yarışma pisti

listen to the pronunciation of yarışma pisti
Türkisch - Englisch
Lists are catorgories of information They can be spaced out by bullets, numbers, letters, or astericks
name for the field where the combat activities are held at and event
Email linked special interest groups Bi-directional lists enable subscribers to discuss various topics via email Uni-directional lists support mailings to a group of interested subscribers but do not permit the subscribers to send their own messages to the list
Always plural, the term designates the border of the field on which a tournament is held and by extension the field itself and the roster of fighters who take part in it (See Eric )
Lists are records from databases or tables, which usually show summary information Edit objects can be launched from lists
The lists command can be sent to the Majordomo server by anyone The response contains the names of all advertised mailing lists on the system
When publishing professionals talk about a "list," they are referring to the books designated for publication for any given selling season Most often, publishers offer new lists twice every year--spring and fall
E-mail linked special interest groups on Internet Some lists are moderated; others feature free-wheeling conversations and controversy
{i} arena (for knights' tournaments, contests, battles, etc.)
List with has two parts: a term and a definition such as in this document
A list is simply a collection of "things" that you wish to work with as a group Evolution allows you to create many different types of lists A General List allows you to have a collection of various types of files from all over your system Similar to a General List, a Group Launch List allows you to have a collection of files, but clicking on a Group Launch List automatically launches (runs) every file in the list A Play List is a list of sound files you wish to collect into a related group Clicking on a Play List will cause the sound files to be played by Evolution according to their order in the list Session Lists allow you to collect a list of Play Lists which are launched when the Session List icon is clicked And finally, a Desktop List allows you to make a collection of existing Evolution Desktops
plural of list
third person singular present tense of the verb to list
Mailing lists serve a similar purpose to newsgroups: they're both excellent ways to stay in-the-know
Semi-annual (or more frequent) groups of books produced by a publishers, announced and placed in a catalot together A publisher's list is simply the books that company produces
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