a vestigial organ; a non-functional organ or body part that was once functional in an evolutionary ancestor
This idea was confirmed by Scott, who performed a detailed comparative analysis of primate anatomy and demonstrated conclusively that the appendix is derived for some unidentified function and is not a vestige.
A faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer present; remains
A small, degenerate, or imperfectly developed part or organ which has been more fully developed in some past generation
{i} sign, mark, trace; remnant; undeveloped remains of a body part or an organ that was healthy and functional in a previous stage of development (Biology)
The mark of the foot left on the earth; a track or footstep; a trace; a sign; hence, a faint mark or visible sign left by something which is lost, or has perished, or is no longer present; remains; as, the vestiges of ancient magnificence in Palmyra; vestiges of former population
A vestige of something is a very small part that still remains of something that was once much larger or more important. We represent the last vestige of what made this nation great -- hard work
an indication that something has been present; "there wasn't a trace of evidence for the claim"; "a tincture of condescension"
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za·man·la kü·çül·müş ve gö·re·vi·ni yi·tir·miş o·lan