
listen to the pronunciation of yapmadı
Türkisch - Englisch
Direct Inward Dialing A feature that allows an outside caller to dial a phone number that will ring directly to a specific party instead of calling a main phone number Each workstation is assigned a direct phone number
When a call is received over the DID circuit it is preceded by a packet of information containing the number that was dialed The on premises phone system decodes this information and routes the call to the extension that has been programmed to coincide with the number dialed The benefit to the consumer is a pooled access group for incoming calls so that dedicated lines are not required to provide numerous individual telephones with direct access availability
Direct Inward Dialing
of Do
Did is the past tense of do. Past tense of do. the past tense of do
(Direct Inward Dialing) A Centrex or PBX optional feature that permits outside callers to dial an internal station without operator assistance
Direct inward dialing is a capability that allows one to dial inside a company directly without going through the attendant Used to be an exclusive feature of Centrex, but is now provided by almost all PBXs One must connect via specially configured DID lines from the CO
Data Item Description
General Destination identifier
Each person in an organization has their own ten-digit telephone number, instead of having to be answered by an on-site operator
Direct inward dialing A phone system function in which calls are routed directly to specific extensions without first being routed by an attendant
simple past of do
Direct Inward Dialing A feature of modern PBXs that allows outside callers to ring an extension inside an organization's telephone network directly, while bypassing the PBX voice mail system
Not alive Usage: "He's did, Jim "
Direct Inward Dialing Allows a single phone line to handle multiple incoming phone numbers
Destination IDentification
Data Interface Dictionary
Direct Inward Dialing is similar to caller ID except it tells the phone number dialed instead of the phone number of the calling party
  Abbreviation for direct inward dialing
Direct Indialing (random Access)

Did you do it by yourself? - Onu kendin mi yaptın?

You didn't do a very good job, I said. - Çok iyi bir iş yapmadığını söyledim.


She doesn't know who built those houses. - O bu evleri kimin yaptığını bilmiyor.

Why doesn't anybody translate my sentences? - Neden kimse cümlelerimin çevirisini yapmıyor?

{f} doing

I'm doing it for you. - Bunu senin için yapıyorum.

You know what my idiot son's doing? Even now he's graduated from university he spends all his time playing pachinko instead of getting a job. - Aptal oğlumun ne yaptığını biliyor musun? Şimdi bile o üniversiteden mezun olup iş bulmak yerine tüm zamanını pachinko oynayarak geçiriyor.

(Bilgisayar) do it

You must do it yourself. - Onu kendin yapmalısın.

I want to do it myself. - Onu kendim yapmak istiyorum.

made of

I want a suit made of this material. - Bu kumaştan yapılmış bir takım elbise istiyorum.

This table is made of wood. - Bu masa tahtadan yapılmıştır.

{f} making

He is afraid of making mistakes. - Hata yapmaktan korkuyor.

Don't be afraid of making mistakes. - Hatalar yapmaktan korkmayın.

{f} performing

Tom saved Mary's life by performing the Heimlich maneuver. - Tom Heimlich manevrasını yaparak Mary'nin hayatını kurtardı.

Dr. Jackson is performing an autopsy. - Dr. Jackson otopsi yapıyor.

hold in
{f} done

If it had not been for her help, you would never have done it. - Onun yardımı olmasaydı asla onu yapamazdın.

She can't have done such a thing. - O öyle bir şey yapmış olamaz.

made up

A molecule is made up of atoms. - Bir molekül atomlardan yapılmıştır.

Tom has made up his mind to go to Boston to study. - Tom öğrenim yapmak için Boston'a gitmeye karar verdi.

{f} make of

I'm not quite sure what to make of this. - Bununla ilgili ne yapacağımdan pek emin değilim.

Tom doesn't know what to make of this. - Tom bunun hakkında ne yapacağını bilmiyor.

held in

Before the match, an opening ceremony was held in the Yoyogi stadium. - Maçtan önce Yoyogi stadyumunda bir açılış töreni yapıldı.

The conference is to be held in Tokyo the day after tomorrow. - Konferans öbür gün yapılacak.


The committee had a long session. - Komite uzun bir oturum yaptı.

They voted to create a committee. - Bir komite oluşturmak için oylama yaptılar.

{f} made

Butter is made from cream. - Tereyağı kaymaktan yapılır.

She made coffee for all of us. - O hepimiz için kahve yaptı.


A good daughter will make a good wife. - İyi bir kız çocuğu, iyi bir eş yapacaktır.

The teacher is angry, so please do not make noise in the classroom! - Öğretmen kızgın, bu nedenle lütfen sınıfta gürültü yapmayın!


He committed a gaffe when he asked whether she was pregnant. - O onun hamile olup olmadığını sorduğunda gaf yaptı.

Many atrocities were committed during the war. - Savaş boyunca birçok zulüm yapıldı.

Englisch - Englisch

Definition von yapmadı im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

An atoll in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia
To bark; to yelp
informal terms for the mouth
A badly behaved child, a brat
A bark; a yelp
To talk, especially excessively
{f} yelp, bark; talk noisily or foolishly; chatter
The mouth, which produces speech
An informal talk
{i} yelp, bark; chatter, foolish talk; uncouth person; mouth (Slang)
The high-pitched bark of a small dog
Of a small dog, to bark
If a small dog yaps, it makes short loud sounds in an excited way. The little dog yapped frantically. An island group and state of the Federated States of Micronesia in the western Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. Discovered by the Spanish in 1791, it became part of a Japanese mandate after 1920 and fell to U.S. forces in 1945. the sound a small dog makes when it yaps
bark in a high-pitched tone; "the puppies yelped"
Dänisch - Türkisch

Definition von yapmadı im Dänisch Türkisch wörterbuch
