
listen to the pronunciation of you-don
Englisch - Türkisch

Definition von you-don im Englisch Türkisch wörterbuch

You don't say
{k} Yok canım!
don't bite off more than you can chew
(deyim) boyundan büyük işlere kalkışma
if you don't mind
eğer sizin için sakıncası yoksa
If you don't mind
sizce bir sakıncası yoksa
A thing you don't want is dear at any price
(Atasözü) Deve bir akçaya , deve bin akçaya
Don't bite off more than you can chew
(Atasözü) Çiğneyebileceğinden fazlasını ısırma
Don't cross the bridge before you get there
(Atasözü) Dereyi görmeden paçaları sıvama
Don't make a martyr sigh you will pay for it by and by
(Atasözü) Alma mazlumun ahını, çıkar aheste aheste
Don´t you have any manners?
Sende hiç terbiye yok mu?
If you don´t like it you can lump it
k. dili Beğensen de bir, beğenmesen de
If you don´t mind, ...
Müsaade ederseniz .../İzin verirseniz .../İzninizle
don't you dare
Eğer cesaret yok
i don't get you
seni alamadım
i don't understand you
seni anlamıyorum
if you don't mind
zahmet olmazsa
if you don't wish
Eğer istemiyorsanız
if you please, if you don't mind
lütfen, sakıncası yoksa eğer
you don't have engough coins to buy this
bunu almak için yeterli bozuğun yok
you don't say
Don't you have any
Sende hiç terbiye yok mu?
don't let it get to you
kafana takma
don't let it get to you
kendini çok yıpratma
don't let it get to you
kendini çok üzme
don't let it get to you
seni üzmesine izin verme
don't you dare to
cüret edeyim deme
don't you dare to
sakın kalkışma
if you don't like it
{k} Beğensen de bir, beğenmesen de. If you don't mind, .... Müsaade ederseniz .../İzin verirseniz .../İzninizle
if you don't mind
sakıncası yoksa
if you don't mind
sizin için de uygunsa
if you don't mind
müsaade ederseniz
if you don't mind
mahzuru yoksa
if you don't mind
sizin için uygunsa
why don't you say so
öyle desene
Englisch - Englisch

Definition von you-don im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

don't call us, we'll call you
A stereotypical request from a hiring organisation to a potential candidate, suggesting that the candidate will not be hired
don't let the door hit you on the way out
Used to indicate that one is glad to see someone leaving
don't shit where you eat
Refers the principle that one shouldn't cause problems in a place or situation that one finds oneself in often, as one will be negatively affected by these problems
you don't dip your pen in company ink
One should avoid romantic relationships in the workplace

It wasn't money that attracted his current wife, Madeleine Deininger, who started working for Ravenswood in 1985. . . . We had the policy that you don't dip your pen in company ink. We stayed good friends for a long time, Peterson says.

you don't dip your pen in the company inkwell
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't dip your pen in the company's ink
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't dip your pen in the inkwell
Alternative form of you don't dip your pen in company ink
you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows
You don't need an expert to tell you what you already know
you don't say
really?; no kidding!; is that so?

Hey, guess what? There's a country called Brazil! You don't say..

I don't get you
I don't understand you, I cannot comprehend what you are saying
I don't want anything to do with you
I don't want to be in any way connected to you, I don't ever want to see you again
don't bite the hand that feeds you
don't break off ties with the people who help you
don't cross the bridge until you come to it
do not anticipate problems, do not worry about something until it happens
if you don't mind
in the case that it does not bother you
if you don't want
if you don't wish, if you don't require, if you are not interested
if you don't wish
if you don't want, if you don't require, if you don't desire
why don't you find a job
what is the reason that you are not seeking employment; (Figurative) why don't you stop acting so lazy
you don't have the guts
you aren't brave enough
you don't know what you are saying
you're talking trash, you're talking foolishly, your words are highly illogical
you don't say!
what are you saying, what are you talking about


    ... things for you so you don't have to think about it. ...
    ... so i decided to you don't use a little bit of africa colombian after carrying ...