir zwei Ohren und nur einen Mund haben ist, dass wir mehr zuhören und weniger sprechen sollten.

Will you listen to me for a few minutes? - Wollen Sie mir ein paar Minuten zuhören?

To pay attention to a sound, to note

I like to listen to music.

{v} to hearken, hear, attend to, heed, mind
To hear (something), to pay attention to something said
If you listen to someone who is talking or to a sound, you give your attention to them or it. He spent his time listening to the radio Sonia was not listening. + listener listeners lis·ten·er One or two listeners had fallen asleep while the President was speaking
hear with intention; "Listen to the sound of this cello" listen and pay attention; "Listen to your father"; "We must hear the expert before we make a decision
To wait for a sound, such as a signal
You say listen when you want someone to pay attention to you because you are going to say something important. Listen, I finish at one. = look. a listen an act of listening
If you listen for a sound, you keep alert and are ready to hear it if it occurs. We listen for footsteps approaching They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you? Listen out means the same as listen. I didn't really listen out for the lyrics
To give heed; to yield to advice; to follow admonition; to obey
listen and pay attention; "Listen to your father"; "We must hear the expert before we make a decision
To accept or obey oral instruction
pay close attention to; give heed to; "Heed the advice of the old men"
To attend to
To give close attention with the purpose of hearing; to give ear; to hearken; to attend
hear with intention; "Listen to the sound of this cello"
{f} try to hear something; pay careful attention to one who is speaking; obey, heed
Er kann gut zuhören.
He is a good listener
aufmerksam zuhören
to listen with close attention
jdm. zuhören
to listen to somebody/sth