
listen to the pronunciation of yapabildi
Türkisch - Englisch

It was all I could do to keep standing. - Yapabildiğim bütün şey ayakta durmaya devam etmekti.

I wish there was more I could've done. - Keşke yapabildiğimden daha fazlası olsa.

Simple past of can

Before I was blind, I could see very well.

could WEAK STRONG Could is a modal verb. It is used with the base form of a verb. Could is sometimes considered to be the past form of can, but in this dictionary the two words are dealt with separately
You use could to indicate that someone had the ability to do something. You use could not or couldn't to say that someone was unable to do something. For my return journey, I felt I could afford the extra and travel first class I could see that something was terribly wrong When I left school at 16, I couldn't read or write There was no way she could have coped with a baby around
Used to suggest something
You use could to indicate that something sometimes happened. Though he had a temper and could be nasty, it never lasted He could be very pleasant when he wanted to
You use could when you are saying that one thing or situation resembles another. The charming characters she draws look like they could have walked out of the 1920s
politeness People sometimes use structures with if I could or could I as polite ways of interrupting someone or of introducing what they are going to say next. Well, if I could just interject Could I ask you if there have been any further problems? First of all, could I begin with an apology for a mistake I made last week? = may
You use could have to indicate that something was a possibility in the past, although it did not actually happen. He could have made a fortune as a lawyer He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he could have expressed it differently
Used to show the possibility that something might happen
emphasis You use could not or couldn't with comparatives to emphasize that someone or something has as much as is possible of a particular quality. For example, if you say `I couldn't be happier', you mean that you are extremely happy. The rest of the players are a great bunch of lads and I couldn't be happier The news couldn't have come at a better time
You use could not or couldn't to indicate that it is not possible that something is true. Anne couldn't be expected to understand the situation He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old
You use could, or couldn't in questions, when you are making offers and suggestions. I could call the local doctor You could look for a career abroad where environmental jobs are better paid and more secure It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days
Used to politely ask for permission to do something
could do with: see do
Used to politely ask for someone else to do something
politeness You use could in questions when you are making a polite request or asking for permission to do something. Speakers sometimes use couldn't instead of `could' to show that they realize that their request may be refused. Could I stay tonight? Could I speak to you in private a moment, John? He asked if he could have a cup of coffee Couldn't I watch you do it?
You use could after `if' when talking about something that you do not have the ability or opportunity to do, but which you are imagining in order to consider what the likely consequences might be. If I could afford it I'd have four television sets If only I could get some sleep, I would be able to cope
Used as an auxiliary, in the past tense or in the conditional present
Pourrait Demande polie Passé de Can (possibilité - capacité) Could you slow down? He could not stay there

The girl did nothing but cry. - Kız ağlamaktan başka bir şey yapmıyor.

You didn't do a very good job, I said. - Çok iyi bir iş yapmadığını söyledim.


Why doesn't anybody translate my sentences? - Neden kimse cümlelerimin çevirisini yapmıyor?

She doesn't know who built those houses. - O bu evleri kimin yaptığını bilmiyor.

{f} doing

I'm doing this for you. - Bunu senin için yapıyorum.

I'm doing it for you. - Bunu senin için yapıyorum.

(Bilgisayar) do it

I want to do it myself. - Onu kendim yapmak istiyorum.

You must do it yourself. - Onu kendin yapmalısın.

made of

In ethnic Iranian foods, you can see many products which are made of milk. - Etnik İran gıdalarında, sütten yapılan birçok ürün görebilirsiniz.

This table is made of wood. - Bu masa tahtadan yapılmıştır.

{f} making

Making such a judgement may lead to wrong ideas. - Öyle bir yargılama yapmak yanlış fikirlere yönlendirebilir.

Tom worries about making mistakes at work. - Tom, iş yaparken yapılan hatalardan endişeleniyor.

{f} performing

The coroner is performing an autopsy on Tom to find out why he died. - Adli tabip onun neden öldüğünü bulmak için Tom üzerinde bir otopsi yapıyor.

They assisted him in performing the operation. - Onlar onun operasyonu yapmasında yardım etti.

hold in
{f} done

It can be done in a day. - O, bir günde yapılabilir.

Having done my homework, I watched the baseball game on television. - Ev ödevimi yaptıktan sonra ,televizyonda beyzbol oyununu izledim.

made up

She made up her face in 20 minutes. - O, 20 dakika içinde yüzüne makyaj yaptı.

She has made up her mind to go to America to study. - O, eğitim yapmak için Amerika'ya gitmeye karar verdi.

{f} make of

Tom and Mary aren't quite sure what to make of this. - Tom ve Mary, bununla ilgili ne yapacaklarından pek emin değildir.

What do you make of that? - Onunla ilgili ne yaparsın?

held in

Rio's carnival is held in February. - Rio karnavalı şubat ayında yapılır.

The conference is to be held in Tokyo the day after tomorrow. - Konferans öbür gün yapılacak.


They made John chairman of the committee. - Onlar John'ı komite başkanı yaptı.

The committee had a long session. - Komite uzun bir oturum yaptı.

{f} made

Butter is made from cream. - Tereyağı kaymaktan yapılır.

Bottles of beer are made of glass. - Bira şişeleri camdan yapılır.


The teacher is angry, so please do not make noise in the classroom! - Öğretmen kızgın, bu nedenle lütfen sınıfta gürültü yapmayın!

The baby is asleep. Don't make a noise. - Bebek uyuyor. Gürültü yapmayın.


Many atrocities were committed during the war. - Savaş boyunca birçok zulüm yapıldı.

He committed an illegal act. - O, yasa dışı bir eylem yaptı.

Englisch - Englisch

Definition von yapabildi im Englisch Englisch wörterbuch

An atoll in the Caroline Islands of western Micronesia
To bark; to yelp
informal terms for the mouth
A badly behaved child, a brat
A bark; a yelp
To talk, especially excessively
{f} yelp, bark; talk noisily or foolishly; chatter
The mouth, which produces speech
An informal talk
{i} yelp, bark; chatter, foolish talk; uncouth person; mouth (Slang)
The high-pitched bark of a small dog
Of a small dog, to bark
If a small dog yaps, it makes short loud sounds in an excited way. The little dog yapped frantically. An island group and state of the Federated States of Micronesia in the western Caroline Islands of the western Pacific Ocean. Discovered by the Spanish in 1791, it became part of a Japanese mandate after 1920 and fell to U.S. forces in 1945. the sound a small dog makes when it yaps
bark in a high-pitched tone; "the puppies yelped"
Dänisch - Türkisch

Definition von yapabildi im Dänisch Türkisch wörterbuch
