Definition von yasalaştırma im Türkisch Englisch wörterbuch
- (Hukuk) enactment
- A piece of legislation that has been properly authorized by a legislative body
The enactments passed by the council that year included sweeping reforms.
- The act of enacting, or the state of being enacted
The enactment of this law will be a great step backward for our country.
- Final passage of a bill by the House or Senate
- acting the part of a character on stage; dramaticially representing the character by speech and action and gesture
- When a piece of legislation has passed the United State House of Representatives and the United States Senate, the two bodies then get together and agree in "conference" to send the legislation to the President If the President signs the legislation it becomes a law Most pieces of legislation are enacted or take effect immediately Some, however, have starting dates that apply in the future and some pieces of legislation also apply to the past or retroactively
- the passing of a law by a legislative body
- a legal document codifying the result of deliberations of a committee or society or legislative body
- {i} legislation, decree; representation, performance
- The enactment of a law is the process in a parliament or other law-making body by which the law is agreed upon and made official. We support the call for the enactment of a Bill of Rights
- A law or a statute; a document which is published as an enforceable set of written rules is said to be "enacted"
- That which is enacted or passed into a law; a law; a decree; a statute; a prescribed requirement; as, a prohibitory enactment; a social enactment
- The enactment of a play or story is the performance of it by an actor or group of actors. The main building was also used for the enactment of mystery plays. = performance
- The passing of a bill into a law; the giving of legislative sanction and executive approval to a bill whereby it is established as a law
- The act of enacting, the state of being enacted, or something that has been enacted
- An item of legislation adopted by the council which amends the RI constitution or bylaws or the standard Rotary club constitution See also Resolution
- According to the information systems approach to organizations, proactive communication in which members of an organization invent their environment rather than merely discover it; action that is a precondition for sensemaking
- yasa
- statute
- yasa
- code
The school's dress code prohibits dyeing your hair a non-natural color.
- Okulun kıyafet kodu saçınızı doğal olmayan bir rengi boyamanızı yasaklıyor.
The Code of Hammurabi is one of the world's most ancient legal codes.
- Hammurabi kanunu dünyanın en eski yasal kanunlarından biridir.
- yasa
- (Hukuk) law
Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
- Yasalar örümcek ağı gibidir, küçük sinekleri yakalayabilirler fakat yaban arısı ve eşek arılarının geçmesine izin verirler.
Newton established the law of gravity.
- Newton yerçekimi yasasını kanıtlamıştır.
- yasa
- act
Tom claimed that he didn't know his beach house was being used for illegal activities.
- Tom deniz evinin yasa dışı eylemler için kullanıldığını bilmediğini iddia etti.
In 1862, Congress had passed the Homestead Act.
- 1862'de Kongre Homstead Yasasını geçirmişti.
- yasa
- (a) law
- yasa
- (Ticaret) code of conduct
- yasa
- legislation
Southern senators blocked anti-lynching legislation through the 1930s.
- Güney senatörleri 1930'lu yıllara kadar linç önleme yasasını engelledi.
Our surveys indicate that the public would support the proposed legislation.
- Bizim anketler halkın önerilen yasayı destekleyeceğini göstermektedir.
- yasa
- rule
There is a very strict rule forbidding smoking in bed.
- Yatakta sigara içmeyi yasaklayan çok sıkı bir kural var.
The Supreme Court ruled that the law was illegal.
- Yargıtay yasanın yasa dışı olduğuna karar verdi.
- yasa
- (Latin) lex
- yasa
- annul
- yasa
- ordinance
- yasa
- constitution
The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified in 1868.
- ABD Anayasasında 14. yasa değişiklikliği 1868 yılında onaylanmıştır.
We need to uphold laws against discrimination — in hiring, and in housing, and in education, and in the criminal justice system. That is what our Constitution and highest ideals require.
- Ayrımcılığa karşı yasaları, işe alma, konut edinme, eğitim ve ceza adalet sistemini de desteklemeliyiz. Anayasa ve en üst düzey ideallerimiz gerektirdiği budur.
- yasa
- enactment
- yasa
- legislate
- yasa
- the law
You have to abide by the laws.
- Yasalara uymak zorundasın.
We ought to obey the law.
- Biz yasaya itaat etmeliyiz.
- yasa
- act of congress
- yasa
- regulation
- yasa
- law, act kanun
- yasa
- enaction
- yasa
- code of laws, law code
- yasalaştırmak
- to make or cause (something) to become law
- yasalaştırmak
- to make lawful kanunlaştırmak
- yasalaştırmak
- {f} enact