A made-up word that is not a part of normal, everyday vocabulary Often Shakespeare invented new words in his place for artistic reasons For instance, "I hold her as a thing enskied " The word enskied implies that the girl should be placed in the heavens Other Shakespearean examples include climature (a mix between climate and temperature) and abyssm (a mix between abyss and chasm), and compounded verbs like outface or unking Contrast with kenning, above Occasionally, the neologism is so useful it becomes a part of common usage, such as the word new-fangled that Chaucer invented in the 1300s A neologism may be considered either a rhetorical scheme or a rhetorical trope, depending upon whose scholarly definition the reader trusts See compounding
A neologism is a new word or expression in a language, or a new meaning for an existing word or expression. The newspaper used the neologism `dinks', Double Income No Kids. a new word or expression, or a word used with a new meaning = coinage (néologisme, from neo- ( NEO-) + - logos )